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人际交往 interpersonal communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-14 19:46:37


人际交往 interpersonal communication英语短句 例句大全

人际交往,interpersonal communication

1)interpersonal communication人际交往

1.Investigation on causes and countermeasures ofinterpersonal communication problems in college students;大学生人际交往困扰成因及对策探讨

2.Research on Cognitive Adjustment to Improve the Interpersonal Communication Ability of the Students Majoring in Pharmacy;认知调节对提高药学生人际交往能力的探索

3.Consideration on traininginterpersonal communication ability in freshmen;如何培养大学新生人际交往能力的思考


1.Interpersonal Association among Chinese Acquaintances in Modern Times--A Discussion of Changes of Interpersonal Trust and Association Rules;当代中国熟人间的人际交往——对人际信任和交往法则变迁的探讨

2.Researches on Influence of Interpersonal Communication Training on Communicative Competence among People and Psychological Health Level of Students;人际交往训练影响大学生人际交往能力、心理健康水平的研究

3.Effect of the Training of Interpersonal Communication on College Students Ability of Interpersonal Communication and the Standard of Psychological Health;人际交往训练对大学生人际交往能力及心理健康水平的影响

4.The impact of Internet-based Interaction on the mode of Chinese interpersonal relationship;网络人际交往对中国人际关系模式的影响

5.The Application of Interpersonal Attraction Theory in Interpersonal Communications among College Students;人际吸引理论在大学生人际交往中的应用

6.An unsociable atmosphere.一种不利于人际交往的气氛

7.College students" interpersonal interaction has some particularity.大学新生人际交往具有一定的特殊性。

8.Good communication and people skill.良好的沟通能力和人际交往能力。

9.Linking-up plays an important role in communication.沟通在人际交往中发挥着重要的作用。

10.A Study on the Group Counseling of the Interpersonal Communication for the Male Criminals;男性成年犯人际交往的团体干预研究

11.Analysis about the Characters of Interpersonal Social Contact among The Children in Single-Parent Family;单亲家庭子女人际交往——互动特征分析

12.A Discussion on the Inferiority in Interpersonal Relations of College Students;试论高职生在人际交往中的自卑心理

13.Construction of Harmonious Society on the Basis of Developing Chinese Traditional Virtue;中华传统文化中人际交往的和谐之美

14.The Application on Group Counseling of Interpersonal Communication at Local colleges;人际交往团体辅导在地方高校的应用

15.Investigation on causes and countermeasures of interpersonal communication problems in college students;大学生人际交往困扰成因及对策探讨

16.Harmonize human communication,promote campus harmoniously;协调人际交往 营造和谐校园氛围

17.Implicit Learning and the Improvement of College Students Competence for Human Communication;内隐学习与大学生人际交往技能培养

18.Good Interpersonal Relationship;良好的人际交往——安身立命之箴言


Human communication人际交往

1.Ways of human communication on internet and their influences;网络空间的人际交往方式及其影响

2.On Human Communication for Normal Undergraduates during Teaching Practice;师范生教育实习中的人际交往

3.Brief analysis of cognition bias in the course of human communication;人际交往中的认知偏差简析

3)Interpersonal relationship人际交往

1.The Interpersonal Relationship and Social Networks of Residents in the District of Xiaoshan;萧山居民的人际交往与社会网络

2.The importance of the interpersonal relationships in sports was discussed in this paper.论述了人际交往在体育运动中的重要作用,强调如何恰当、合理、有效地处理好人际关系,提高工作热情与效率。

3.Using 200 university students as subject,this study explored the relationship between emotional regulation and interpersonal relationship.以200名大学生为被试研究了情绪调节方式的特点及其对人际交往的影响。

4)interpersonal interaction人际交往

1.This paper analyzes about some existent problems ofinterpersonal interaction for new schoolmates in college ,and gives some advices backwards its origi本文就高校新生在人际交往中存在的一些问题进项阐述,并追溯其产生的根源,并如何克服这些问题提出了一些建议和意见。

2.Especially, the unique character of Internet, which is different from the physical environment in real world, provides people with a new social space forinterpersonal interaction.互联网的发展已经远远超出了其作为信息传递和信息共享工具的功能,正在对人们的工作、娱乐、交往、消费、学习等产生越来越大的影响,其所具有的不同于现实人际交往的物理环境的独特特征,为现实生活中的人们提供了一个全新的交往空间,似乎将瓦解现实社会生活中基于面对面的人际交往而形成的人际关系模式。

3.College students, as youngsters, have a strong desire forinterpersonal interaction, and a harmonious interpersonal relationship will faciliate their healthy growth.青年期的大学生渴望人际交往,大学校园里建立起和谐的人际关系有助于大学生的健康成长。


1.This artcle explores the indications of physical rules tointercourse.探讨了物理规律对人际交往的一些启示。

2.The Internet overcomes the traditional interpersonal constraints in time and space,enlarges theintercourse spaces,increases theintercourse methods,and eliminates the social factors which hinder the interpersonalintercourse.网络克服了传统人际交往的时空限制,扩大了人们的交往空间,扩展了人们的交往手段,消除了妨碍人际交往的社会性因素等,同时也带来诸如人际信任危机、人际情感疏远和人际交往失范等负面影响。

3.A soundintercourse among people is one of the necessary conditions for people s survival and development.良好的人际交往是人们生存和发展的必要条件。

6)outlooks on the interpersonal communication人际交往观


