100字范文 > 自我情绪性 Self-emotional英语短句 例句大全

自我情绪性 Self-emotional英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-11 21:51:45


自我情绪性 Self-emotional英语短句 例句大全



2)self-conscious emotions自我意识情绪

1.There are rationships and differences between the feeling of pride and otherself-conscious emotions, such as shame,guilt and embarrassment.自豪感是近年来备受关注的一种自我意识情绪,通常在目标达成或任务成功完成时,由自我评价或他人评价基础上产生。


1.A Cross-cultural Research on Self-Conscious Emotions of Chinese and American College Students中美大学生自我意识情绪跨文化研究

2.A controlled study on the psychological characteristics of children with leukemia and their parents白血病患儿情绪 自我意识及其父母情绪特点的对照研究

3.Self-Consciousness of Gifted Senior School Student and the Impact on Emotion超常高中生自我意识及其对情绪的影响

4.Effect on Self-consciousness of the Teenagers by Inducing Positive Emotion诱发正向情绪对青少年自我意识的影响

5.Self-awareness,Affection States and Behavioral Problems in Middle School Students of Boarding School寄宿制重点初中学生自我意识、情绪状态与行为问题

6.The Relationship Between Emotion and Self-Concept of the Middle School Students of Zang Nationality Who Study in Shanghai;在沪就读藏族初中学生情绪和自我意识相关性研究

7.These memories and feelings have been stored there from the moment of our birth. Our conscious mind has forgotten them.这些记忆和情绪自我们出生之日起就已经储存在那儿了,而我们有意识的大脑却已将它们遗忘,

8.the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion.有意识的、主观的情绪或情感。

9.an excessive feeling of self-satisfaction.过分的自我满足的情绪。

10.Different SOA Study of Subliminal Emotional Conflicts不同SOA条件下无意识情绪冲突研究

11.Can One Feel Visual Emotion Without Attention and Consciousness?The Confused Finding and Its Origins;视觉情绪知觉需要注意和意识吗?困惑及其原因

12.I"ve been feeling low since my girlfriend left me。自从女朋友离我而去,我一直情绪不高。

13.The new worlds Freud explored were inside man himself. For the unconscious mind is like a deep well, full of memories and feelings.弗洛伊德探索的新世界是人自身的内心世界,因为潜意识就像一口深井,装满了各种记忆和情绪。

14.She realized that her anger at doing the numbers-the income statement and balance sheet-came from her embarrassment of not understanding them.她意识到对于数字的愤怒情绪来源于自己不懂得收入表和资产负债表中这些数字的含义。

15.(5) the factor of "self-esteem" has an obvious relationship with the Neuroticism scale of EPQ;(5)自我认识的“自尊因素”与EPQ量表的情绪稳定性(N量表)呈现显著性负相关;

16.National affairs , national consciousness and nationalism emotion民族问题中的民族意识和民族主义情绪

17.They are really not aware that something is wrong with their mood.他们真的未意识到他们的情绪出了问题。

18.We mustn" t slide into complacency.我们决不可产生自满情绪.


self-conscious emotions自我意识情绪

1.There are rationships and differences between the feeling of pride and otherself-conscious emotions, such as shame,guilt and embarrassment.自豪感是近年来备受关注的一种自我意识情绪,通常在目标达成或任务成功完成时,由自我评价或他人评价基础上产生。

3)Self-rating emotion情绪自我评定

4)self-control of emotions自我控制情绪

5)emotional self-adjustment自我情绪调整

6)self-education of emotion情绪自我教育


