100字范文 > 情绪性工作 emotional work英语短句 例句大全

情绪性工作 emotional work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 01:42:32


情绪性工作 emotional work英语短句 例句大全

情绪性工作,emotional work

1)emotional work情绪性工作

1.This paper summarizes the history of research on emotional management,in troduces the development of research on the relationship betweenemotional work,emotional intelligence and work performance and on the function and mechanism of emotional events.文章综述了组织中情感管理研究的历史进程,介绍了情绪性工作、情绪智力与工作绩效的关系和情感事件的作用机制等主要研究方向的进展状况,在此基础上,指出情感己上升为人员管理研究领域中的重要问题。


1.Research on Emotion Work and Its Enlightenment to Hotel Management;情绪性工作研究及其对酒店管理的启示

2.On Maintaining Teachers" Mental Health from the Perspective of Emotional Labor从情绪性工作的角度促进教师心理健康

3.The Mechanism of the Effect of NA on Work Stress;负性情绪在工作压力作用中机制的研究

4.Customer (in) Justice and Employee"s Emotion Work: The Mediation Effect of Emotion顾客公平与员工情绪工作:情绪的中介作用

5.A study on the relationship between emotional stability and working performance in flying cadets;飞行学员情绪稳定性与工作绩效的关系研究

6.The Role of Emotional Stability and Emotion Acknowledgment in the Generation of the Mood-Congruence Effect情绪稳定性与情绪关注在情绪一致性效应产生中的作用

7.The Relationship among Emotional Labor, Emotional Intelligence and Job Burnout情绪劳动、情绪智力与工作倦怠的关系研究

8.The Relationship among Emotion Work Strategies,Characters and Job Satisfaction in Primary and Middle School Teachers中小学教师情绪工作策略及特性与工作满意度的关系研究

9.Effects of Emotion and Job Characteristics on Job Satisfaction;情绪与工作特征对工作满意度的影响


11.Significance of Research on Emotions and Feelings inIdeological and Political Work;思想政治工作要重视情绪、情感的研究

12.Adjustment of Healthy Education and Work-amuse Treatment to the Negative Affection of Schizophrenia Patients at Restoration Stage健康教育及工娱疗法对恢复期精神病病人负性情绪的调适作用

13.The Relationship between Negative Emotion and Working Memory:The New Direction for Cognitive Neuroscience负性情绪与工作记忆的关系:认知神经科学新取向

14.A Study on the Relationship among Emotional Labor, Emotional Exhaustion and Job Satisfaction of Employees in Hotels;饭店员工情绪劳动与情绪耗竭、工作满意度之间的关系研究

15.The Effect of Emotional Labor on Service Workers Job Burnout;服务行业员工情绪工作对工作倦怠的影响研究

16.Emotions are not tools of cognition.情绪并不能作为认知的工具。

17."Emotional Work" Theory Models and Strategies;情绪工作的理论模型及策略研究综述

18.Research on Relationship among Emotional Labor, Personality, Job Satisfaction and Job Burnout;情绪劳动、人格与工作满意、工作倦怠关系研究


emotion work characters情绪工作特性

3)emotion work情绪工作

1.Human resource management from respective ofemotion work情绪工作视角下的人力资源管理

2.The article reviews the research term, the definition’s origin and development, the dimension theories, the scales, the antecedents, the strategies, the consequences and the mechanisms ofemotion work, also points out that the future researches should stress on how to integrateemotion work into human resource management practice except for the relative base theory problems ofemotion work.从情绪工作的表述,情绪工作概念的提出及其发展,情绪工作的维度、测量、前因变量、策略、后果变量和机制等方面对国外研究进行了介绍,并在此基础上,指出未来的研究除了继续探讨与情绪工作相关的基础理论问题外,重点应该探讨如何把情绪工作融入人力资源管理实践。

3.The study ofemotion work is one of important point in histology at present.情绪工作研究是当前组织行为学研究的重点,强调的是员工在工作中对自身情绪的管理。

4)profession sentiment工作情绪

5)emotional work情绪工作

1.Since the conception ofemotional work(or emotional labor) has been firstly proposed by the socialist Hochschild(1983),interest in the study of "emotional work" has been stirred up and "emotional work" has gradually become the focus of Organizational Behavior.自社会学家Hochsch ild首次提出"情绪工作"的概念后,情绪工作的研究逐渐受到重视,现已成为组织行为学研究的前沿问题。

2.The research onemotional work has experienced a series of evolvement and development;from the primary research of sociology to the synthetic research of sociology,psychology and human resource management,it gained quite valuable achievement.情绪工作是人们在工作和家庭生活中为了满足各种角色的情绪要求与提高他人的情绪健康水平而做的行为努力。

3.The concept ofemotional work is related to the rise of the service-based economy society.情绪工作概念的提出与服务型经济社会的兴起有关,它是在人际情境中,工作者为完成组织交给的工作任务,对自己的情绪进行必要的心理调节加工,以表达出组织需要的特定情绪的过程。

6)emotional labor情绪工作

1.Past studies paid lots of attention to the factors which influencedemotional labor, centering on the antecedents, moderators, mediators, and consequences.情绪工作是当前组织行为学研究中的一个重要课题。

2.The main point of this paper is to test the relationship betweenemotional labor and job satisfaction and explore the psychological mechanism that howemotional labor effect the job satisfaction.情绪工作是目前组织行为学中的研究热点。

3.Empirical studies so far show thatemotional labor has both positive and negative effects on employees and organizations.情绪工作是当前组织行为学研究的热点问题。


