100字范文 > 礼乐制度 ceremony system英语短句 例句大全

礼乐制度 ceremony system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-23 01:20:54


礼乐制度 ceremony system英语短句 例句大全

礼乐制度,ceremony system

1)ceremony system礼乐制度

1.In Xia,Shang and Zhoudynasties,the tradition came down in one continuous line,and had become the important components of thenationalceremony system.夏商周三代,“诗教”传统一脉相承,并且成为国家礼乐制度的重要组成部分。

2.The article also explains the relation of rites and customs in Zhou Dynasty ceremony syste本文结合周代礼乐制度 ,对《诗经·周颂·载芟》进行了较为深入的研究。


1.The rite and music system of the Zhou Dynasty was thus founded on the heritage of the preceding systems of the Xia and Shang dynasties.因袭夏、商的礼仪乐制,建立了周王朝的礼乐制度。

2.Shang and Zhou Period:Combination of Ritual and Musical Instruments and the Materialized Institution of Rites and Music;商周时期的礼乐器组合与礼乐制度的物态化

3.On the Historical Facts of the Spring-and-Autumn Period and the System of Rite Music in the Light of Rite-Music Instruments Unearthed in Xinzheng;从新郑出土礼乐器论春秋史事与礼乐制度

4.There were two basic features of the system of rites and music in Zhou times:周代的礼乐制度有两条基本内容,

5.Chime was one of importance carrier on ancient ceremony and music system.钟是古代礼乐制度的重要载体之一。

6.The Music Education of Western Zhou dynasties Within The Etiquette System and It s Spirit of Rethink;西周礼乐制度中的音乐教育及其反思精神

7.Jin sheng Yuzheng:interpretation of ancient rites system by Confucianism;金声玉振——儒家乐论对上古礼乐制度的阐释

8.In fact, the "li" (礼) policy is the core of ancient Chinese law theory.明太祖的立国宗旨,就可以说是礼法并举的儒家礼乐制度。

9.The system of rites and music reinforced and stabilized this strict patriarchal clan hierarchy.礼乐制度,正是对于这个严密的宗法等级网的强调和固定。

10.in order to understand the system, it is first necessary to understand the structure of that upper class.所以,为了了解围的礼乐制度,有必要先了解其社会上层的结构。

11.The system of rites and music endured for the following 2,000 years and more, until it was abolished with the end of the Qing Dynasty, China"s last feudal dynasty.礼乐制度影响及于其后几千年一直到清代,中国的最后一个封建王朝才结束.

12.On the Confucian Culture of Class Difference and Class Harmony in the Pre-Qin Dynasty and its Contribution to the Construction of Literature and Art System;先秦儒家礼乐文化对文艺制度的建构

13.The Culture of Ceremonial Music-the Double Construction of System and Thought礼乐文化——制度与思想的双重建构

14.Music Ban in the Funeral Rules in Zhou Dynasty and the Confucian Viewpoint;周代丧葬“禁乐”制度与儒家礼乐观的关系

15.Research on the Relation between Guchui in Six Dynasties and Five Rites System;六朝鼓吹乐及其与五礼制度的关系研究

16.A research on the relationship between wind-and-percussion music in the Six Dynasties and the Five-Rite System (Part A);六朝鼓吹乐及其与“五礼”制度的关系研究(上)

17.occasional music for a royal wedding皇家婚礼上的应制音乐.

18.Shop assistants are friendly, courteous and helpful.普通店员态度友善有礼、乐于助人。


Rite and Music System in Zhou Dynasty周代礼乐制度

1.With the birth of theRite and Music System in Zhou Dynasty, feasting and drinking poetry in the Book of Odes, which belongs to the Rite and Music Culture System in Zhou Dynasty, comes into being.《诗经》中的宴饮诗随周代礼乐制度的产生而产生,属于周代礼乐文化系统。

3)Composition of ceremonial melodies制礼作乐

4)System of Rites and Music礼乐之制

5)Etiquette-music Reform礼乐改制

6)comity system礼让制度


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