100字范文 > 仪式性 ceremony英语短句 例句大全

仪式性 ceremony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-01 07:42:10


仪式性 ceremony英语短句 例句大全



1.All along, Yangge as an singing and dancing drama of civilian“temple fair”,“gam”evolutes traditionalceremony, and takes on anti-ceremony characteristic of fest ival bashing.一直以来,秧歌作为我国民间“庙会”、“社火”中的歌舞戏沿承了正统的仪式性,同时又具有节庆狂欢化的反仪式特征。


1.(informal) full ceremonial dress.(非正式)完全仪式性的衣服。

2.Existence and Significance of Ethnic Sports in the Chinese Rural Society(2)--Firecracker-Snatching;仪式性少数民族体育在乡土社会的存在与意义(二)——仪式中的抢花炮

3.An analysis of the ritual nature of the relationship between Olympics and mass media;奥运会与大众传媒关系的仪式性分析

4.portable radioactive logging apparatus携带式放射性测井仪

5.magnetoelastic torque measuring instrument磁弹性式转矩测量仪

6.magnetoelastic rolling force measuring instrument磁弹性式轧制力测量仪

7.A customary rite or ceremony.一项习惯性的礼仪或仪式

8.Dramatic Ritual/Ritual Drama:Performative and Reflexive Anthropology戏剧仪式/仪式戏剧:表演的与自反性的人类学

9.Of, appropriate to, or characterized by ceremony; formal or ritual.正式的属于礼仪的、适于礼仪的或以之为特征的;正式的或礼节性的

10.mushroom apparel flammibility tester蘑菇式服装易燃性试验仪

11.portable G-M survey meter便携式盖格-弥勒放射性监测仪

12.exaggerated emphasis on the importance of rites or ritualistic forms in worship.在膜拜中对仪式或典礼重要性的夸大。

13.Analysis of the Cork Property of Cased Pilling Tester箱式织物起球仪用软木材料特性分析

14.Magnetic Testing Method and Portable Instrument for Curved Pipe;管道弯头磁性检测方法与便携式仪器

15.Views of Early Daoism on Women Concealed in the Ritual for Passing from The Yellow Book;“《黄书》过度仪式”与早期道教女性观

16.Ceremony & Sexisme: the anthropology studies in Ha festival of Jing-Nationality;仪式·性别:京族哈节的人类学研究

17.Talk about Wushu Develop from the Trick One to Ritual One Gradually;谈技击性武术向仪式武术的渐进发展

18.An analysis of properties and error of impulse LD speedometer;脉冲式激光测速仪的性能及误差分析



3)pubic rite性器仪式

4)Ritual venue仪式性场所

5)Renqing of Ceremony仪式性人情

1.At the same time,Renqing of Ceremony is growing,which leads to Renqing Alienation and the utility of the community association in villages.然而与此同时,仪式性人情货币化之后,却有不断增多的趋势,人们被人情所累,导致人情本身的异化和村庄社会关联的功利化。

6)maternal subjects仪式性叙事


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
