100字范文 > 可转移性 transferability英语短句 例句大全

可转移性 transferability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 05:40:11


可转移性 transferability英语短句 例句大全



pared with genomic SSRs, EST-SSRs are a new kind of molecular makers derived from expression sequence tags with remarkable advantages in hightransferability across plant species.EST-SSR是基于表达序列标签开发微卫星的一种新型分子标记,与基因组SSR相比,EST-SSR具有在植物物种之间可转移性的优点。

2.Transferability of SSR from Adzuki Bean to Mungbean分析了187对小豆SSR引物在绿豆基因组中的可转移性,以期为绿豆分子遗传育种研究提供分析工具。


1.The characteristic of odious debts lies in their untransferability.恶债的特点在于它的不可转移性。

2.The Transference of Property Rights;产权的可转移性:中国农村土地经营权流转问题

3.Study on the Necessities and Reasibilities of Returned Migrant Workers;论农民工逆向转移的必要性和可行性

4.Transfer of soluble food materials might be accomplished by diffusion.可溶性营养物质的转移,可以通过扩散来完成。

5.Involvement of the small bowel by primary or metastic neoplasms may occasionally be followed by perforation.原发性或转移性肿瘤累及小肠也偶可继发穿孔。

6.If the bone is markedly weakened by the metastasis, then a "pathologic" fracture is possible.转移性病灶使骨明显脆弱,便可出现病理性骨折。

7.Study on the Mechanism of Tacit Knowledge Transfer and Spillover Based on the Knowledge Accessibility隐性知识的转移及溢出:基于知识可得性的分析

8.Conclusions The AIMD may be caused by the humoral and cell mediated passive immunity against inner ear antigens.体液和细胞转移免疫均可诱发出被动免疫性AIMD ;

9.Analysis on the Feasibility of Carrying on the Industrial Transfer in the Course of the Rise of Central China;中部崛起过程中承接产业转移的可行性分析

10.The Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor Force of Sustainable Development in Xinjiang新疆农村剩余劳动力转移的可持续性发展研究

11.Study on preparation and properties of laminating adhesives for transferable PET-aluminum coating可转移PET镀铝膜复合用胶粘剂的制备与性能

12.VIDT (Variable Inductance Displacement Tranducer)可变电感位移转换器

13.Study on Safety Reliability Analysis and Technology of Removable Loading and Transferring Pattern in Drivage Production掘进生产安全可靠性分析与可移式装载转运技术研究

14.resistance transfer factor抗药转移因子抗性转移因子

15.Metastases to the lungs are more common even than primary lung neoplasms simply because so many other primary tumors can metastasize to the lungs.肺转移瘤比原发性肺肿瘤更常见,因为许多其它原发肿瘤可通过血道转移到肺。

16.Reliability of symptoms to determine use of bone scans to identify bone metastases in lung cancer: prospective study由症状决定应用骨扫描识别肺癌骨转移的可靠性:前瞻性研究

17.A Research on the Feasibility and Necessity of Developing Rural Tourism to Promote Rural Labour Transfer乡村旅游开发对推动农村劳动力转移的可行性和必要性研究

18.When the pad area is greater than66 percent of the aperture wall surface area, the probability of achieving efficient paste transfer is increased.当焊盘面积大于孔壁表面积的66%提高锡膏有效转移的可能性。



1.The thesis defines the concepts of the civil burden of proof in a thorough scope and probes into theintransferability of the said burden of proof in the civil proceedings bringing up the theory of the principle of categorizing the constituents in guiding the distributing responsibility of burden of proof and in adopting substantial law to allocate the responsibility of burden of proof.笔者以纵、横比较的方法界定了民事诉讼中举证责任的概念;论证了举证责任在诉讼过程中的不可转移性;提出了以法律要件分类说指导举证责任分配的原则,以及采用实体法为主承载举证责任分配规范立法体例的建议。

3)Transferability resources可转移性资源

4)Non-transferability resources不可转移性资源

5)transferable semi-continuity可转移半连续性

1.Thetransferable semi-continuity which were given by Zhou and Tian, have provided a new thought way and direction.半连续性的推广也是研究非线性问题的另一可行途经,Zhou和Tian等人提出的可转移半连续性,为我们提供了一个具体的思路和方法。

6)transportable radionuclide可转移性放射性核素


