100字范文 > 移送 transfer英语短句 例句大全

移送 transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-31 12:25:21


移送 transfer英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on present information platform, business bribery bidirectionaltransfer mechanism includes transformation between administrative case and criminal justice.以现行信息平台为基础而建立的商业贿赂双向移送机制,不仅包括行政案件向刑事司法程序流转,还包括从刑事司法向行政执法的转化。


1.The people"s court to which the case has been transferred shall not on its own initiative transfer it to another people"s court.受移送的人民法院不得自行移送。

2.When a people"s court considers that, according to the rules, it does not have the right of jurisdiction over a case referred to it,受移送的人民法院认为受移送的案件依照规定不属于本院管辖的,

3.Siphon off a case into the court-martial把一桩案件移送军事法庭

4.shall transfer the case to the people"s court that does have jurisdiction over the case应当移送有管辖权的人民法院.

5.if the maritime administrative agency to which the case is transferred deems that the transfer is improper, it shall submit that case to the maritime administrative agency at the joint higher level for designation of jurisdiction.受移送的海事管理机构如果认为移送不当,应当报请共同的上一级海事管理机构指定管辖。

6.Movement of patients outside of the isolation unit should be avoided. If moved the patients should wear a face mask.应避免将病患移出隔离单位。移送时病患应戴口罩。

7.With conveyor prevent excursion device, ensure transmit smooth.设有输送带防偏移装置,保证输送顺畅。

8.broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects.发送固定目标或移动目标的视频图象。

9.This will send the page to your mobile device.同步后,本页将发送到移动设备。

10.mobile sacking auger conveyer移动式谷物装袋螺旋输送器

11.multi-functional mobile combination belt conveyer多功能移动组合式皮带输送机

12.To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward.上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。

13.Number of successful notifications sent by mobile categorizer per second移动分类程序每秒成功发送的通知数

14.removable pads, package includes both a chest pad and a free, interchangeable sternum pad胸垫可移动替换,附送额外胸垫

15.repatriate refugees, prisoners-of-war, immigrants, etc to their homeland把难民、 战俘、 外来移民等遣送回国.

16.move, send, or bring as if by whistling.好像通过口哨来移动,发送或者拿来。

17.Blood spurted as the conveyer belt moved on.随着传送带向前移动,鲜血喷射出来了。

18.A Layered Architecture for Mobile Content Delivery;支持移动推送的一种分层式体系结构


transporting device移送装置

1.Mechanical system design oftransporting device about hot saw sliced-head;热切锯头移送装置的机械系统设计

3)mandrelless transform无芯移送

1.Technology and control ofmandrelless transform coilbox in 1450mm Hot Strip Mill of Pangang;攀钢1450mm热连轧机无芯移送式热卷箱技术及控制

4)displacement transmission位移变送

1.The author analyzes contact and easy wearing and reliability of export signal existing in potentiometer terminal model hydraulic turbine leaf of transmit water current servomotordisplacement transmission equipment.针对现有的电位器拉线式水轮机导叶接力器位移变送装置中存在的接触不良、易磨损、输出信号不可靠的问题进行了分析。

5)deliver of dossier卷宗移送

6)submitting the cases案件移送


