100字范文 > 护肤品 skin care product英语短句 例句大全

护肤品 skin care product英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-10 13:14:21


护肤品 skin care product英语短句 例句大全

护肤品,skin care product

1)skin care product护肤品

1.Formulation principle and application ofskin care product;个人洗护用品配方原理及应用技术(Ⅱ)——护肤品配方原理及应用

2.And it also introduced some advancedskin care products.护肤品生产商不断推出先进的个人护理产品。

3.As the nature moisture factors of honey extracts are more close to that of human skin, so it can be used inskin care products.介绍了从蜜蜂采集的花蜜中提取的活性物对皮肤的功效性,它与人体皮肤的天然保湿因子(NMF)很接近,因此可用于护肤品的配方中。


1.Further clean skin: make skin easily absorb nutrition of the product. Contains no ethanol, mild without irritability.加倍清洁-进一步清洁肌肤,令肌肤更易吸收护肤品的营养成份。

2.As for the recommendation of skin care, it is certainly Oil of Olay!至于护肤品推荐嘛,当然是玉兰油啦!

3.The new skin-protector gives you a completely new feeling.新潮护肤品给您全新感受。

4.10.Don"t be fooled by high-price skincare.10.莫被昂贵的护肤品所愚弄。

5.Mechanism of actions of skin-whitening cosmetics and its formulation development美白护肤品作用机理及配方研发设计

6."Skin Care Products Consultant"--A New Kind of Career?“护肤品咨询医师”——一种新职业?

7.Animals are still used to test cleaning products, skin creams and shampoos.动物仍然被用来实验洗涤产品,护肤品和香波。

8.But perfume, makeup and skincare are only part of the gift giving story during Valentine.但香水、化妆品和护肤品只情人节礼物的一部分。

9.The Rebuilding of the Brand Strategy of L"OR(?)AL PARIS Men Expert Barrier Product in China;巴黎欧莱雅男士护肤品中国市场品牌策略构建

10.Last winter, Avon launched Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit.去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品Retroactive,并一举获得巨大成功。

11.In general, she finds the more products she uses, the "worse my skin looks.一般来讲,她发现自己用的护肤品越多,“皮肤就越差”。

12.But there are not many products in the market place that can really help enhancing Elastin.但市面上并没有太多护肤品能提升弹性蛋白,令皮肤回复年轻紧致。

13.The face cream is for protecting skin and for external use only. Don"t let the baby eat it by mistake.这个乳油是外用的护肤品, 可别让宝宝误食啊。

14.You can solve this problem by massage and eye-care cosmetic.你可以通过按摩和使用眼部护肤品来解决。

15.Research on the application and complex in cosmetic of APG and China herbal medicine开发烷基多苷与中草药的配伍保健护肤品

16.Skin-care and hair-care products made from outside purchased after-tax skin- care and hair care products;外购已税护肤护发品生产的护肤护发品;

17.care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the application of cosmetic creams.用化妆品护理面部皮肤。

plimentary beauty Products & Treatment.附赠美容及护肤产品


skin care护肤品

1.Market situation and the prospect ofskin care product;护肤品的市场现状及前景

2.Glance down Asia - Pacificskin care market;亚太地区护肤品市场概述

3.It is a fashion thatskin care can ameliorate the effects of aging.具有抗衰老、养颜作用的护肤品已成为一种时


1.Basic science andcosmetic applications of bioactive polypeptide;生物活性多肽护肤品的基础及应用

4)skin care护肤用品


1.Research on Competitive Strategy of YalaiCosmetic Corporation;雅莱化妆品公司护肤产品竞争战略研究

6)children skin care product少儿护肤品

1.The enhancement of life quality has brought the new request to thechildren skin care product packaging design.人们生活质量的提高,对少儿护肤品包装设计带来了新的要求。


