100字范文 > 护肤功能 skin-care functions英语短句 例句大全

护肤功能 skin-care functions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-26 07:00:16


护肤功能 skin-care functions英语短句 例句大全

护肤功能,skin-care functions

1)skin-care functions护肤功能


1.Study of Physicochemical Properties and Skin-care Functions of Collagen, Gelatin and Collagen Hydrolysate;胶原、明胶和胶原水解物的物理化学性能及护肤功能的研究

2.Anti-Wrinkle with Whitening Effects: Red Wine Polyphenol protects cell functions, maintains skin tension and delays aging processes.柔白抚纹:红酒多酚具有保护肌肤功能,维持肌肤弹力,延缓老化现象。

3.Zinc is a natural insect repellent and sun screen. Protecting lips and skin.锌是一种天然物,具有抗晒功能,能保护皮肤及口唇免受酌伤。

4.It contains special whitening factors and can effectively clean and protect the skin.* 含特殊美白因子,具有很好的洁净功能和护肤美白作用。

5.A second major protective function of the skin is the prevention of invasive bacterial infection.皮肤的第二个主要保护功能是防止侵袭性细菌感染。

6.The Functional Analysis on the Mood and Modality Systems of English and Chinese Cosmetic Advertisements中英文化妆/护肤品广告中语气系统和情态系统的功能分析

7.Efficacy: Shea butter possesses the efficacy of protecting, nourishing, relieving, moisturizing and softening skin.功效:乳木果油为肌肤带来保护、滋养、舒缓、保湿及柔肤功效。

8.Skin sensitization test and irritating test of airtight functional dressings密闭性功能敷料皮肤致敏试验及皮肤刺激试验

9.Bamboo vinegar is maimly for relieving inflammation,anti virus,eliminating odor,protect skin,etc,moreover,it hae been widely applied in areas of ageas of agriculture,medicine,and health care.竹酢液主要能杀菌、消炎、去除异味、护肤等功效,主要应用于农业、化妆品、医药等行业。

10.Contains natural fibroin to provide skin with whiteness, brightness and health enhanced. Also combines ASPF, pure vitamin C, sunscreen, and anti-UV ultrafine pearl powder.有效隔离辐射、紫外线与环境污染的伤害,隔离的同时兼具防晒功能,全方位保护肌肤。

11.Last winter, Avon launched Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream that has been a runaway hit.去年冬天,雅芳推出了抗皮肤衰老的护肤品Retroactive,并一举获得巨大成功。

12.What it can do: Calm redness and banish blotchiness.功效:能消炎退热和清除皮肤斑点。

13.The Realization of Website Theme Switch Function基于的网站换肤功能的简易实现

missioner not only taste wine, but also of the effectiveness of cosmetic skin care.葡萄酒不仅味道甘美,而且具有护肤美容的功效。

15.The protection of treatment cosmetics on sensitive skin功效性化妆品对敏感性皮肤的防护作用

16.But sun protection is not only about keeping your skin white, but also about protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays.但防晒不只可以让肌肤保持白皙,还能保护你的皮肤远离紫外线。

17.But there are not many products in the market place that can really help enhancing Elastin.但市面上并没有太多护肤品能提升弹性蛋白,令皮肤回复年轻紧致。

18.Study on the Relationship between the Parameters of Skin Barrier Function and Anatomic-site, Skin Type;女性皮肤屏障功能相关参数与部位、皮肤类型的相关性研究


skin barrier function皮肤屏障功能

1.ObjectiveTo observe the clinical efficacy of modified Wuhua Decoction(WHD) on corticosteroid addictive dermatitis(CsAD) and in improving patients′ facialskin barrier function.目的研究加减五花汤治疗面部糖皮质激素依赖性皮炎的临床疗效及对面部皮肤屏障功能的改善作用。

2.Theskin barrier function was estimated by the change of tritium penetration rate as the index.采用液体闪烁法测定氚的经皮渗透行为,以氚经皮渗透速率的变化作为离体皮肤屏障功能的评价指标。

3)protective function保护功能

1.The structure,protective functions, main technical specifications and application of this product were introduced.介绍该产品的结构、保护功能、主要技术数据和应用。

2.Discussing the necessarily and property of using soft starter, introducing all kinds ofprotective functions, and the apply in the actural producing.论述了软起动器使用的必要性及特性,介绍控制器的各种保护功能,以及在实际生产中的应用。

4)Function preservation功能保护

5)protection function保护功能

1.Converter and Its Excellent Protection Functions;变频器及其优良的保护功能

2.The modeling approach to theprotection functions based on IEC 61850 standards is analyzed.分析了基于IEC61850标准的保护功能建模方法,给出了三段式过流保护和纵联差动保护模型实例。

3.A brief introduction is given to the stepping down and power saving technology of asynchronous motor, power saving principle andprotection function of Powerking motor economizer.简要介绍异步电动机降压节电技术 ,Powerking电机节电器的节电原理及保护功能。

6)bank revetment function护岸功能



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
