100字范文 > 土地经营权 land management right英语短句 例句大全

土地经营权 land management right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-07 19:17:44


土地经营权 land management right英语短句 例句大全

土地经营权,land management right

1)land management right土地经营权


1.Developing agricultural mechanization Speeding up the circulation of land management right;发展农业机械化加快土地经营权流转

2.Land-Use-Right Shift and Water Conservancy Construction in the Suburbs of Shanghai;土地经营权流转与上海郊区水利建设

3.The Contracted Land Management Rights and Its Contracts;论土地承包经营权合同与土地承包经营权

4.Analysis of Land Contract for the Managerial Righ System in Property Rights La;《物权法》中“土地承包经营权”制度评析

5.The issue on the property rights mode surrounding the farmer s land - managing rights of the country collective land;论以土地承包经营权为核心的农地权利模式

6.The right of operation of land contracted by peasants shall be protected by law.农民的土地承包经营权受法律保护。

7.Research on the Right to the Contracted Management of Land;农村土地承包经营权几个问题的研究

8.Study on the Market Circulation of Rural Land Contract and Management Rights;农村土地承包经营权流转市场化研究

9.The System of Shifting the Land Contracting Right of Management;论土地承包经营权流转制度及其完善

menting on the Comprehensive Effectiveness of the Transfer of Contract for the land Managerial Right;土地承包经营权流转的综合效用评析

11.The Validity of Contractual Land Operation Right Registration;论土地承包经营权中登记的法律效力

12.Characteristics of the Right to Contractual Operation of Rural Land;我国农村土地承包经营权的特色分析

13.The Present Situation of Loss of Rural Divorced Women s Rights for Land;农村离婚妇女的土地承包经营权问题

14.A New Study on Legal Problems during the Dealing of the Contracting Management Right of Land;土地承包经营权流转的法律问题新探

15.managing rights of Lawful nature of rural land under household responsibility;试析我国农村土地承包经营权的性质

16.Law Thoughts on Property Right of Land under Contraction and Operation;完善农村土地承包经营权的立法思考

17.Certain problems on legislation of contractual operation right of rural land;土地承包经营权立法的若干基本问题

18.On the Option of Legislative Modes for the Contract andManaging Right of Land in the Countryside;农村土地承包经营权立法模式的选择


the circulation of land management right土地经营权流转

1.Developing agricultural mechanization Speeding upthe circulation of land management right;发展农业机械化加快土地经营权流转

3)land contract management right土地承包经营权

1.Starting withland contract management right,this paper analyzes several problems faced land contract management lawmaking,then puts forward some advices,such as to def.文章从土地承包经营权入手,分析了土地承包立法面临的若干问题,提出明确土地承包经营权的物权化性质,以“公平优先、兼顾效率”为立法原则,赋予农民真正有保障的土地权利等建议。

2.According to the Guarantee Law and Rural Land Contract Law,the current legislation in China prohibits the mortgage ofland contract management right acquired by Family Contract.根据我国担保法与农村土地承包法的规定,现行立法是禁止家庭承包取得的土地承包经营权抵押的。

3.In China, theland contract management right is one of the most important rights for peasants.土地承包经营权是广大农民最重要的一种土地权利。

4)peasants right of land operation农民土地经营权

5)right to the contracted management of land土地承包经营权

1.The protection of peasants land rights was strengthened from the aspects of collective land ownership,right to the contracted management of land,right to the use of house site,requisition and so on in property right law.《物权法》应当规范农村土地集体所有权的行使,放开土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、集体建设用地使用权的流转限制,同时应制定《征收征用法》,完善土地征收制度。

2.Owing to the dual attributes of the property and social security,theright to the contracted management of land in our country cannot be transferred freely,which decides it cannot become the bankrupt property after the right has been contracted when the cooperative society is bankrupt.我国农村土地承包经营权因兼具财产和社会保障双重属性而不能自由转让的特性,决定了农村土地承包经营权出资后在合作社破产时不能成为破产财产。

6)land contracting management right土地承包经营权

1.Land contracting management right is a kind of right for Chinese farmers and other agricultural procreators to possess and management land.土地承包经营权是中国农民及其他农业生产经营者占有和经营土地的权利,是耕者有其田的具体体现。

2.In order to perfect the lawmaking ofland contracting management right in the Draft for Real Right Law,need scientifically normalize the style programming of the right in the draft,put party registering establishment in force by compulsion,settle manifold transfer measure ofland contracting management right such as mortgage,succession,cancel the limitation to the transfer of land .土地承包经营权归为物权有利于保护包括广大农民在内的权利人权益。

3.They held the agricultural residence registration before enrollment in university; they possess theland contracting management right according to the law.农村大学生入学前属于农业户口,依法享有一份土地承包经营权,入学后大部分大学生转为城市非农业户口,面对农村大学生由"农"转为"非农"身份上的变化,政府部门、集体经济组织以及社会上的其他人员对于其原先拥有的土地承包经营权持有不同的观点和看法,本文阐述了农村大学生对原承包经营权的合法拥有性权利,强调农村大学生对土地承包经营权的用益物权不因户口的转变而丧失,构建了农村大学生土地承包经营权经营和管理的方式和途径,并提出了规范农村大学生土地承包经营权的对策和建议。


