100字范文 > 土地承包经营权流转 Land Contracting Right of Management Shift英语短句 例句大全

土地承包经营权流转 Land Contracting Right of Management Shift英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-01 08:05:48


土地承包经营权流转 Land Contracting Right of Management Shift英语短句 例句大全

土地承包经营权流转,Land Contracting Right of Management Shift

1)Land Contracting Right of Management Shift土地承包经营权流转

1.Land Contracting Right of Management Shift Research;土地承包经营权流转问题研究


1.On Stabilizing Land Contracting System and Circulation Promotion of Contractual Operation of the Land;论稳定土地承包制与启动土地承包经营权流转

2.Study on the Market Circulation of Rural Land Contract and Management Rights;农村土地承包经营权流转市场化研究

3.The System of Shifting the Land Contracting Right of Management;论土地承包经营权流转制度及其完善

menting on the Comprehensive Effectiveness of the Transfer of Contract for the land Managerial Right;土地承包经营权流转的综合效用评析

5.A New Study on Legal Problems during the Dealing of the Contracting Management Right of Land;土地承包经营权流转的法律问题新探

6.Transfer of the Contractual Right of Land and Government Role土地承包经营权流转与政府角色界定

7.Study on the Transfer of the Contractual Right of Rural Land in Hunan湖南省农村土地承包经营权流转研究

8.On the improvement of land-contracted-management right农村土地承包经营权流转形式的完善

9.Study on Turnover of Contract Land Management Right in Countryside Huangzhong湟中县农村土地承包经营权流转研究

10.Thought on Rural Land Management Rights Transfer农村土地承包经营权流转问题的思考

11.Game Analysis on Circulation of Rural Land Contracting Management Right农村土地承包经营权流转的博弈分析

12.Research on the Circulation of Land Contractual Managerial Authority--Focus on the 128th article of Property Right Law;土地承包经营权流转刍议——兼评《物权法》第128条

13.Protection of Women"s Rights and Interests in the Circulation of the Contractual Right of Lland土地承包经营权流转中妇女权益保护初探

14.Property and Interest Guarantee and Their Regularities in Farmland Leasehold Transference土地承包经营权流转:权益的保障与规范

15.Stablizing and Improving Rural Land Contract and Perfecting the Market Its Management Right Transference;稳定和完善农村土地承包关系 健全土地承包经营权流转市场

16.Rational Thinking on Circulation of the Right to the Contracted Management of Farm Land in China;我国农民土地承包经营权流转的理性思考

17.Study on the Transference of Rural Land Contract and Operation Rights;农村土地承包经营权流转法律问题研究

18.Study on Legal Problem with Transfer of Right to Contract Land Management in the Rural Areas of China;中国农村土地承包经营权流转法律问题研究


land contract operating right and its circulation土地承包经营权流转其权利

3)transfer of contractual operation right of land土地承包经营权转让

4)the system of the mobile and transferring rights of contracting and managin g the land土地承包经营权流转体制

5)transfer of the contractual right of land农村土地承包经营权流转

1.This paper, based on the way of land transfer, analyzes the problems in thetransfer of the contractual right of land such as mechanism, order, pricing, and so on.文章最后提出了解决我国农村土地承包经营权流转问题的对策建议。

6)the transfer of the rural land contractual management right农村土地承包经营权流转保障


