100字范文 > 历史本体论 historical ontology英语短句 例句大全

历史本体论 historical ontology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-15 18:42:43


历史本体论 historical ontology英语短句 例句大全

历史本体论,historical ontology

1)historical ontology历史本体论

1.This paper aims to present and interpret these ideas from the perspective of contemporary Science Studies,such as philosoph of experimental science,historical ontology,remaking the world and making up people,and styles of reasoning.作为当代科学哲学界的重要人物,哈金在一系列重要问题上提出了自己的独到见解,本文旨在把哈金置于当代科学论的背景之下来集中阐述他的科学哲学思想,其中包括实验科学哲学、历史本体论、世界的重构与人的构造以及推理风格,并对其中可能引发的相对主义等问题进行了简要评论。

2.Lukacs ontological idea mainly comes from Hegelianhistorical ontology and Marxist ontology of social being.卢卡奇的本体论思想主要来源于黑格尔的历史本体论和马克思的社会存在本体论,卢卡奇认为,马克思的历史唯物主义就是社会存在本体论,只有向着马克思的社会存在本体论的复归,才能从根本上代表当代本体论研究的正确方向。

3.Popper is also a historical philosopher, who proposes many original opinions onhistorical ontology, historical epistemology, and historical methodology, and whose historical thought is profoundly connotative.波普尔也是一位历史哲学家,在历史本体论、历史认识论、历史方法论提出了不少独到的见解,其历史思想内涵丰富。


1.Anthropological History Ontology and Practice Aesthetic--Comment on Philosophical Aesthetics of Li Zehou人类学历史本体论与实践美学——兼评李泽厚的哲学美学观

2.Reality and History--the Second Argumentation On Japanese Textbook Issue;现实与历史——再论日本历史教科书问题

3.While sticking to the basic principles of historical determinism, the historical materialism emphasizes on human"s objective option with the development of society and history.历史唯物主义在坚持历史决定论的基本原则的同时,强调人在社会历史发展中的主体选择性。

4.The Anti-ontology Orientation and the Meagre Ontology of Marx s Practical Philosophy;马克思实践哲学的非本体论批判向度和弱本体论历史语境

5.Historical anthropology: from historical text to meaning subject;历史人类学:从历史文本到意义主体

6.On Disintegration and Historic Status of the Japanese Manorial Society;论日本庄园制社会的解体及其历史地位

7.Basic theoretical sports issues in the realms of language,meaning and history;语言、意义和历史境域中的体育基本理论问题

8.The Understanding of Culture as an Effectively Historical Event: An Ontological Interpretation文化理解的效果历史事件:一种本体论的诠释

9.On the Nature of History;略论历史的本质——从认识论的角度谈历史

10.From the Historical Form to Theoretical Form and a Review on The System of Chinese Classical Literary Theory in Three volumes;从历史形态走向理论形态——兼评三卷本《中国古代文学理论体系》

11.On the Text Presenting of the Historical Narratives--about the Language Features of the"New Historical Fiction";“历史”叙事的文本呈现——论“新历史小说”的语言特质

12.On the Implications of Marxist View of Genecology of History;面向历史本身——马克思历史生成论的思想内涵

13.Spengler s Historical Theory and the Historical Tragedies of the German Nation;斯本格勒的历史理论与德国民族的历史悲剧

14.Explore the Intention of History Education --With a Discussion on the Function of History Curriculum Standards;追寻历史教育的本义——兼论历史课程标准的功能

15.Thing, Practice and Historical Time: On the Essence of Historical Materialism;物、实践与历史性的时间——论历史唯物主义的本质

16.Narrative,Text,Memory and History;叙事·文本·记忆·历史——论格非小说中的历史哲学、历史诗学及其启示

17.Historical and Cultural Causes for the Emergence of the Intoned Poetry in History Discussing Style During the Middle and Late Period of Tang Dynasty试论中晚唐史论体咏史诗产生的历史文化原因

18.Non-fiction: Lyrical Historical Novel--On History of the Soul from the Perspective of Stylistics;非虚构——抒情历史小说——《心灵史》文体论


historical noumenon历史本体

1.Through unfolding his views on the Yi,CHENG made a deep reflection on many issues relating to historical philosophy such as the driving force of social development,historical value and appraisal norms,historical noumenon and phenomenon.通过阐发《周易》的思想,程颐对社会历史发展动力、历史价值和评判标准、历史本体与历史现象等历史哲学问题进行了深入思考。

3)Anthropological history ontology人类学历史本体论

4)historical entity theory历史主体论

5)materia medica/hist本草/历史

6)historical cost历史成本

1.The research on the fair value and its relationship to thehistorical cost is very urgent.针对我国财政部2月15日颁布的新会计准则中有18项或多或少涉及到公允价值的计量,新准则已经在上市公司实施的现状,指出研究公允价值的内涵以及其与之前一直占据统治地位的历史成本的关系显得特别迫切。

2.This paper analyzes the cause of accumulatinghistorical cost in the products convened process.分析了产品转换过程中历史成本积淀的原因,依据敏捷制造的原理,探讨了两种化解历史成本的方式:用动态联盟减少历史成本的积淀;通过应用柔性制造技术,用历史成本替代增量成本。

3.The traditional accounting measurement depending onhistorical cost has been impacted by the great changes of accounting environment,This paper firstly discusses about the essence and the utilization conditions of thehistorical cost measurement,and then,points out that the introduction of the economic value concepts is the theory basis for the accounting measurement revolution.会计环境的巨大变化使传统的历史成本计量受到剧烈的冲击 。


