100字范文 > 品牌认知度 brand awareness英语短句 例句大全

品牌认知度 brand awareness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-24 19:20:28


品牌认知度 brand awareness英语短句 例句大全

品牌认知度,brand awareness

1)brand awareness品牌认知度

1.The system tookbrand awareness as the objective layer, which can reflect the brand life cycle, process of brand building as the criterion layer and the process of brand building from consumer’s viewpoint as indicators layer.本文以品牌建设过程理论、品牌生命周期理论为基础,采用层次分析法,提出了以反映品牌生命周期的品牌认知度为目标层,以品牌建设过程为准则层以及消费者对品牌建设过程解读为指标层的品牌建设评价指标体系。


1.The Influence of Sports Sponsorship Marketing on Consumers" Brand Awareness体育赞助营销对消费者品牌认知度的影响

2.Research on the Brand Cognition and Image Innovation of the Shoe Industry in Wenzhou on the Basis of Globalization基于全球化温州鞋业自主品牌认知度和形象创新战略研究

3.In possession of good honor and admire, but the degree of brand feel is lower the competitor, Vanke.具有良好美誉度与忠诚度的中海,在品牌认知度上却输给了竞争对手万科。

4.The Relation between the Brand Identity of Sports Shoes and Brand Loyalty on Campus in ChongQing;重庆市大学生对运动鞋品牌形象的认知与品牌忠诚度的关系研究

5.Furthermore, the discount effect is moderated by brand familiarity, promotion signal, and need for cognition (NFC).并且,此效果将被品牌熟悉度、促销讯号及认知需求所干扰。

6.The Influence of Consumer Satisfaction and Brand Awareness on Brand Loyalty;顾客满意度、品牌知名度对品牌忠诚的影响

7.Study on Brand Cognitive of PMS in Chinese Hotel Market;中国饭店市场PMS的品牌认知研究

8.An Analysis of Perceptual Difference in the Interaction of Brand Between Business and Customers;企业与消费者品牌互动认知差异探析

9.The Cognitive Analysis of Psychological Mechanism about Brand-perceivingand the Promotive Strategy;试析品牌认知的心理机制及营销对策

10.The Study of Brand Positioning Models Based on Consumer"s Cognition基于消费者认知的品牌定位模式研究

11.Research on Sports Apparel Brand Recognition of the College Students in Fujian福建省大学生运动服装品牌认知研究

12.The analysis on brand loyalty based on consumer awareness基于消费认知基础上的品牌忠诚分析

13.The Mechanism from Brand-Concept to Mass Cognition服装品牌概念向大众认知转换的机制

14.Recognition and acceptance of Olympic sponsor brands of university students in Beijing and Guangzhou;北京、广州大学生对北京奥运会赞助品牌认知与接受程度的研究

15.How does our audience perceive or rate our brand?我们的受众如何认知或评定我们的品牌?

16.It is worthwhile to ponder the reasons to copy the famous brand.认真思考一下仿冒知名品牌的原因是有价值的。

17.Research of Corporation Brand Equity Protection Based on Consumer Cognition;基于消费者认知的企业品牌权益保护研究

18.Research on Tourist s Cognition about Urban Tourism Brand Image;城市旅游品牌形象的游客心理认知研究


cognitive brand attitude认知性品牌态度

3)brand recognition品牌认知

1.The humanized design research which is based on people’ s sensibility experience of the color and the color symbol will be of much consequence to promoting the Chinesebrand recognition.基于人们对色彩的情感体验以及色彩联想与象征的人性化研究对提升中国品牌认知具有重要意义,文章通过对色彩符号概念以及产生原因进行阐述,总结出色彩人性化设计的一般规律、组成因素和常用手段,为提升中国品牌辨识度提供新的思路和方法。

2.The strongerbrand recognition, the helper to enterprises put up the brand marketing.品牌认知是消费者购买运动服装的基础,根据消费者的消费心理,他们通常会购买自己熟悉的品牌,消费者的品牌认知越强,就更有助于企业进行品牌营销,进一步刺激消费者消费行为的产生。

4)brand knowledge品牌认知

1.The paper studies the impact of consumers personality onbrand knowledge.消费者人格对品牌认知的影响表现为三方面的变量:一是人格特征,用人格的五大维度来量化;二是表征品牌联想的品牌个性,用Jennifer Aaker的品牌个性五大维度来刻画;三是品牌的品质认知,用消费者对品牌的了解程度来表现。

5)brand awareness品牌认知

1.We can measure and analyze loyalty based onbrand awareness, consumer valuation, consumer satisfaction, consumer usage and recommendation to other.品牌忠诚由行为忠诚与情感忠诚两部分构成,可从品牌认知、消费者价值判断、消费者满意、消费习惯、购买习惯和向它人推荐等方面进行测量与分析。

2.With the network offering variousbrand awareness methods and sufficient information resources, audience can get rich and all-round brand information, and audience can take part in and affect the process and result of information communication.品牌认知是品牌资产的重要组成部分,它是衡量受众对品牌内涵及价值的认识和理解度的标准。

6)brand cognition品牌认知

1.Brand cognition is the precondition and the basic of the brand building, and as two means of important marketing communication, advertisement and packaging have very important effect to the forming of rightbrand cognition.品牌认知是品牌塑造的前提和基础,而广告和包装作为两种重要的营销传播手段,它们对形成正确品牌认知具有重要的作用。


品牌 品牌——品牌是一个商品名称和商标的总称,它可以用来辨别一个卖者和卖者集团的货物或劳务,以便同竞争者的产品相区别。
