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知晓 Awareness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-15 11:33:47


知晓 Awareness英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical comparison of three kinds of intravenous anesthetics about perioperative awareness and forgetfulness;几种静脉全麻药麻醉中知晓及遗忘作用的临床比较

2.Hypertensive epidemiological survey and awareness,treatment and control among rural adults of Hui nationality in Midong district,Xinjiang;新疆米东区回族高血压人群高血压知晓、治疗和控制现况研究

3.The Status ofAwareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension among Adult People in Fuxin, Liaoning Province;辽宁省阜新农村地区成年人群高血压知晓、治疗和控制现况的研究


1.not knowledgeable about something specified.对特定的事物不知晓。

2.People do not know these things.人们无法知晓这类事。

3.Unfortunately, it does not.很可惜,我们无从知晓。

4.He knows virtually every language of the world,他知晓世界各国的语言,

5.Study on the Awareness of Tobacco Harms among Chinese Physicians我国医生烟草危害相关知识知晓情况

6.Investigation on awareness rate of mental health related knowledge among ordinary residents in Jining济宁市居民精神卫生知识知晓率调查

7.When asked,only 27.83% of patients had the knowledge of primary measurements to prevent CHD,and 13.21% of patients had some knowledge about treatment options for CHD.冠心病一级预防知晓率为27.83%,二级预防知晓率为13.21%。

8.The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.无知,愚昧没有受过教育、不知晓、未被告知的状态

9.arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.傲慢地宣称唯有其知晓真理

10.I let it be known that I was not interested.我让它被知晓就是我对此不感兴趣。

11.apparent knowledge of distant events without using sensory perceptions.不使用感官却明显知晓远方的消息。

12.For example, Australia was unknown;比如,澳大利亚就无人知晓;

13.Some passed unnoticed, others were conspicuous.有些无人知晓,有些引人瞩目。

14.The unknowable mysteries of life.生活中种种不可知晓的奥秘

15.Context-aware System Architecture based on TAP基于TAP的上下文知晓系统体系结构

16.I try to keep in touch with current events by reading newspapers.我通过读报纸使自己知晓当前的形势。

17.They will be aware of their options, consciously.他们会有意识地知晓他们的选择。

18.Nobody really knows how big the carry trade is.套息交易的规模到底有多大无人知晓。



1.The Research ofKnowledge on the Chinese Hypertension Prevention and Cure Guideline of Doctors in County and Village of Yancheng;盐城市县乡级医院内科医生《中国高血压防治指南》知晓情况调查

2.The Comparison of the Incidence and theKnowledge about Stroke in Young between Beijing and out of Beijing;两组患者接受溶栓、超过溶栓时间的比例、高危个体的知晓无统计学差异(北京地区分别为9。

3)Awareness rate知晓率

1.Investigation on failure to report on infectious diseases of hospitals in Puyang City in and analysis on status in quo of awareness rate for epidemic situation report;濮阳市医院传染病漏报调查与疫情报告知晓率现状分析

2.Improving the awareness rate of hygiene knowledge using a comprehensive way for neighborhood hygiene coordinators;综合干预提高居委会卫生干部卫生知识知晓率

3.Survey on the Awareness Rate of Hypertension Knowledge in Zhejiang Residents;浙江省居民高血压相关知识知晓率调查


1.Knowledge of toxoplasma were collected and analyzed.[目的]了解虹口区孕妇弓形虫感染现状及孕妇对弓形虫感染的知晓率,分析卫生习惯与感染率的关系。

2.Objective To understand awareness on gynecopathies and the relatedknowledge among women in urban and rural areas,provide the scientific data for building the guidelines of gynecopathies prevention.结果城市妇女对妇女病及妇女病普查知识知晓率明显高于农村,差异有显著性。

5)knowledge rate知晓率

1.Objective To understand and synthetically evaluate AIDSknowledge rate of different youth groups,and to provide scientific evidence for further AIDS health education.目的了解不同人群艾滋病知识知晓率,并对不同人群知晓率进行综合评价,为今后开展艾滋病健康教育工作提供科学依据。

2.Objective To understand theknowledge rate,related behavior and life style on Hydatid disease in rural residents of Xiji,Ningxia and to provide evidence and basis for making proper measure of health education,prevention and control on Hydatid disease.结果共调查居民555户,555人,年龄在16岁以上,各年龄段平均分布,居民对于包虫病一些感性的认识知晓率较高,但是对于传播链等防治问题的知晓率低,不知道如何使自己免于感染。

3.RESULTS Theknowledge rate of influenza about student was 77.结果学生对流感知识的知晓率为77。


1.Survey on Prevalence,Awareness,Treatment and Control Among Adults With Family History of Hypertension;高血压家族史阳性者高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率及控制率调查

2.Epidemiological Study of Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension in Hypertensive Families;高血压家系802人的高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗和控制状况调查

3.Study on theawareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Qingdao rural residents;青岛农村居民对高血压的知晓率、服药率及影响因素的分析


