100字范文 > 旅游消费券 Tourism Consumption Ticket英语短句 例句大全

旅游消费券 Tourism Consumption Ticket英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-26 00:15:54


旅游消费券 Tourism Consumption Ticket英语短句 例句大全

旅游消费券,Tourism Consumption Ticket

1)Tourism Consumption Ticket旅游消费券

2)travel consumption旅游消费

1.Some non-harmonious problems were produced in Chinesetravel consumption,which shows the destroyed travel resources and environment,and also shows the dissimilation of human behavior and mind,then results worsen entironment of travel destinations and depressed tourists experiences.在我国蓬勃发展的旅游消费中出现明显的不和谐现象,突出表现为旅游环境和资源的破坏,群体旅游行为和个体旅游体验的异化,其结果是破坏了旅游区的生态环境,降低了游客的旅游体验。

2.The paper re defines it after comparing and analyzing some definitions oftravel consumption.在比较分析了有关旅游消费的概念之后,对旅游消费的含义进行了重新界定,指出了旅游消费的八个基本特征,并在最后提出了几个有关旅游消费的值得商榷的基本特征。


1.The Analysis On Consumption Structure and potential of Tourist --A study of foreign tourist arrivals tourism consumption;旅游者旅游消费结构及潜力分析——以入境旅游者旅游消费为例

2.Sustainable Tourism Consumption and Sustainable Tourism Development;可持续旅游消费与旅游业可持续发展

3.Tourist Contract and Protection of Tourists Consumer Rights;旅游消费者合同及其消费权益的保护

4.Analysis on National Tourist Consumption with Demonstration;我国消费者旅游消费行为的实证分析

5.A Demonstrative Analysis of Consumptive Changes of Henan Province"s Domestic Tourists河南省国内游客旅游消费变动的分析

6.The Consumption Behavior Mode of Online Tourism Consumers under the Background of Web2.0 and its Application in the Tourism Websites;Web2.0下的网络旅游消费行为模式及旅游网站应用

7.Students Sports Tourism Consumption and the Development of Sports Tourism in Shanxi;大学生体育旅游消费与山西体育旅游业的发展

8.A Study on the Psychological Contract between the Tourism Consumers and Tourism Enterprises;旅游企业与旅游消费者的心理契约研究

9.A Demonstrative Study on Travel Consumption Preference of Foreign Visitors to China;旅华外国游客旅游消费偏好的实证研究

10.On the Present State and Characteristics of Shanghai Citizens Tourism Consumption Culture;上海市民旅游消费文化现状及其特征


12.Discussion on the Connotations and Characteristics of Sustainable Tourism Consumption;可持续旅游消费:内涵、特征与意义

13.A Positive Analysis on Exhibitor s Tourism Expenditure in Beijing;北京市参展商旅游消费支出实证分析

14.The Status and Countermeasure of Physical Tourism Consumption of Family in Foshan City;佛山市家庭体育旅游消费现状与对策

15.L.R-L.P Model for Forecasting Tourist Consumption Sum of Regional Citizen;预测地区公民旅游消费额的L.R—L.P模型

16.Countermeasures Studies on Improving Tourism Consumption Environment of Guizhou Province改善贵州省旅游消费环境的对策研究

17.Study on Traval Behavior of College Teachers in Qinhuangdao秦皇岛市高校教师旅游消费行为研究

18.The Expense Inertia of the Tourist and its Right Defends;游客消费者惰性及和谐旅游市场构筑


travel consumption旅游消费

1.Some non-harmonious problems were produced in Chinesetravel consumption,which shows the destroyed travel resources and environment,and also shows the dissimilation of human behavior and mind,then results worsen entironment of travel destinations and depressed tourists experiences.在我国蓬勃发展的旅游消费中出现明显的不和谐现象,突出表现为旅游环境和资源的破坏,群体旅游行为和个体旅游体验的异化,其结果是破坏了旅游区的生态环境,降低了游客的旅游体验。

2.The paper re defines it after comparing and analyzing some definitions oftravel consumption.在比较分析了有关旅游消费的概念之后,对旅游消费的含义进行了重新界定,指出了旅游消费的八个基本特征,并在最后提出了几个有关旅游消费的值得商榷的基本特征。

3)tourism consumption旅游消费

1.Ecological footprint oftourism consumption—A case study of Beijing foreign tourist arrivals;旅游消费生态占用初探——以北京市海外入境旅游者为例

2.A Study on the Tourism Consumption Culture of Shanghai Citizens ;上海市民旅游消费文化研究

3.Using economic development level as interpretive variable, this paper respectively sets up the model of domestictourism consumption, the model of internationaltourism consumption, and the model of totaltourism consumption.文章以经济发展水平为解释变量,分别建立了我国居民国内旅游消费模型、国际旅游消费模型和总体旅游消费模型。

4)tourist consumption旅游消费

1.Through the analysis of basic data got from the survey of tourist consumers in Changsha city,and the multiple investigations of the consumption place,group,capacity,level,construction and desire in main tourist areas in Hunan province,the author concludes six main modes about areas of thetourist consumption: Tourist hot area,Secondary tourist hot area,To be.通过长沙市居民旅游消费的调查获得基础数据,从消费地、消费人群、消费能力、消费水平、消费结构和消费愿望对湖南省主要旅游区进行多重考察,归纳出六大旅游消费区类型:旅游热区、旅游次热区、待发展区、文化旅游区、近距离休闲区I和休闲区II,总结出各类消费区消费主控因子并对比分析了各区消费结构,为深入研究旅游区消费问题提供了思路,为湖南省旅游业发展提出了建议。

2.Tourism is to be the new industry of the economic development in 21th century,thus,the thesis analyzes the developing trend of thetourist consumption from the economic prospect and deals with the factors influencing the increase oftourist consumption to prove the necessity of tourism being the national key industry.本文通过经济学视角,分析了旅游消费的发展趋势,阐述了影响旅游消费快速增长的因素,证明了旅游消费业成为国民支柱产业的必然性,并根据旅游消费中的投入-产出生产函数的系列分析,提出了促使产业发展的战略对策。

3.However,China s citizens are somewhat blind totourist consumption.旅游消费正在成为人们生活中一项重要的休闲选择。

5)tourist consumption sum旅游消费额

6)tourism consumer旅游消费者

1.The research of the psychological contract oftourism consumers discusses the important effect of psychological contract in the operation management of tourism enterprises,and gives some advices about how to construct and keep the psychological contract between thetourism consumers and tourism enterprises,which can solve the problems that exist in this psychological contract.心理契约理论主要在组织行为学领域进行研究,而应用于对旅游消费者心理契约的研究,主要是讨论心理契约在旅游企业经营管理中的重要作用,并针对目前旅游企业与旅游消费者的心理契约存在的问题,提出了关于如何构建和维持其心理契约的一些建议。

2.Tourism consumer is the service targets of tourism, which is the source of the driving force for its development.由于我国旅游资源十分丰富,我国旅游业在改革开放之后得到了迅速发展,但是由于各种因素的共同作用,旅游消费者权益保护问题也伴随着旅游业的发展日益暴露出来。


