100字范文 > 旅游消费偏好 preference in tourism consumption英语短句 例句大全

旅游消费偏好 preference in tourism consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-16 05:00:14


旅游消费偏好 preference in tourism consumption英语短句 例句大全

旅游消费偏好,preference in tourism consumption

1)preference in tourism consumption旅游消费偏好

1.Through using the materials of questionnaire investigation from the residents of61 cities in China,the research has carried on the study to the Chinese middle-classwomenpreference in tourism consumption.本研究基于来自全国61个大、中、小城市的问卷调查资料,对中国中产阶层女性旅游消费偏好进行了定量研究,并根据本研究所总结出的中国中产阶层女性旅游消费偏好特征,运用市场学理论,进一步提出了针对中产阶层女性的旅游市场开发建议。


1.A Demonstrative Study on Travel Consumption Preference of Foreign Visitors to China;旅华外国游客旅游消费偏好的实证研究

2.The Study of Overseas Students" Preference in Tourism Consumption来华外国留学生旅游消费偏好及其影响因素

3.Study on Chinese Middle-class Women s Preference in Tourism Consumption and Market Development;中国中产阶层女性旅游消费偏好与市场开发研究

4.The Analysis On Consumption Structure and potential of Tourist --A study of foreign tourist arrivals tourism consumption;旅游者旅游消费结构及潜力分析——以入境旅游者旅游消费为例

5.A study on tourism preference of American tourists to China;来华美国旅游者旅游偏好的实证研究

6.Sustainable Tourism Consumption and Sustainable Tourism Development;可持续旅游消费与旅游业可持续发展

7.Tourist Contract and Protection of Tourists Consumer Rights;旅游消费者合同及其消费权益的保护

8.Analysis on National Tourist Consumption with Demonstration;我国消费者旅游消费行为的实证分析

9.Evaluation of Consumer Preference Based on Fuzzy Partial Ordering Relation;基于模糊偏序关系的消费者偏好测评

10.Study on the Preference of Korea Tourists to Xi an;赴西安旅游的韩国游客的旅游偏好研究

11.The Expense Inertia of the Tourist and its Right Defends;游客消费者惰性及和谐旅游市场构筑

12.A Demonstrative Analysis of Consumptive Changes of Henan Province"s Domestic Tourists河南省国内游客旅游消费变动的分析

13.Heritage Authenticity,Preference of Tourists Values and Authenticity of Heritage Tourism;遗产原真性·旅游者价值观偏好·遗产旅游原真性

14.A Study on Characteristics and Inclination of Japanese and Korean Tourist Visiting China;旅华日本、韩国游客旅游特征及偏好研究

15.International Tourism Payment Equation, Payment Grade and Tourism Inclination;国际旅游支付方程、支付等级与旅游偏好

16.Develop Economy By Increasing Expenditure through Holiday Tourism --Thoughts on the great upsurge in Guangxi Tourism On National Day;搞好假日旅游 拉动消费增长 促进经济发展——关于广西国庆旅游热潮的思考

17.Research on Automobile Consuming Preference in Chinese Cities;中国城市消费者汽车消费偏好的因素研究

18.A Study on the Taiwanese Tourists Consumption Behavior in China Mainland;我国入境旅游市场中台湾旅游者消费行为研究


tourism preference旅游偏好

1.A study ontourism preference of American tourists to China;来华美国旅游者旅游偏好的实证研究

2.By analyzing the origin spatial distribution recreationists of tourist to Hefei, the author expounds the socioeconomic background of tourist and the features theirtourism preference.分析了合肥市外地旅游者客源地空间分布规律,阐述了旅游者社会经济背景和旅游偏好特征。

3)tour preference旅游偏好

1.Thetour preference of Chongqing residents is to consider natural mountains and rivers and then to consider folk customs, historic relics,costal beaches and so on.重庆市民的旅游偏好,基本上是以自然山水为首要考虑,其次才是民俗风情、历史遗迹、海滨沙滩等;对文化景观类旅游目的地的兴趣有所下降,而更加偏好海滨沙滩和草原森林,同时都市景象也开始受到人们喜爱。

4)consumption preference消费偏好

1.By using the index ofconsumption preference,this paper establishes two-products model from the point of making the maximum social welfare.从社会福利最大化角度出发,通过设定物品消费偏好指数,建立两物品模型,推导出了区域环境最佳投资水平;在此基础上,从理论上证明了环境库兹涅茨曲线存在的依据以及在环境质量最低点和环境质量发生根本性好转的转折点的社会总投资水平。

5)consume preference消费偏好

1.Based on the Akerlof inverse choice model,analyzing the income factors,we can see the income factors can affect theconsume preference and then change the consumers non-difference curve.基于Akerlof逆向选择模型,引入收入因素对其分析,通过说明收入因素影响消费偏好,进而改变消费者的无差异曲线,建立一个有限次交易后最终达到非零均衡的部分逆向选择的基本模型,并着重从这一侧面,即收入因素的影响,分析为什么在中国劣质品市场会长期存在。

6)consumer preferences消费偏好

1.This paper studies the reason from the utility angle,and pays special attention to analysing the utility of insurance,comparative utility,non-insurance substitute products utility which few people have studied,people s active and passiveconsumer preferences when they buy insurance,and has made an explanation from a new visual angle for the inadequate insurance consciousness of Chinese people.集中分析了保险的自身效用与比较效用,在分析中本文提出了理论界很少有人探讨的保险非替代产品效用的观点,研究了影响保险购买的民众主动型消费偏好于被动型消费偏好的问题,从一个新的视角解释了中国民众保险意识不高的原因。

2.The paper gives the concept model of attribute price based on the theory of the effectiveness,consumer preferences and market supply and demand balance,and constructs the computing model of attribute price.对模型的统计学检验与经济分析表明,该计算模型高度有效,可以解释天津市住宅价格与自然属性的关系,可以揭示当地购房者的消费偏好,也可以为居民购房提供决策依据。


