100字范文 > 性别语言差异 genderlect difference英语短句 例句大全

性别语言差异 genderlect difference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-01 13:09:51


性别语言差异 genderlect difference英语短句 例句大全

性别语言差异,genderlect difference

1)genderlect difference性别语言差异


1.On Gender-Related Differences in Daily Communication of English;英语日常交际中体现的性别语言差异

2.Gender Differences in Chinese Perceived from the Speech Act of Request;从请求言语行为看汉语中的性别差异

3.Gender Differences in Performing Invitation in Chinese;汉语“邀请”言语行为的性别差异研究

4.A study of the Gender Differences and Causes in the English Language英语语言中的性别差异及其成因研究

5.Linguistic-Pragmatic Perspective on Gender Differences in Verbal Communication;从语言语用角度看言语交际中的性别差异

6.Gender Differences in Cross-sex Conversations in English Language Within Public Contexts;英语语言中公共场合下言语交谈的性别差异

7.A Discussion on the Similarity of the Gender Speech Differences in Syntax;浅谈性别言语差异在句法中的象似性

8.A Brief Analysis on the Reflection and the Reasonsof the Sex Difference in Language;简析性别差异在语言中的体现及原因

9.Dominance and Difference: Gender Factors in Verbal Interactions;优势与差异:言语交往中的性别因素

10.Discussion on the difference of sex status of Japanese from language usage;从语言表达看日本人的性别地位差异

11.Gender-related Difference in Classroom Speech Act of College Teacher高校教师课堂言语行为性别差异研究

12.Gender differences in pronunciation and intonation;言语性别差异在英语语音、语调中的反映

13.Gender Difference in the Realization Patterns of Compliments in the Chinese Speech Communication;汉语言语交际中称赞语的性别差异研究

14.Gender Differences of Linguistic Forms in English Oral Communication;英语口语交际中语言形式上的性别差异

15.Reflections on Gender Differences in Foreign Language Education;外语教学语境中的语言性别差异现象研究

16.The Influence of Gender Difference in Language Use on Mixed-sex Communication;语言的性别差异及其对跨性别交际的影响

17.The Sexual Phenomena in Language and the Sexual Differences in Communication;语言中的性别现象与交际中的性别差异

18.Gender Differences in Nonverbal Communication in the College Foreign Language Classroom;大学外语课堂中非言语交际的性别差异


language gender differences语言性别差异

1.On the mutual construction oflanguage gender differences and social culture;论语言性别差异与社会文化的互构

3)gender speech differences性别言语差异

1.The paper discusses the similarity of thegender speech differences in syntax and finds out the social and historical causes of the formed structure in the viewpoint of cognitional linguistics.本文从认知语言学的视角,简要地探讨了性别言语差异在句法上的象似性规律,并得出形成该句法结构的社会历史原因。

4)gender difference in language use语言的性别差异

1.Misunderstandings often appear in mixed-sex communication and thegender difference in language use is one of the major causes.语言的性别差异往往是引起这些交际失误的原因。

5)sex difference in speech言语的性别差异

6)gender differences in language语言中的性别差异


成就动机性别差异成就动机性别差异sex differences in achievement motivation成就动机性别差异(se、differenees inachievemeflt motlvati、)n)两性在完成有价值的活动时的内在动力方面的差异。通常认为,男性的成就动机水平高于女性。但麦克莱兰德在研究中发现了如下儿点:(l)在中性条件下,女性的成就动机高于男性。(2)在竞争条件卜,男性的成就动机高于女性。(3)在同一方式进行的测验中,男女的成就动机水平是相同的。显然成就动机还有赖一于具体的情境,以及人对情境的认知。有的研究认为,男性对于成就有比女性更大的欲求,更倾向于为了成就本身而努力,女性则更倾向于为了获得他人赞赏而努力。男性的动机多指向于事业,女性的动机多指向于人际关系。(茜香嘉撰高玉祥审)
