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儒道 Confucianism and Taoism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-23 06:34:23


儒道 Confucianism and Taoism英语短句 例句大全

儒道,Confucianism and Taoism

1)Confucianism and Taoism儒道

1.Argument of Speech and Idea betweenConfucianism and Taoism and the Theory of Speech and Idea in Middle Ancient China;儒道言意之辩与中古文论言意理论

2.An Analysis on the Supplementary Function of "the Beauty of Yin" in Buddhism to "the Beauty of Yang" inConfucianism and Taoism;佛教“阴美”对儒道“阳美”的补进功能


1.Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism and Chinese Traditional Culture儒道佛与中国传统文化

2.Study on the Formation of the Complementation of Confucianismand Taoism by the Comparison of Confucianism,Taoism,Mohism and Legalism从儒道墨法的对比中看儒道互补格局的形成

3.His thought rooted in Confucianism and Daoism.其思想源于儒家,也源于道家、道教,是儒道融合于一体的产物。

4.The Ontological Study of the Pre-Qin Confucianist and Taoist Philosophy;“道”——先秦儒道哲学本体论研究

5.Historical Causes of the Complementary Effects of Confucianism and Taoism儒道互补历史原因管窥——兼论道家对儒学独尊地位的挑战

6.The Similarities Between Confucianism and Taoism and Their Integration on the View of Harmony;儒家的尚“中”与道家的崇“大”——儒道和谐观的差异与融合

7.On the Distinction and Mutual Permeation between Confucianism and Taoism by the Concept of “Yao” ──Concurrently on the Methodology of the Research on I-Ching Learning;从“要”这个概念看儒道分野及儒道互渗──兼论易学研究的方法论问题

8.By "the Scholars" with the Confucianism Buddhism Taoism Thought Spirit;论《儒林外史》与儒释道思想的精神联结

9.The Development and Innovation of Confucian School of Idealist Philosophy in the Song and Ming Dynasties;宋明理学的纳道入儒与儒学的新发展

10.On the Song - Confucianist Ideal Realm;宋儒境界论——以儒释道会通为视角

11.Confucianism as the Main and Taoism as the Complementary--On the Ideational Characteristics of Yang Xiong s Fa Yan;儒主道辅 本道兼儒——论扬雄《法言》的思想特征

12.On the Cultural Division of the Times of Confucianism in the Kin Dynasty and on the Fundamental State Policy of "Respecting Confucianism试论金朝儒家文化分期——兼议“崇儒重道”基本国策

13.On The Defect of The Confucian Ethic and Its Relation To The Heaven-Worship of Confucianism论儒教伦理的缺陷及其与儒教天道观的关系

14.Buddhist Interpretation of and Ultimate Return to Confucianism--Yuan Zongdao s Understanding of the Four Books;以佛诠儒 返本归儒——论袁宗道对“四书”的诠释

15.How do you know so [email protected] asked the dwarf.侏儒问道:“你怎会知道这么多呢?

16.The Influence of the Confucianist Moral Outlook on Singaporean Moral Education儒家道德观对新加坡道德教育的影响

17.A contrast of love of Taoism、Confucianism and Monism道爱、仁爱、兼爱——道、儒、墨三家爱观之比较

18.A Contrast of Love of Confucianism,Taoism and Mohism仁爱、道爱、兼爱——儒、道、墨爱观比较



1.The Shared Origin of theConfucianism and Taoism from the Perspective of Ancestor Souls;从祖灵意识谈儒道起源及其同流

2.Han Yu believed inConfucianism.韩愈崇奉儒道,然而佛老祸国央民,扰乱纲纪,且属夷狄之法,故排斥异端以捍卫儒道。

3)Taoism and Confucianism道儒

4)confucianism buddhism daoism儒佛道

5)respect Confucianism and Taoism尊儒崇道

6)mastery of both Confucian and Taoist thoughts儒道兼修


儒道1.儒家的道德原则。 2.泛指儒家的思想学说。 3.谓儒家和道家的思想学说。
