100字范文 > 泛珠江三角洲地区 Pan-Pearl-River Delta region英语短句 例句大全

泛珠江三角洲地区 Pan-Pearl-River Delta region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-15 01:02:24


泛珠江三角洲地区 Pan-Pearl-River Delta region英语短句 例句大全

泛珠江三角洲地区,Pan-Pearl-River Delta region

1)Pan-Pearl-River Delta region泛珠江三角洲地区

1.Problems and measures for hotel business inPan-Pearl-River Delta region;泛珠江三角洲地区酒店业发展的问题与对策


1.The present situation and countermeasure of integrated transportation in Pan-Pearl River Delta region;泛珠江三角洲地区交通一体化的现状及对策

2.Problems and measures for hotel business in Pan-Pearl-River Delta region;泛珠江三角洲地区酒店业发展的问题与对策

3.The Analysis on Industry Transfer of Regions in Pan-Pearl River Delta;泛珠江三角洲各地区的产业转移分析

4.A Study of Impedient Factors of the Construction of Regional Economic Hinterland in Pan-Pearl River Delta;泛珠江三角洲区域经济腹地建构的障碍性因素研究

5.The Opening Trend of the Regional Economy of the Pan-Pear River Delta;泛珠江三角洲区域经济开放的趋势分析

6.Extensive-Metropolitan Regions and the Development Orientation of Urbanization in the Zhujiang River Delta;泛都市区与珠江三角洲城市化未来发展方向

7.From the Small Pearl River Delta to the Pan Pearl River Delta: Retrospect and Prospect of the Pearl River Delta;从“小珠”到“泛珠”——珠江三角洲区域发展历程回顾及展望

8.Research of Groundwater Vulnerability in Pearl River Delta Area;珠江三角洲地区地下水防污性能研究

9.A Study of Carrying Capacity of Land Resources in Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲地区土地资源承载力研究

10.The Research on the Etiquette and Custom of Betel nut in Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲地区的槟榔习俗源流考略

11.Research on the Light Industry-dominated Structure in the Pearl River Delta Region;珠江三角洲地区工业轻型化问题初探

12.A Study on the competition and cooperation of the ports in Pearl Delta;珠江三角洲地区港口竞争与合作研究

13.The Study of Rural-Urban Transition in the Pearl River Delta Area;珠江三角洲地区乡村-城市转型研究

14.Study on the Industrial Transfer about Industrial Estate Orientation Exclave Style in Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲“园区指向飞地型”产业转移

15.On the Co-operation of the Pan-Pearl River Delta:The problems,motives and prospects;泛珠江三角洲合作:动力、问题与前景

16.Governance in the Pan-Pearl River Delta against the Background of Globalization;全球化背景下的“泛珠江三角洲”治理

17.On Regional Cooperation from View of New Regionalism in the Pan-Pearl River Delta;试论新区域主义视野下的泛珠江三角洲区域合作

18.New Development of Regional Economic Integration in China: Development and Cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta;中国区域经济整合的新态势——论泛珠江三角洲经济区的发展与协调


Pearl River Delta region珠江三角洲地区

position and characteristics of weed community in turf of Pearl River Delta Region in spring珠江三角洲地区春季草坪杂草群落组成及其特征

2.Rapid convergence of population and increase in standards of living result in huge urban domestic water consumption inPearl River Delta region.人口的急剧集聚以及生活水平的快速提高,导致珠江三角洲地区的城市生活用水量非常大。

3.In pearl river delta region,the types of groundwater were complex,the characteristic of groundwater chemistry was variational,water quality of bedrock fissure water and karst water was fine due to their intense hydraulis alternation,water quality of quaternary pore water was relatively bad as a result of slow flowoff.珠江三角洲地区地下水类型多样,水化学特征复杂,基岩裂隙水和岩溶水水力交替强烈而水质好,第四系松散层地下水径流迟缓而水质较差。

3)the Pearl River Delta Area珠江三角洲地区

4)Zhujiang Delta珠江三角洲地区

1.Evaluation of Level of Service of Intercity Highways inZhujiang Delta;珠江三角洲地区城际道路服务水平评估研究

2.According to statistical principle, the characters of highway traffic compositions and speed distribution are put forward by analyzing a great deal of field survey traffic flow data inZhujiang Delta in this paper Speed?flow curves for freeways and arterial highways are presented through nonlinear regression on traffic flow data observed in the regio以大量实测交通流数据为依据 ,分析珠江三角洲地区道路特性和交通组成特点 ,应用数理统计方法分析该地区速度分布特性及交通运行特性。

3.With a case study at Guangzhou city, the present situation and characteristics of the urban soil and water loss in Zhujiang delta area are illustrated.以广州市为例 ,分析了珠江三角洲地区城市水土流失的现状与特点 ,针对采石取土、修路、开发区建设和坡耕地等人为因素引起的水土流失 ,提出了三角洲地区的一般治理措施 ,并对其水土保持效益进行了评价。

5)pearl river delta珠江三角洲地区

1.The interaction of the worship of "North Monarch" in Pearl River Delta and the social and economic development during the Ming-Qing Dynasties;明清珠江三角洲地区“北帝”崇拜与社会经济

2.Analysis on State of Insufficiency of Cultivated Land in the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲地区耕地资源紧缺态势分析

3.The concentrations and distributions of three sorts of quinolones(norfloxacin,ciprofloxacin and enorfloxacin) in water,sediments and the tissues of 8 kinds of fishes from 7 sites in Pearl River Delta aquaculture regions(freshwater and marine) were determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) with fluorescence detector.利用高效液相色谱分析了珠江三角洲地区淡水养殖区和海水养殖区7个不同采样点表层水体、沉积物以及8种养殖鱼类肌肉和肝脏2种组织中诺氟沙星、环丙沙星和恩诺沙星3种喹诺酮类药物残留含量。

6)Pearl River Delta area珠江三角洲地区

1.The New Exploration of Residence Regional Design in Pearl River Delta Area;珠江三角洲地区住宅地域性设计的新探索

2.After analyzing the historic earthquake catalogue, present seismicity and observed precursor data ofPearl River Delta area, we consider that it will be in a quiet period with low-level seismic activity in some years to come.在分析珠江三角洲地区历史、现今地震活动性和前兆观测资料后认为 ,今后几年该区将处于地震活动水平较低的平静时段 ,陆地区域发生MS5级以上地震的可能性很小。

3.The NEE striking faults are the main active fults in thePearl River Delta area.珠江三角洲地区的基岩地质、新构造运动、航磁和重力资料都反映NEE向是最主要的构造方向,NEE向的恩平-海丰一线把研究区分成南北两区。


中国珠江三角洲气候资源利用中国珠江三角洲气候资源利用utilization of climatic resources in the Zhujiang Delta of Chinazhongguo zhujiang sanjiaozhou qihou ziyuan liyong中国珠江三角洲气候资源利用(uti一ization。f Climatie、souoes in the Zhujiang Delta Of China)珠江三角洲平原位于中国广一东省中南部珠江口两侧,属南亚热带海洋季风气候,农业自然资源优越,农作物四季常青,是广东省的主要粮食作物和经济作物生长区(参见彩图插页第46页)。气候资源特点光热资源优越,年总辐射量为5仪叉)~5450兆焦耳/米,,年日照时数为l以X]~22(X)小时。年平均气温为21~23℃,7月平均气温约为28℃,1月平均气温由北部的11℃向南增至巧℃,全区大部分霜日只有3~5日。〕ro℃的积温为7450~8《XX)℃,持续期310~3团日。水稻安全生育期为220~250日,甘蔗生育期为3砚X)~3软〕日,鱼塘几乎终年可以养鱼,蔬菜全年可收6~12熟,盛产热带亚热带水果。降水资源丰沛,年降雨量为1以洲〕~2仪l)毫米,主要雨季在4~9月,对农作物生长尤为有利。农业气象灾害主要有低温阴雨、初冬寒潮、寒露风、暴雨、台风等。低温阴雨常对早播早稻造成威胁,导致大面积烂秧,影响水稻生产。初冬寒潮有时对热带经济作物、冬种作物和塘鱼生产造成危害。寒露风是造成该区晚稻生产不稳定的主要原因。暴雨次数多,强度大,在多暴雨区,暴雨量可达年降水量的30%以上,暴雨带来的洪涝灾害,对农业造成严重威胁。台风是夏秋期间影响该区最大的灾害性天气,平均每年3.5次,秋季台风结合寒露风对晚稻抽穗、扬花、灌浆影响严重,可导致晚稻显著减产。伴随台风而来的狂风暴雨以及巨浪、暴潮,造成沿海低洼地区更加严重的灾害。利用现状①用水量大,但利用率不高,水资源利用率为58%左右。②水田比例大,基塘地位突出。珠江三角洲地形较复杂,丘陵、水域、平原之比为3:1:6。水田占35%。基塘系统一般每年可采桑8~9次,养蚕、结茧8~9造,缎丝8~9次,捕鱼4~6次;还可冬种蔬菜、间种香蕉、轮种甘蔗等,单位面积的产值比稻田高3~4倍。③农业生产向市场经济和外向型经济农业转化,涌现出大批出口创汇的农副基地、再加工基一今,.洲粼明淤硕产续粉幼碑瞬田御啊姗姗姗畔树*、,~幽“萨喇州阴喇脚…滋醚珠江三角洲发展的水产养殖(《人民画报》)地和新兴工业开发区。④大规模的联围筑闸,由于堤围标准低、防洪排涝工程未达标、盲目进行海涂围垦,加剧了洪涝灾害。⑤冬季光、热资源利用不充分。利用途径①利用本区热量充足多雨有利条件,合理调整作物布局。水稻在本区可以双季连作,总产高,但要改善生产条件,努力提高单产。
