100字范文 > 长三角经济一体化 economic integration in Yangtze River Delta Region英语短句 例句大全

长三角经济一体化 economic integration in Yangtze River Delta Region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-24 18:16:20


长三角经济一体化 economic integration in Yangtze River Delta Region英语短句 例句大全

长三角经济一体化,economic integration in Yangtze River Delta Region

1)economic integration in Yangtze River Delta Region长三角经济一体化

1.With the further development ofeconomic integration in Yangtze River Delta Region,it seems to be very important to moderate or coordinate conflicts of interest between different districts.随着长三角经济一体化的进一步发展,协调区域内各行政区划利益冲突和各自为政问题已显得十分重要。


1.New Mode of Legal Coordination to Economic Integration in Yangtze River Delta Region;长三角经济一体化的法制协调新模式

2.Changjiang Delta Economic Integrafion:Existing Problems and Countermeasures;长三角经济一体化存在的问题及对策

3.The economic unification in Yangtse Delta:basis,restrictionn and vision;长三角经济一体化:基础、制约及构想

4.Legal Co-ordination in the Background of Economic Integration in Yangtze River Delta;长三角经济一体化背景下的法制协调

5.Economic Integration and Optimization of Financial Resources Allocation in Yangtze Delta;长三角经济一体化与金融资源配置优化

6.A Tentative Probation into the "Industrial Tie-in Model" of Yangtza Delta;长三角经济一体化中的“产业对接”模式探讨

7.Cooperation of the Regional Government in Yangtze River Delta Economic Integration;长三角经济一体化中区域政府的合作分析

8.An Empirical Research on Effect of Cities on Regional Integration in Yangtze River Delta Area;城市对长三角经济一体化演进的影响实证研究

9.Main Characteristics & Coordinated Mechanism of the Economic Integration in the Yangtse Delta;长三角经济一体化主要特点和协调机制

10.Regional Cultural Assimilation and Economic Integration in Yangtze River Delta长三角的区域文化融合与经济一体化

11.Growth Effects of Yangtze River Delta"s Economic Integration长三角地区经济一体化的经济增长效应

12.Study on the Regional Economic Integration of Yangtze River Delta;长江三角洲区域经济一体化发展研究

13.Thinking on the Institutional Innovation About Economic Integration Of the Changjiang River Delta;长江三角洲经济一体化制度创新研究

14.The World Exhibition and Economic Integration of Yangtze River Delta;世博会与长江三角洲区域经济一体化

15.The Economics Integration of the Yangtze Delta Area: A Study Considerring the Headquater-Economy Situation;总部经济框架下长三角区域经济一体化研究

16.Basis of Economic Integration in Yangtze River Delta --Market Integration;长三角区域经济一体化的基础——市场一体化

17.Culture Industry of the Yangtze River Delta in the Economic and Cultural Integration;经济文化一体化中的长三角区域文化产业

18.Economic Development-Industry Isomorphism and Regional Economic Integration of the Area of Changjiang Delta;长三角地区经济增长、产业同构与区域经济一体化


the economic integration of the delta of the Yangtse River长江三角洲经济一体化

1.The city s development must capture the vital contents ofthe economic integration of the delta of the Yangtse River.南京市正面临一个重要的战略机遇期 ,影响南京今后发展的因素中 ,长江三角洲经济一体化是最为重要的 ,它与南京的对外开放、沿江发展和提升城市品位等紧密相关。

3)Yangtse Delta Economy长三角经济

4)economic integration of the Yangtze River Delta长三角一体化

5)Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Economic Integration长株潭经济一体化

1.Economic Philosophy in On Ten Relations and Its Enlightenment onChangsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Economic Integration《论十大关系》中的经济哲学思想及其对长株潭经济一体化的启示

6)the economic beltofthe Yangtse Riverdelta长江三角经济带


