100字范文 > 文明生态村建设 construction of a civilized and biological village英语短句 例句大全

文明生态村建设 construction of a civilized and biological village英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-16 20:11:49


文明生态村建设 construction of a civilized and biological village英语短句 例句大全

文明生态村建设,construction of a civilized and biological village

1)construction of a civilized and biological village文明生态村建设


1.Study on Construction of Civilized Eco-village-Targeting at Eco-province;生态省目标下的文明生态村建设研究

2.Inspirations to the Practice of Civilized Eco-village in Hainan Province from Foreign Experience国外生态村建设经验对海南文明生态村建设的启示

3.To Study about the Construction of the Civilization and Eco-Village and Rural Socio-economic Development文明生态村建设与农村社会经济发展研究

4.Biological Ethics and Rural Sustainable Development--Ethical Reflection on the Construction of Civilized Biological Village;生态伦理与农村可持续发展——关于文明生态村建设的伦理思考

5.The Significance of Construction of Civilized and Organism s Circle to the Construction of Town Planning in Our country;文明生态村建设对促进现阶段城镇化建设的重要意义

6.On Interaction between the Red Tourism, the Civilized Ecology Village Building and the Rural Tourism in Hebei Province;河北省红色旅游·文明生态村建设与乡村旅游互动

7.The Interactive Integration Between the Rural Tourism and the Construction of Cultural Ecological Village in the Central Hainan乡村旅游与海南中部民族地区文明生态村建设互动整合

8.Hainan s Ethnic Minority Areas in Central Village of Ecological Civilization Construction of the Status Quo and Obstacles;海南中部民族地区文明生态村建设现状及障碍分析

9.On Ecological and Civilized Villages and Building Socialist New Countryside;论生态文明村与社会主义新农村建设

10.Integration of Rural Resources to Govern the Building of a new ecological civilization in rural areas整合农村执政资源 建设生态文明新农村

11.Socialist New Countryside Construction under Ecological Civilization Building;生态文明建构视域下的社会主义新农村建设

12.The Effective Way for Construction of Ecological Civilization in Yunnan is to Establish the Civilized Villages with Ethnic Cultures创建云南民族文化生态村是生态文明建设的有效途径

13.The Research of New Rural Communities Construction from the Angle of Conservation Culture生态文明视角下的社会主义新农村建设研究

14.Establishing the Concept of Ecological Civilization and Constructing New Socialist Countryside牢固树立生态文明观念建设社会主义新农村

15.The Environmental Issues and Ecological Civilization Construction of Rural Xi′an西安周边农村环境问题及生态文明建设的思考

16.Research on the Construction of Rural Library from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization生态文明视野下的乡村图书馆(室)建设研究

17.The Analysis on the Ecology Civilized Consciousness of the Pilot Village and the Control Village in the New Rural Construction--Take the Shandong Province as an Example新农村建设试点村与对照村生态文明意识探析——以山东省为例

18.Understanding and promoting the development of eco-systems加强生态文明教育 促进生态文明建设


rural ecology civilization construction农村生态文明建设

3)constructing ecological civilization建设生态文明

1.These problems become the restricted factors ofconstructing ecological civilization in our country.建设生态文明需要环保管理体制的支撑。

4)ecological civilization生态文明建设

1.In view of the relationship between sustainable development andecological civilization,we should understand how to constructecological civilization by the ways such as perf.与对可持续发展意涵的认识相关联,在生态文明建设过程中,应合理地把握五组关系,即增长、发展与可持续发展的关系,消费需求、可持续消费和节约型社会的关系,认识可持续本质与实施可持续发展举措的关系,可持续发展理念与生态文明制度建设的关系,国家发展与全球可持续发展及人类整体利益的关系。

2.Under the vision of a harmonious society, the concept of eco-ethics andecological civilization construction is concerned what kind of eco-ethics to guide the construction ofecological civilization in the process of building a harmonious society.和谐社会视野下的生态伦理观与生态文明建设关注的是在构建社会主义和谐社会的过程中,应该以什么样的生态伦理观来指导生态文明社会的建设。

3.The system of eco-security is an important part ofecological civilization.生态安全机制的建立是生态文明建设过程中的重要内容。

5)construction of ecological civilization生态文明建设

1.Ecological crisis appeals to theconstruction of ecological civilization and the fundamental reasons lies two extreme viewpoints of development: one is the non-developmental view of development caused by determinism;the other is the anti-developmental view of development governed by extreme egoism.生态危机的发生呼唤着生态文明建设,生态危机产生的深刻原因正是两个极端的发展观所导致,一是宿命观导致的非发展的发展观,另一个是极端利己主义支配的"反发展的发展观"。

2.Theconstruction of ecological civilization is the higher requirement for carrying out the outlook upon scientific development and building a well-off society in on all-rounded way,also the key to obtain the sustainable development of China s peripheral regions society,economy and enviormment.边缘区域国家综合配套改革试验区应从认识定位、生态五行关系定位、实现路径定位等"生态文明建设"方面,对生态文明建设实践定位进行探讨。

6)ecological civilization construction生态文明建设

1.To play special role of forestry academic group inecological civilization construction;努力发挥林业学术团体在生态文明建设中的特殊作用

2.Ecological Civilization Construction and National Security in Ethnic Minority Areas少数民族地区生态文明建设与国防安全

3.Strengthening Ecological Civilization Construction,Promoting the Coordinated Development of Society加强生态文明建设,促进社会全面协调发展


军队精神文明建设军队精神文明建设building of PLA spiritual civilizationLA二以〕军贡和氢德沁解二队紧神lundui iingshen wenming lianshe军队精神文明建设(building ofpspiritual eivilization)中国人民解放场培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律口人为月标,提高全军官兵思想道德素尼科学文化素质的实践活动。军队思想遥建设和科学文化建设的总称。中国人户放军政治工作的组成部分。目的是为马现代化建设提供理论指导、智力支持、漪动力和政治思想保证。简况中国人民解放军历来重视泥道德建设和科学文化建设。明确提出场精神文明建设这一概念是在改革开放初1981年2月,总政治部根据中共中央乡建设社会主义精神文明的号召和军队畦特点,在《关于加强部队青年工作的指中提出了“四有、三讲、两不怕”的口即“有理想、有道德、有知识、有体力,军容、讲礼貌、讲纪律,不怕艰难困苦、怕流血牺牲”。同年2月24日,总政治音出《关于深人开展学雷锋、学英模,建愁会主义高度精神文明活动的通知》。3厂日,邓小平在与总政治部领导的谈话目出,最近有一件事做得好,就是大讲精和明。1982年l月召开的全军政治工作苍提出要努力建设社会主义精神文明,衫在全军普遍开展先进连队和先进个人白众性活动。全军部队以“四有、三讲、磷怕”为基本内容,普遍开展“双先活动”现出许多精神文明建设先进连队和先是惚瑕瓤扦磅剥号讲不眼锹127脂胶雍绽滩怀涌叶瓣 ┌────────┐ │髦 │ └────────┘┌────────┐ │霎翼霭摹至唾续戮│ └────────┘ 军校大学生举办电视演讲大赛人。1983年1月,总政治部根据中国共第十二次全国代表大会关于建设社会精神文明的有关提法,将“四有、三甘不怕”调整为“有理想、有道德、有二有纪律,讲军容、讲礼貌、讲卫生,不难困苦、不怕流血牺牲”。1 987年l月央军委关于新时期军队政治工作的去对军队精神文明建设及其目标作了新述,提出了培养四有军人的l司题。
