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病变 Pathological changes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-07 19:56:57


病变 Pathological changes英语短句 例句大全

病变,Pathological changes

1)Pathological changes病变

1.The generating and treating methods of anti-corrosive paint pathological changes;防腐涂料的病变产生及处理方法

2.In order to study the optical penetration depths of liver tissue at 532nm KTP laser and 1064nm Nd∶YAG laser induced by pathological changes and thermal coagulation of human liver tissue in vitro,measurements were performed with a double-integrating-sphere setup and the inverse adding-doubling method.为了研究人肝的病变及热凝固导致其对532nm和1064nm激光的光穿透深度的变化,采用了双积分球和反向倍增法。

3.Some oracle bones from Yin Ruins collected by Henan Museum have taken place pathological changes.分析了殷墟甲骨病变的种类,并结合实际对其进行系统处理和保护。


1.diabetic mononeuropathy糖尿病单一神经病变

2.diabetic polyneuropathy糖尿病多发神经病变

3.intracranial space-occupying lesio颅内占位(性)病变

4.cytopathic effect(致)细胞病变(效应)

5.ERG in diabetic retinopathy糖尿病视网膜病变的视网膜电图改变

6.Pathogenesis of Diabetic Vasculopathy in Traditional Chinese Medicine糖尿病血管病变的中医病机理论诠释

7.Discussion on Pathogenesis of Senile Dementia with the Theory of Yangming Disease从阳明病变论述老年呆病的发病机制

8.Effect of Autonomic Neuropathy on Cerebrovascular Disease in Diabetic Mellitus;糖尿病植物神经病变对脑血管病变的影响

9.The Correlation between Diabetic Nephropathy and Diabetic Retinopathy糖尿病肾病与糖尿病视网膜病变的关系

10.Clinical Analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy Combined Diabetic Optic Neuropathy;糖尿病视网膜病变合并糖尿病性视神经病变的临床分析

11.Association between retinopathy and other vascular lesions of diabetes糖尿病视网膜病变与糖尿病其它血管病变的联系

12.sclerectomy of middle ear中耳硬化病变切除术

13.Skin (including evidence of lymphadenopathy)皮肤(包淋巴结病变)

14.acute hemorrhagic lesion of gastric mucosa急性胃粘膜出血性病变

15.surgical removal of the vermiform appendix.切除病变的阑尾的手术。

16.Breast cancer was a local lesion.乳房癌是局部病变。

17.Of or affected with melanosis.黑变病的黑变病的或受黑变病影响的

18.Of, relating to, or affected with melanosis; melanotic.黑变病的黑变病的,有关黑变病的,患黑变病的,黑素代谢失常的



1.The analysis on coronary artery lesion forms of the patients with angina pectoris during nighttime;夜间发作性心绞痛患者冠状动脉病变分析

2.The applicable value of MR hydrography cholangio-pancreas tomography in biliary lesion;磁共振水成像在胰胆道系统病变中的应用

3.Besides bacterial contamination and parasite ovas in liver tissues, twenty-five kinds of lesions were discovered in sixty-eight percent (136/200) of pig livers and seventy-seven percent (77/100) of cattle livers.对取自当前广州市肉品市场供食用的200例猪肝和100例牛肝的卫生品质进行了病理学分析,发现所研究的68%猪肝和77%牛肝存在着各种各样的病变。


1.Surgery of occupationlesions of the skull base assisted by sinus endoscope.;鼻内窥镜辅助下切除鼻窦颅底占位性病变

2.The Study of MR Imaging Sequence and Parameter for the Displaying of Pulmonary Segement Lesions;肺段病变磁共振成像序列和参数研究

3.Clinical research of natremia disorders and epilepsy with hypothalamiclesions after surgery;下丘脑区病变术后血钠紊乱与癫痫的临床研究


1.Survey of the Chronic ConjunctivaDiseases in Healthy Persons with Medical Examination;健康体检人群中球结膜慢性病变调查分析

2.Purpose: To explore CT changes and clinical significance of renal disease with decompensated cirrhosis (DCC).目的 :探讨失代偿期肝硬化 (decompensatedcirrhosis ,DCC)肾脏病变的CT表现和临床意义。


1.Pathology in Different Sites of Auditory Pathway had Different Effects on the Central Masking;听觉传导通路不同部位的病变对中枢掩蔽的影响

2.Objective To observe the morphological and ultrastructural structure of Bartonella and explore the relationship between the Bartonella infection and intestinal tissuepathology based on experimental animal model.结论成功地建立了巴通体实验动物模型;宿主感染巴通体后,主要累及血细胞和肠组织,且血细胞内巴通体的感染率与肠组织病变的严重程度呈正相关。

3.The paper analyses the aetiology.本文对禽流感的病原、症状、病变、诊断等进行了综述,根据我国实际情况提出了可操作的综合防制措施。



