100字范文 > 胃病变 Gastric pathological changes英语短句 例句大全

胃病变 Gastric pathological changes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-14 00:21:53


胃病变 Gastric pathological changes英语短句 例句大全

胃病变,Gastric pathological changes

1)Gastric pathological changes胃病变

2)Gastroenteric disease胃肠病变


1.Diabetes Theory of Gastrointestinal Diseases and Typing;糖尿病胃肠病变理论探讨与分型研究

2.Plasma Concentrations of Neurotensin and Endothelin after Traumatic Brain Injury and the Correlation with Acute Gastrointestinal Lesions in Human Patients颅脑损伤患者血浆NT、ET水平变化及其与急性胃肠病变的关系

3.11 lesions were located in st omach,8 in small bowel,3 in colon,1 in rectum.病变位于胃11例,小肠8例,结肠3例,直肠1例;

4.Effect of "Weichangshu" on Gastro Smooth Muscle Cells in Rats of Diabetic Gastroparesis Model胃肠舒对糖尿病胃轻瘫大鼠胃窦平滑肌细胞病变的影响

5.The Clinical Thinking Methods of Diagnosis in the Gastrointestinal Diseases by Double-contrast Barium Meal;胃肠道双重造影对胃肠道病变诊断的临床思维方法

6.Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology胃肠病学和肝病学杂志

7.Lipoma of the gastrointestinal tract most commonly occurs in the colon.脂肪瘤是一种不常见的胃肠道病变,最常出现在大肠。

8.Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines (both small and large).肠胃炎指肠胃(包括小肠及大肠)发炎.若肠胃炎由病毒所引致,这称为病毒性肠胃炎.

9.pathophysiology of gastrointestinal hormones胃肠激素病理生理学

10.Relationship between Plasma Homocysteine Level and Gastrointestinal Neuropathy of Type 2 Diabetes血浆同型半胱氨酸水平与2型糖尿病胃肠神经病变的关系

11.Inflammatory fibroid polyp, an uncommon lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly occurs in the stomach.炎性纤维息肉是一种不常见的胃肠道病变,胃是病变最常出现的器官。

12.Study on the Relationship Between Neuroendocrine Peptides and Gastrointestinal Dysmotilit in Diabetic Mellitus Rats;糖尿病胃肠功能障碍的胃肠动力与胃肠激素研究

13.Gastric and duodenal ulcers were noted to evolve from early superficial mucosal disease.在早期浅表的粘膜病变上出现胃和十二指肠溃疡。

14.Study on the Gene Variations and the Susceptibility of Gastrointestinal Cancers;胃肠道肿瘤发病相关基因的变异与肿瘤发生的遗传易感性的研究

15.Study On The Hurnoral Immuntiy Immunofuction Changes Of Mouse Immunized With Tgev S Gene Nucleic Acid Vaccine猪传染性胃肠炎病毒S基因核酸疫苗免疫功能变化的研究

16.Changes of Gastrointestinal Hormone in Different Stages of Diabetes of Rats and Intervention of Liangrun Tongluo Recipe不同阶段糖尿病大鼠胃肠激素变化及凉润通络方的干预作用

17.Clinicopathological observation,clonal status and c-kit gene mutation of gastrointestinal stromal tumor in sacrum骶骨胃肠间质瘤的临床病理学特点、克隆性及c-kit基因突变分析

18.Gastrointestinal parasitism is characterized gastroenteritis, unthriftiness and anemia.胃肠道寄生虫病的特征是:胃肠炎,瘦弱和贫血。


Gastroenteric disease胃肠病变

3)Helicobater pylori残胃病变

1.The relation between gastric stump lesion andHelicobater pylori infection;残胃病变与幽门螺杆菌感染关系的探讨

4)stamoch disease胃部病变

5)Gastric fundus disease胃底病变

1.Gastric fundus disease was further diagnosed by method of U-type reverse gastroscope biopsyU型反转胃镜法活检能够提高胃底病变的检出率

6)gastric precancerous lesions胃癌前病变

1.Effect of Weipi granule in treatment ofgastric precancerous lesions;胃痞颗粒治疗胃癌前病变的实验研究

2.[Objective] To observe expression of survivin ingastric precancerous lesions(PGL)and gastric cancer,and its correlation with helicobactor pylori(Hp)infection.目的探讨Survivin在胃癌前病变与胃癌中的表达,并了解其表达与Hp感染的相关性。

3.Objective To observe the effect of Yiqi Huayu Recipe on the expression of protein kinase C (PKC) and CyclinE in rats withgastric precancerous lesions (GPL).目的观察益气化瘀中药对大鼠胃癌前病变胃黏膜蛋白激酶C(PKC)、细胞周期素E(CyclinE)表达的影响。


胃病胃病 胃病 病证名。由客寒积热、饮食不节或胃气虚弱所致。主证呕逆飧泄,痞满疼痛,(月真)胀嘈杂。《灵枢·邪气脏府病形》:“胃病者,腹(月真)胀,胃脘当心而痛,上肢两胁,膈咽不通,饮食不下。”辨证治疗须分寒、热、虚、实。《中藏经》卷上:“实则中胀便难,肢节疼痛,不下食,呕吐不已。虚则肠鸣胀满,引水滑泄。寒则腹中痛,不能食冷物。热则面赤如醉人,四肢不收持,不得安卧,语狂目乱,便硬者是也。病甚则腹胁胀满,吐逆不入食,当心痛,上下不通,恶闻食臭,嫌人语,振寒喜伸欠。胃中热则唇黑,热甚则登高而歌,弃衣而走,颠狂不定,汗出额上,鼽衄不止。虚极则四肢肿满,胸中短气,谷不化,中消也。胃中风,则溏泄不已。胃不足,则多饥不消食。”根据辨证,分别采取温胃散寒、清胃泻火、益气建中、消导化滞等治疗。参见胃病各条。
