100字范文 > 北齐 Northern Qi Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

北齐 Northern Qi Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-24 02:21:05


北齐 Northern Qi Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

北齐,Northern Qi Dynasty

1)Northern Qi Dynasty北齐

1.The Dissimilation of Legal System inNorthern Qi Dynasty;北齐法制的异化及其当代启示


1.On the Enterprising Spirit of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi --A Concurrent Study of the Division of Eastern Wei and Northern Qi;论东魏北齐的积极进取——兼论东魏北齐历史的一种分期法

2.Fire Altars and Votive Implements in the Northern Qi Tombs of Xu Xianxiu and Lou Rui北齐徐显秀、娄叡墓中的火坛和礼器

3.The Trend of Han-hua under the Conflict between Hu and Han in the Dong-Wei and Bei-Qi Dynasties;东魏北齐“胡汉冲突”下的汉化趋势

4.Textual research on the "Complete Works of Beiqi and Complete Works of Houzhou";严辑《全北齐文》、《全后周文》辨正

5.On the Foundation,Composition,and Historical Significance of Wenlinguan in the Northern Qi Dynasty;北齐文林馆的设立、构成及其历史意义

6.A Study on Jinyang s Status as "Ba-Fu" and Another Capital in the Eastern Wei and the Northern Qi Dynasties;晋阳在东魏北齐时霸府和别都地位探索

7.Country Power Structure and Wealthy and Powerful Family Large-scale Land Ownership in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties东魏北齐国家的权力结构与豪族大土地所有制

8.Manage Qiqihar,Build up Tourist Famous-city in Northern Part of China;经营齐齐哈尔 打造北方旅游名城

9.Qi Baishi settled in Beijing after he was 60.60岁后齐白石定居北京,

10.The northern Manchuria base area included Harbin, Mutankiang, Pei-an and Kiamusze, among others.北满根据地是指哈尔滨、牡丹江、北安、佳木斯、齐齐哈尔等地区;

11.The northern stone tablet calligraphy originated in the Northern Dynasties (386-581) and the Sui Dynasty (581-618).碑刻为北派,以赵、燕、魏、齐、周、隋为序,

12.Qi Min Yao Shu and the Dietary culture integration of Hu & Han nationalityin the North Dynasty;《齐民要术》与北朝胡汉饮食文化的融合

13.Ton the Status of the History of the Qilu Area During the Period from the Wei Dynasty to Northern and Southern Dynasties;试论魏晋南北朝齐鲁史学的历史地位

14.The Research on Land-Using Change in the North of Urumqi乌鲁木齐北部地区土地利用变化研究

15.Practice of Overall Optimization of Qijiabei Oilfield Surface Construction齐家北油田地面建设整体优化的实践

16.Oil-source analysis in the north of Qijia Sag of Songliao Basin松辽盆地齐家凹陷北部地区油源分析

17.Landscape Dynamics in Beitun of Irtysh River Basin,Xinjiang新疆额尔齐斯河流域北屯段景观动态

18.HPLC Determines in the Clematis Hybridas the Uneven Pillar Tartaric Acid ContentHPLC法测定东北铁线莲中齐墩果酸含量


the Northern Qi Dynasty北齐

1.Study on the Geographical Distribution of the Literary Authors ofthe Northern Qi Dynasty: ——From the Perspective of Native Place of “Dai Zhao Wen Lin Guan”;论北齐文士的地理分布——以“待诏文林馆”籍贯为考察中心

2.On the Foundation,Composition,and Historical Significance of Wenlinguan inthe Northern Qi Dynasty;北齐文林馆的设立、构成及其历史意义

3)Northern Qi北齐

1.The Dou s of Eastern Wei andNorthern Qi dynastyies call themselves a glorious family at Fufeng,but it is actually the Dou s at Daibei which is changed from Ling s in Qidou of Xianbei when Emperor Xiaowendi of Northern Wei is practising the chinesizing policy.活跃在东魏、北齐的窦氏,虽然自称扶风郡望,但实际上是北魏孝文帝实行改汉姓政策时鲜卑纥豆陵氏所改的代北窦氏。

2.Of these,tombⅡis a relatively well-preserved tomb dating to theNorthern Qi peri- od.为配合南水北调工程建设,河南省文物考古研究所对安阳固岸墓地进行了考古发掘,清理出大批战国至隋代的墓葬,其中M2是一座保存较为完整的北齐时期的墓葬,出土器物60余件,尤其是出土的陶俑和镇墓兽十分精美,为研究北齐时期葬俗、葬制提供了珍贵的实物资料。


1.This paper discusses the sculpture steles ofBeiqi stored in Jiaozuo Municipal Museum in terms of the form, content and age of steles, and analyses the statue steles related to temples and documents.文章对焦作市博物馆收藏的北齐造像从碑体形制、造像内容以及雕造年代等方面进行了论述,并对石刻和与之相关的寺院及文献记载进行了分析。


6)North-Qi Dynasty Book《北齐书》

1.His essays,such as On Feudalism and Zandaofu,and his compilation ofNorth-Qi Dynasty Book have made major contributions towards Chinese historical science.当过中书舍人、散骑常侍等职,撰写了《封建论》、《赞道赋》等重要文章,编撰了《北齐书》,为中国史学的发展做出了贡献。


