100字范文 > 北周 Northern Zhou Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

北周 Northern Zhou Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-23 17:13:33


北周 Northern Zhou Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

北周,Northern Zhou Dynasty

1)Northern Zhou Dynasty北周

1.The Writer ofNorthern Zhou Dynasty ——Li Chang and the Value of His Literature Works;北周作家李昶及其文学作品的价值

2.A Review of Maijishan s Major Grottoes Built in TheNorthern Zhou Dynasty;麦积山北周重点洞窟述评

3.On the System of School Education and Recommendation inNorthern Zhou Dynasty北周学校教育与荐举制度略论


1.Genesis Characteristics of Amphibolite in Zhoutan Group in Northeast Jiangxi赣东北周潭群斜长角闪岩的成因特征

2.Analysis of Yu Xin work in the year of Jian-de;“求官”于北周——庾信建德间诗歌创作辨析

3.The North Wind is blowing around him.北风正在他四周吹着呢。

4.I"ll be up to Dalian next week下周我将北上大连。

5.On Sushen nationality and Zhou People s administration innortheast China in early Zhou Dynasty;论周初的肃慎族与周人对东北的经略

6.SO_2 Air Quality Impact on Beijing and Surrounding Region From Power Plant Emissions in North China华北电厂源对北京及周边地区SO_2影响

7.I took a 2-week vacation (extendable to 4 weeks) in Beijing to test the water.我请了2周假(后来延长到4周)到北京进行试聘。

8.elongate freshwater cod of northern Europe and Asia and North America having barbels around its mouth.北欧和北美长身淡水鳕,嘴部周围有鱼须。

9.The Northern Bin Poems and its relationship with the culture of the Zhou Dynasty;《豳风·七月》——北豳遗诗与北豳先周文化的渊源

10.Philological Studies on "Di" of "Di go out from Zhen" in Zhouyi --Concurently discuss the relectionship beteen the North star、 the Plough and "DI;《周易》"帝出乎震"之"帝"考释——兼论与北辰、北斗的关系

11.Beijing-Taiwan Youth Exchange Week with the theme of Beijing Olympics was kicked off in Beijing July12.主题为北京奥运会的北京-湾青年交流周与[]月12日在北京拉开帷幕。

12.Father" s letter was mailed from Beijing last week and came to hand today.父亲上周从北京寄来的信,今天才收到。

13.In the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the 4th century AD, China"s mathematician Zu Chougzhi (429-500) calculated the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter to be 3.1415926.南北朝了祖冲之算出圆周率为3.1415926。

14.Beijing-rim Sandstorm-preventing Project北京周边地区防治沙尘工程

15.He commute from beijing to nanjing every week.他每周乘车往返北京与南京。

16.Mary: Wow! The environment of the BUPE is pretty good.玛丽:北体大的周边环境不错呀。

17.He did change a few places in the vicinity of Peking.他确实使北京周围的一些地方变了样。

18.Hebei Quzhou Chenguang Natural Pigement Co., Ltd.河北省曲周县晨光天然色素有限公司


the Northern Zhou Dynasty北周

3)North Zhou Dynasty北周

1.A Discussion about the Development of Confucianism inNorth Zhou Dynasty;试论北周儒学思想的发展

2.YUZHENG and NEISHI are two important posts in the civil service system ofNorth Zhou Dynasty with the responsibility of drafting imperial edicts and participating in policy decisions.御正和内史是北周六官制度中重要的官职,其职责主要是起草诏令、参与决策。

4)the Northern Zhou北周

5)Beijing Weekly《北京周报》

6)Emperor Ming in Northern Zhou Dynasty北周明帝

1.Linzhi Bachelor was the official position set up byEmperor Ming in Northern Zhou Dynasty.麟趾学士是北周明帝设置的文化著述职官。


