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实习 practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 23:08:24


实习 practice英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussing about threepractices reforms of environmental engineering specialty;环境工程专业三类实习的教学改革探讨

2.On Teaching Steps That Can"t be Neglected in Metalworking Practice;浅谈金工实习中不可忽视的几个教学环节

3.Cultivation of Medical Students"Clinical Work Ability in Orthopaedic Surgery Practice;谈骨科实习阶段医学生临床工作能力的培养


1.Practical Training Programming Design Prior to Displacement Practice“顶岗实习”前的实习实训方案设计实践

2.ad hoc internship programme临时见习(实习)方案

3.Constructing Electronic Practice Platform and Developing Electronic Practice Space;夯实电子实习平台 拓展电子实习空间

4.Transformation and Practice of Education校外实习与教改实践

5.Reform the Practical Teaching System in Order To Improve the Quality of Practical Teaching;改革实习教学体系,提高实习教学质量

6.Strengthen Management for Educational Practice, Improve Educational Practice Eficiency;加强教育实习管理 提高教育实习效率

7.Replacement Teaching Practice:Discussion on Teacher Educations Practical Model顶岗实习:高校师范教育实习模式探索

8.Strengthening the Extracurricular Practice Base Construction to Ensure the Quality of Production Practice加强实习基地建设保证生产实习质量

9.A Combination on Production, Graduation Practice and Fieldwork;论生产实习、毕业实习与生产实践相结合

10.Concerns of Pre-service Students of Physics about Teaching during the Practice of Teaching--Case Studies of Four Pre-service Students;物理学专业实习生在教育实习中遇到的困扰——四名实习生个案研究

11.She instructed the trainee nurses in giving injections.她指导实习护士练习注射.

12.Implementation of Contract Learning in Clinical Practice for Nursing Students契约学习法在护生临床实习中的应用

13.Practice of Micro Computer Applications and Operative Technology微机应用操作技术实习

14.Research Methods of The Ecology生态学研究方法(含实习)

15.concurrent placement place课程并进式实习名额

16.This is paid internship for the summer.实习期为夏天,有酬劳。

17.I"m going to a language lab class.我要去上语言实习课。

18.Study makes us wise; study makes us knowledgeable; study makes us young, happy and healthy.学习最明朗,学习最充实,学习最快乐,学习最健康,学习最年青。



1.Education of Medical Ethics to Medical Students during their Clinical Internship;医学生实习期间的医德教育

2.On the Trinity Teaching Method of Classroom,Teaching Materials and Internship;论课堂、教材、实习一体化的教学方法

3.A newinternship program for pharmacy students;适应药学模式的发展,探索本科生实习改革

3)clinical practice实习

1.Contradictions ofclinical practice in TCM gynecology and their possible solutions;中医妇科临床实习与患者就医矛盾调和之对策

2.Performing through assessment beforeclinical practice to improve the quality of teaching in the associate degree nursing students;做好临床实习前评估 提高护生带教质量

3.Improving teaching quality in practice by strengthening ideological education and professional training prior toclinical practice;强化实习前教育和技能训练 提高临床实习质量

4)teaching practice实习

1.Research on the evaluation ofteaching practice for physics-major students in middle school;中学物理教育实习评价研究

2.A research on adopting comprehensive system in P.E.teaching practice;体育教育实践性环节中实习综合体系的研究

puter retrievalteaching practice is an important aspect in information retrieval course.计算机检索实习是信息检索课教学的重要环节,从分析实习中的常见问题入手,探讨了从教师、学生、图书馆等方面加强质量控制的具体做法。


1.Practice education includes course experiment,exercitation, specialized design and activity of science and technology and so on.实践教学一般包括实验教学、课外实习、专项设计和课外科技活动等多种模式。

2.To investigate the guide of examination and clinic teaching each other in pediatrics, we analyse 108 examination papers that were taken When the students hadfinished theexercitation at 8 times.分析发现儿科实习生出科考试试卷选择题中难题占35。

3.Practice education includes course experiment,exercitation, specialized design and activity of science and technology and so on.实践教学一般包括实验教学、课外实习、专项设计和课外科技活动等多种模式。

6)Practice teaching实习

1.Clinical PharmacyPractice teaching is an important part of the whole Clinical Pharmacy education,which is a period to train the students skills and achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of Medicine and Pharmacy.临床药学专业实习教育是高等临床药学专业教育的重要组成部分,是将药学和医学知识融会贯通的重要阶段,是培养临床药学实践技能、提高综合素质的关键时期。

2.Teachers of non geological profession at engineering institutes or colleges generally have interest in improving the quality of practice teaching.“工程地质学”实习属定性分析实验 ,如何提高“工程地质学”实习教学质量是工科院校非地质专业的任课教师普遍关注的一个问题。

3.In this paper in the face of present dilemmas of practice teaching in teachers colleges and universities the writer has held that the practice teaching of students in teachers colleges and universities is very important to their teaching ability and put forward some suggestions about the management, making full use of the role of conscious activities.文章结合当前高师教育实习所面临的困境 ,阐述了教育实习对师范生从教能力培养的重要性 ,提出了加强教育实习管理的若干意见 ,充分发挥教育实习的主观能动性。


