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钳工实习 fitter practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-23 02:59:32


钳工实习 fitter practice英语短句 例句大全

钳工实习,fitter practice

1)fitter practice钳工实习

1.Summarise the experience of the practice teaching and produce practice of the year, drawing up the effective basic step and teaching principle offitter practice teaching.总结多年实习教学和生产实践的经验,制定出行之有效的钳工实习教学的基本步骤和教学原则。


1.Application of "Derived" in Bench Work Internship from A New Vision;新视野下“导生制”在钳工实习教学中的运用

2.A Few Methods of Raising the Accuracy of the Location of Drilling a Hole for Fitters;提高钳工实习钻孔位置精度的几种方法

3.Teaching Methods Investigation of Hexagon in Bench Work Practice钳工实习课中锉削外六角体教学方法探索

4.The reform of fitter production practice in technician training school;技工学校钳工生产实习教学改革探讨

5.parallel swivel bench vice平行轮轴钳工台虎钳

6.The vise (parallel-jaw vice) is available to all of the bench work.所有的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳)。

7.Development of the learning interests of the students in fitter skill teaching;在钳工技能教学中培养学生的学习兴趣

8.The height and the weight of workers have no more distinct effect on their operation skill.工人的身高、重等对钳工实作技能没有明显影响。

9.Make sure the workpiece is properly secured before starting work, if necessary in a vice or clamp.工作前确保工件确实安全,如有需要准备钳和夹。

10.On Applying the Multi-media in the Teaching Practice of the Locksmith Technics多媒体在“钳工工艺学”教学实践中应用的思考

11.Development and Discussion of Fitter Teaching Practice in Engineering Training钳工实践教学在工程训练中的发展与探讨

12.Reforming Fitter Practice Teaching to Improve Training of High-skilled Workers;深化钳工实训教学改革 促进高技能人才的培养

13.The Analysis and Thinking about Practice Viewpoint Using in the Teaching of Benchwork and Filings;将实践观点用于钳工锉削教学的分析和思考

14.Male has more advantageous than female in the aspect of actual operation skill.男性在钳工实作技能方面较女性具有较强的优势。

15.special equipment for making pipe twist管子钳专用加工设备

16.cramp ,joiners", of base metal细木工用夹钳,贱金属制

17.The opening between the jaws of a vise or other holding or gripping tool.钳口钳子或其它起固定或夹紧作用工具的钳口之间的空间

18.The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work.台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。


A Tentative Study on the Practice Teaching of the Benchwork钳工实习教学初探

3)benchwork practice钳工实训

1.Forbenchwork practice,the teacher,in accordance with "Guiding Text Approach",will leave students the questions or tasks in the form of guiding questions.在钳工实训中,采用"引导文教学法",对钳工实习教学方法进行积极的探索和实践。

4)hands-on metal fitter practice钳工实践

1.The paper studies the collegehands-on metal fitter practice and teaching program, discussing its important position in the mechanical engineering profession and its contents, methods and management, with a purpose to strengthen the combination between theory and practice for greater competence and effect.通过对高校金工实训中的钳工实践教学、钳工实践与学科的关系、教学方法、教学内容的组织和教学管理等方面的研究,旨在实践过程中,加强理论与实践的有机联系,提高教学效果,并确定钳工实践教学在整个金工实训中的重要位置。

5)lathe work practice车工实习

1.Infiltrative teaching of professional knowledge in thelathe work practice;专业知识在车工实习中的渗透教学

2.This article discusses the teaching characteristics oflathe work practice elective course,pnts forward the focal points,the test its way and standards and probes into the teaching oflathe work practice elective course.本文通过对高职车工实习选修课教学特点的总结和分析,提出车工实习选修课教学的重点,改进了实习成绩考核办法和标准,对车工实习选修课教学进行了有益的探索。

3.This paper expounds the teaching methods,and puts forward some suggestions to improve the quality oflathe work practices.本文对车工实习的教学方法进行了探讨,提出了的改进实习质量的若干建议与设想。

6)metalworking practice金工实习

1.Elementary discussion on cultivating and training innovative thinking duringmetalworking practice;浅谈创新思维在金工实习中的培养与训练

2.Deepen the teaching reform ofmetalworking practice under the credit system;深化学分制下的金工实习教学改革

3.Application of "diversity teaching method" in teaching ofmetalworking practice;“差异教学法”在金工实习教学中的应用


