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国族 nation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-24 11:37:13


国族 nation英语短句 例句大全



1.The Comparison between Sun Zhong-shan and Jiang Jie-shi about “thenation" thought;孙中山与蒋介石的“国族”思想比较

2.In the mono-ethnic country, as ethnic boundaries consistent with thenational boundaries, ethnic identity andnational identity conflict does not exist, while in multi-ethnic country, the relationship between the two is quite sensitive.在单一民族国家,由于民族界限同国家界限一致,民族认同与国族认同不存在冲突,而在多民族国家,两者的关系则变得颇为敏感。

3.Ethnic group is a concept mainly related to culture, whilenation is related to society and politics.本文认为,族群主要属于文化范畴,而国族则属于社会政治范畴,在族群认同和国族认同之间既存在着一致的一面,又存在着冲突的一面。


1.On Construction of National Identification in Minority Region of China;论我国少数民族地区国族认同的构建

2.The members of the nobility, especially the French nobility.贵族贵族的成员,尤指法国贵族的成员

3.Ethnic group,nation and minzu in China;Ethnic group(族群)、Nation(民族)与中国的民族

4.Exploring initially of Chinese Korean Ethnic and National Consciousness Forming;中国朝鲜族民族、国民意识形成初探

5.On Nation-state and the "politicization" & "citizenization" of Modern Nationa lilies;民族国家与现代民族的“政治性”、“国民性”

6.The US is a multi-racial nation.美国是一个多民族国家。

7.China is a multi-ethnic country.中国是一个多民族国家。

8.LUO Jia-lun and Study of Theory on Ethnology in Modern China--Focued on Nation,Nationality and Nation-state;罗家伦与近代中国民族理论研究——以民族、民族性、民族国家为中心

9.On the Family Power and Politics in the Minority Areas of Southwest China中国西南民族地区的家族势力与家族政治

10.Eidemiological Investigation of the Caries of the DongXiang、YuGu、BaoAn Minority People;中国裕固族、保安族、东乡族龋病流行病学调查

11.Interethnic Relationship and Interaction Between the Zhuang in China and the Nung in Vietnam;中国壮族与越南侬族的民族关系与交流

12.The clansman and Tribe of Dangxiang and the Formation of Their Nationality and Country;党项人的宗族部族及其民族与国家的形成

13.On nationalities policies and the nationalities relations in the multi-nationality country;多民族国家民族政策与民族关系发展远景

14.members of the nobility (especially of the French nobility).贵族成员(特别指法国贵族)。

15.International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples国际种族和民族博爱团结运动

16.The Qiang people are members of one of the most ancient ethnic groups in China.羌族是中国最古老的少数民族之一。

17.The Shamanism Features of the Tunguses in China中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点

18.Uigur nationality is one of the 56 minority nationalities in China.维吾尔族是56个中国少数民族之一。


Han Chinese中国汉族

1.Distribution of CSF1PO,TPOX and TH01 Loci inHan Chinese;多重PCR检测CSF1PO,TPOX和TH01基因座在中国汉族中的多态性

2.Linkage and Association Analyses of Schizophrenia in theHan Chinese;中国汉族精神分裂症的连锁与关联分析

3.DTNBP1 and NRG1 are Susceptibility Genes of Schizophrenia inHan Chinese Population;DTNBP1和NRG1基因是中国汉族人群精神分裂症的易感基因

3)Chinese Han population中国汉族

1.This study was designed to study the genetic polymorphism at eight STR loci inChinese Han population.为了解中国汉族人短串联重复序列 (STR)位点的遗传多态性分布 ,选取了 8个STR位点 :vWA31A、THOI、TPOX、F13A0 1、FES、D5S818、D7S82 0和D13S317,采用Chelex法从 10 2名无血缘关系的汉族个体血液中提取DNA ,应用STR -聚合酶链反应 (polymerasechainreaction ,PCR)扩增 ,变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离 ,银染法显影技术 ,对汉族人群上述 8个位点进行遗传多态性调查。

2.To investigate the genetic polymorphisms of three short tandem repeats loci of chromosome X inChinese Han population in Chengdu area and its use in forensic science.为了调查X染色体上DXS6804、DXS9896和GATA144D04等3个STR基因座在中国汉族群体的遗传多态性及其法医学应用价值,来用PCR和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对X染色体3个STR基因座进行分型,并检验女性基因型频率分布是否符合Hardy Weinberg平衡,计算法医学常用各种概率。

4)Chinese Han nationality中国汉族

1.Dynamic Analysis of the Weight Growing Change of 7~19 Year-old Students of Chinese Han Nationality in 1985~2000;对1985~2000年中国汉族7~19岁学生体重增长变化的动态分析

2.Objective To investigate the association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS) gene polymorphism and serum magnesium ion concentration with coronary artery disease(CAD) inChinese Han nationality.目的探讨内皮型一氧化氮合酶(endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS)基因第7外显子G894T点突变及血清镁离子(Mg2+)浓度与中国汉族冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(简称冠心病)病变之间的关系。

5)Chinese Han中国汉族

1.Analyses of the phenotype polymorphism of cytochrome CYP2C19 inChinese Han;奥美拉唑为探针分析中国汉族人群细胞色素氧化酶CYP2C19表型多态性

2.Objective To investigate thiopurine methyltransferase(TPMT) activity distribution inChinese Han and Yao population.目的研究巯基嘌呤甲基转移酶(TPMT)活性在中国汉族和瑶族人群中的分布。

6)Chinese Li中国黎族


国族1.帝王的宗族和宾客。 2.国家民族。
