100字范文 > 国民 national英语短句 例句大全

国民 national英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-14 20:30:15


国民 national英语短句 例句大全



1.A Disscussion on Sun Yat-sen s Thought about National Psychology and Ideology Building;浅谈孙中山的国民心理建设思想

2.On the Missing Nationals of Civilized Behavior and Countermeasures论国民文明行为的缺失及对策

3.On the one hand, economic competition will further speed up China s economic increace, improve the depressing employment market and offer a new chance to thenational employment and the.一方面通过经济竞争促使中国经济增长进一步加快 ,给近几年低迷徘徊的就业市场带来亮点 ,给广大国民就业和素质结构调整带来新的机遇 ;另一方面 ,由于我国社会主义市场经济的发展 ,引进竞争机制 ,实行优胜劣汰 ,以及加入WTO后产业结构必将进行大规模调整的双重因素的影响 ,部分职工下岗是不可避免的 ,同时又促使下岗职工对自身素质结构中不适应的内容进行深刻反省 ,以最快的速度调整和完善自身素质结构 ,以适应中国加入WTO后经济发展和社会进步的需要。


1.United Nations Civilian Police联合国民警(民警)

2.National Army of Democratic Kampuchea民主柬埔寨国民军(民柬国民军)

3.China Democratic National Construction Association中国民主建国会(民建)

4.National Army of Kampuchea柬埔寨国民军(柬国民军)

5.He is a British subject.他是英国国民或臣民。

6.A citizen of a particular nation.国民特定国家的公民

7.On Nation-state and the "politicization" & "citizenization" of Modern Nationa lilies;民族国家与现代民族的“政治性”、“国民性”

8.China Association for Promoting Democracy中国民主促进会(民进)

9.Voice of the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea民主柬埔寨国民军之声

10.Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy中国民族民间医药杂志

11.Chinese Democratic League中国民主同盟(民盟)

12.Article 2 [National Treatment for Nationals of Countries of the Union]第二条〔本联盟各国国民的国民待遇〕

13.United Nations System of National Accounts联合国国民帐户体系(国民帐户体系)

14.A citizen of such a nation.中立国国民不结盟国家中的居民

15.American citizens and British subjects美国公民与英国臣民

16.We are an optimistic people.美国人民是乐观的人民。

17.What peoples have populated America?有什麽民族移民美国?

18.PDRY (People"s Democratic Republic of Yemen)也门人民民主共和国



1.Based on thecitizen s health condition, this article is trying to search out the factor s of inferior health.从目前国民亚健康状态分析入手,寻找亚健康的致病因素,探讨防治人类亚健康的产生以及消除亚健康,促进国民健康的途径与方法。

2.Yan Fu put forward the problem of thecitizen s innate badness for the very first time.严复是近代对国民素质及其教育始终予以最深切关注的启蒙思想家。


1.But the sense of hardship to national has diluted the ultimate individual concern greatly,"nationals"not "individual"becomes a most fr.但对民族、国家的忧患意识大大冲淡了终极的个人关怀,"国民"而非"个人"成为这个时代使用最频繁的一个名词。

2.But the sense of hardship to national has diluted the ultimate individual concern greatly,"nationals" not "individual" becomes a most frequent noun.但在当时的思想文化界,对民族、国家的忧患意识大大冲淡了终极的个人关怀,"国民"而非"个人",成为这个时代使用最频繁的一个名词。


1.Discourse ofNational Character:Method ofNationalism;国民性话语:一个民族主义的视角

2.Study on 2000 Year’s survey of national constitution in Huizhou City;惠州市2000年国民体质测试结果分析

5)the masses国民

1.This article, after an analysis of the features and functions of this sport, points out that, in order to improvethe masses quality roundly, it is of great signicance to popularize this sport.本文通过分析游泳运动的特点和作用指出:为了全面提高国民素质,大力推广和普及游泳运动具有极其重要的意义。

2.This artcle, after an analysis of the features and functions of this sport, points out that, in order to improvethe masses integrated quality roundly, it is of great significance to makethe masses realize the importance of this sport.进一步证明了大力推广和普及游泳运动对全面提高国民的综合素质具有极其重要的意义。

6)the Republic of China民国

1.The Study on the Flood and Its Causes in Henan Province during the Period ofthe Republic of China;民国时期河南水灾及其发生原因探究

2.On the Trend of the Western-oriented Dress in the Period ofthe Republic of China;民国时期服饰西式化走向略述

3."National Health Service" inthe Republic of China and Its Implication for Contemporary Society;民国时期“公医制”思想及其现代启示


