100字范文 > 领域实体 DNE英语短句 例句大全

领域实体 DNE英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-25 01:26:34


领域实体 DNE英语短句 例句大全



1.Named Entities are classified into General Named Entities(GNEs) and Domain Named Entities(DNEs) in this paper.实验结果表明:相比运用单一统计方法而言,该方法能使领域实体的识别性能显著提高,F值达到92。

2)Domain entity extraction领域实体提取

3)the field of facts事实领域

1.This paper thinks that the distinction betweenthe field of facts and the field.本文深入分析和比较了康德的“划界”和前期维特根斯坦的“划界”之异同,指出“事实领域”与“价值领域”的划分是二人共同的基本观点。

4)practical field现实领域

5)actual field实然领域


1.We put forward a method of Chinese Domain Named Entity Recognition(DNER) which combining Conditional Random Field(CRF) with the rule templates of POS based on formalized instances that acquired from domain ontology constructed already.基于已经构建的领域本体MPO,本文提出一种基于本体知识规则与统计方法相结合的领域命名实体识别方法。


1.Named Entity Recognition for the Tourism Domain Based on Cascaded Conditional Random Fields基于层叠条件随机场的旅游领域命名实体识别

2.Biological Named Entity Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields基于条件随机域的生物命名实体识别

3.Research of Named Entity Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields;基于条件随机场的命名实体识别研究

4.Chinese Named Entity Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields;基于条件随机场的中文命名实体识别

5.Conditional Random Fields Based English Name Entity Recognition;基于CRF的英文命名实体识别研究

6.The Research of Chinese Named Entity Recognition and Its Relation Extraction;中文命名实体识别及其关系抽取研究

7.Named Entity Recognition Based on Stacking Framework;基于Stacking框架的命名实体识别

8.Recognition of Chinese Medicine Named Entity Based on Condition Random Field基于条件随机场的中医命名实体识别

9.A Research for Semantic Relation Automatic Extraction among Named Entities in Chinese Professional Domain;汉语专业领域命名实体语义关系自动抽取研究

10.Study on Named Entity Recognition for Product Class in the Text Information在篇章中面向产品类的命名实体识别研究

11.Using Mutual Information in Document Scope to Aid the Identification of Various Named Entites使用互信息辅助在篇章范围内识别命名实体

12.Chinese Name Entity Recognition Based on Rules and Statistics;规则与统计相结合的中文命名实体识别

13.The Research on Named Entity Recognition in Chinese Information Processing;中文信息处理中命名实体识别问题的研究

14.Chinese Named Entity Recognition Based Statistical Machine Learning;基于统计的机器学习的中文命名实体识别

15.Study on Chinese Named Entity Recognition Based on Hidden Markov Model;基于隐马尔科夫模型的中文命名实体识别研究

16.The Research of Biomedical Name Entity Recognition by Combining Dictionary Based and Machine Learning Based Method词典和机器学习相结合的生物命名实体识别

17.CRFs-Based Chinese Named Enitity Recognition with Improved Tag Set基于条件随机场的中文命名实体识别研究

18.A New Method for Open Named Entity Recognition of Chinese一种开放式中文命名实体识别的新方法


Domain entity extraction领域实体提取

3)the field of facts事实领域

1.This paper thinks that the distinction betweenthe field of facts and the field.本文深入分析和比较了康德的“划界”和前期维特根斯坦的“划界”之异同,指出“事实领域”与“价值领域”的划分是二人共同的基本观点。

4)practical field现实领域

5)actual field实然领域


1.We put forward a method of Chinese Domain Named Entity Recognition(DNER) which combining Conditional Random Field(CRF) with the rule templates of POS based on formalized instances that acquired from domain ontology constructed already.基于已经构建的领域本体MPO,本文提出一种基于本体知识规则与统计方法相结合的领域命名实体识别方法。


