100字范文 > 城市建设 urban construction英语短句 例句大全

城市建设 urban construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-19 23:03:06


城市建设 urban construction英语短句 例句大全

城市建设,urban construction

1)urban construction城市建设

1.Analysis of city planning andurban construction management;浅析城市规划与城市建设管理

2.Six relationships should be fairly treated inurban construction;城市建设要摆正的六个关系

3.Probe into relationship of environmental geo-technique andurban construction;环境岩土工程与城市建设关系初探


1.Enlightenment to Urban Construction of Huizhoufrom Urban Construction of Weihai;威海城市建设对惠州城市建设的启示

2."Urban Construction Development Co., Ltd."城市建设开发有限公司

3.Study on Greens System in Ecological Construction of a City;生态城市建设中的城市绿地系统研究

4.City Service Culture:a New Way to the Construction of a Harmonious City;城市服务文化:和谐城市建设的新路径

5.System and mechanism studies on urban construction and urban administration;城市建设与城市管理体制及机制研究

6.Theory of Global City and Establishment of Chinese Global City;全球城市理论与中国的国际城市建设

7.Urban Construction of Shanghai as A Global City:Perspective from Yangtze River Delta Mega-city Region;从长三角城市群看上海全球城市建设

8.On Urban Library System and the Constructing of Learning City;论城市图书馆系统与学习型城市建设

9.Urban management and innovations in investment and financing mechanism of city construction;“城市经营”与城市建设投融资机制创新

10.The Influences of Digital City on Urban Development;论“数字城市”对城市建设和管理的影响


12.Urban Flood Control Construction and Urban Environment Construction in Fuzhou City福州市城市防洪建设和城市环境建设

13.Build compact city and construct city land alert system建设紧凑型城市 设立城市土地预警制

14.Build compact city and construct city land alert system;建设紧凑型城市 设立城市土地预警制

15.a built - up city按计划建设成的城市

16.3. Urban Transport Development and Management(三)城市交通建设和管理

17.Development of urban communities continued.城市社区建设继续发展。

18.Urban planning, urban spatial environment construction and urban social developm ent;城市规划、城市空间环境建设与城市社会发展


city construction城市建设

1.Discussion on environmental effect evaluation of project construction incity construction;城市建设中工程施工的环境影响评价探讨

2.Pondering on ecosystem valuedcity construction and basic ecological principles;城市建设中的生态价值观及其基本生态原则

3.How to bring city constructing documents functions into full play forcity construction;浅谈城建档案如何为城市建设服务

3)city building城市建设

1.The authors introduced the architecture scheme design of the Xiangbishan, according to the project environment demand, the submerged station scheme for ship lift with horizontal expansion bridge was commended for protecting the Xiangbishan scenic spot natural landscape, and combined hydraulic project building withcity building.介绍了象鼻山升船机站建筑方案设计,根据该工程特定环境要求,通过方案比较,最终推荐保护象鼻山自 然景区人文景观原貌的设有水平伸缩桥的潜没式升船机方案,走水利工程建设与城市建设相结合之路。

2.His advanced idea ofcity building derived from his love for the country, lofty wish to reform the society, attention to living environment, env ironmental awareness, long views and awareness to start business.所以一开始城市的空间布局就是一城三镇、城乡相间的格局 ;接着又全面经营、协调发展、自主规划和建设 ,成为城市建设的楷模。

4)urban development城市建设

1.Tapping the History and Culture in Urban Development--Experiences of the Ten-year City Construction of Changshu;城市建设之历史文脉的挖掘——常熟十年城市建设的体会

2.Make an assessment of suitability of geological environment forurban development o: Nanchong City.根据南充市城区地质环境条件及主要环境地质问题,采用模糊数学综合评判方法将南充市城区分成了四个地质环境质量区,结合城市建设对不同区进行了分析评价,最后指出了城市发展方向(即地质环境质量好区)。

3.This paper analyzes research problems, purposes, contents and methods of studies that are relevant to integrated manage- ment and services ofurban development records, archives and information , a project supported by the National Natural Science Foun- dation of China based on a survey of literature in English and Chinese.对国家自然科学基金项目“城市建设文件档案信息集成管理与集成服务”相关的集成研究进行了中英文文献调查;通过分析中英文文献中集成问题的研究目的、研究内容和研究方法,归纳出中外相关研究的现状及趋势;通过对中外相关研究的比较与评析,对其未来研究提出建设性意见。

5)municipal construction城市建设

bination design and construction of substation with other relative architectures is a specific prac- tice in harmonic development of urban distribution network andmunicipal construction,whose benefits are strong enough to prove the necessity of such measures.变电站与其他建筑相结合设计建设是城市电网与城市建设协调发展的一种具体做法。

6)urban construction城市化建设

1.It analyses the relations betweenurban construction and intensive usage of land.本文分析了城市化建设与土地集约化利用的关系 ,进而针对加快城市化建设 ,保护耕地提出了 6个方面的对策建议。


