100字范文 > 城市建设用地 urban construction land英语短句 例句大全

城市建设用地 urban construction land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-24 21:03:58


城市建设用地 urban construction land英语短句 例句大全

城市建设用地,urban construction land

1)urban construction land城市建设用地

1.The control on the standards ofurban construction land is one of the most important traditional tasks of urban planning.随着我国经济社会改革的深入,我国现行的《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》已显得难以满足当前城市发展的要求,包括对现实城市建设用地的控制与引导作用下降,无法高效应对不同的市场要求等。

2.The purpose of the paper is to analyze differences ofurban construction land.研究结果:(1)以东部、中部、西部和东北部4个区域为单位计算出的同一地类城市建设用地结构基尼系数很小,但不同地类间差异较大,而且随时间变化呈现出不同的变化趋势;(2)大多数省份的城镇建设用地结构基尼系数略有下降,说明中国整体的城市建设用地结构逐渐趋于合理化;(3)依据基尼系数的计算结果,与《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》(GBJ137-90)进行了对比。

3.This study appraises the recent integrated benefit in use ofurban construction land in every province,from angles of economic benefit,social benefit,environment benefit and so on.从土地利用的综合效益出发,采用因子分析方法从经济、社会、环境等多角度对现阶段我国各省(区、市)城市建设用地的综合利用效益进行了定量化评价。


1.Constructional Land Index of Medium-sized and Small Cities in High-speed Urbanization Area;快速城市化地区中小城市建设用地指标探讨

2.Improving the Usufruct in Land in Cities Development;我国城市建设用地使用权制度的完善

3.Consequence of Technique on the Index of the City Construction Area;技术发展对城市建设用地指标的影响

4.A Study of Driving Forces of Metropolitan Construction Land in China;我国特大城市建设用地的驱动力研究

5.Study on Reasonable Supply Scale of Land for Urban Construction in Chongqing重庆城市建设用地合理供应规模研究

6.Driving Forces of Urban Construction Land Expansion in the Mainland of China中国大陆城市建设用地扩展动因浅析

7.Study on the Evaluation of Urban Construction Land Intensive Use--A Case Study of Wuxi City;城市建设用地集约利用评价研究——以无锡市为例

8.Study on the structure of construction land in Chinese ancient city based on the analysis of Hejin and Hancheng从河津与韩城看中国古代城市建设用地结构

9.Study on Urban Construction-using Land Expansion and Its Effected Mechanism in Zibo City;淄博市城市建设用地扩展及影响机制研究

10.Research of the Expanding of City Constructive Land--A Case Study of Yubei Borough,Chongqing City;城市建设用地扩展研究——以重庆市渝北区为例

11.Demand Analysis and Prediction Study of Land for Urban-construction Use of Chongqing重庆市城市建设用地需求分析及其预测研究

12.Prediction and Analysis of Urban Land-use Scale-A Case in Lanzhou城市建设用地规模预测与分析——以兰州市为例

13.Guides of Land for Non-construction Use in Hightly Urbanization--Research on Shenzhen Case;高度城市化地区非城市建设用地导向——深圳案例研究

14.Discussion on Establishment of Construction Land Market with Development of Urban-Rural Integration构建城乡一体化的建设用地市场探讨

15.The regulation on land use for constuction of small town;重庆市小城镇建设用地用途管制研究

16.Spatial Distribution of Urban Land in Zhangjiajie City;张家界市城镇建设用地空间布局研究


18.The Study of Constructional Land Supply on Small Rural Towns;重庆市小城镇建设用地供给模式研究


urban construction land use城市建设用地

1.In the rapid urbanization process of our country,the blind expansions ofurban construction land use not only waste the land resources,but also damage the ecological environment of cities.在我国快速城市化进程中,城市建设用地盲目扩张,不仅造成土地资源的浪费,而且造成城市生态环境的破坏。

3)urban land-use城市建设用地

1.To a city,urban land-use scale and structure are two aspects of one thing, and both are necessity.对于城市,城市建设用地规模和结构是同一事物的两个方面,二者缺一不可。

4)urban building land城市建设用地

1.Based on the combination of gray forecast and NARMA(p,q) recurrent network model forecast, a new neural network forecasting method forurban building land quantity forecasting is proposed.采用灰色预测和NARMA(p,q)递归网络模型预测相结合的方法,对城市建设用地量预测值进行神经网络组合预测,在杭州市的实际应用中得到了较好的结果。

5)the land out of urban constructing非城市建设用地

1.This paper summarizes the total progress on the planning study forthe land out of urban constructing in several Chinese cities,then concludes the main study fruits in the turns of concept,target, content,method and implement.非城市建设用地规划与城市增长管理是一个问题的两个方面。

2.The study onthe land out of urban constructing (LOOUC) has began since 1990 s in China, and it can be regard as an important outcome in the transformation period of Chinese urban planning development.本文在总结归纳国内相关研究与实践的基础上,对当前非城市建设用地规划的发展进行评价和思考。

6)Urban Non-construction Land城市非建设用地

1.The Research ofUrban Non-construction Land s Classification Based on Ecological Sensitivity Analysis;基于生态敏感性分析的城市非建设用地划分研究


