100字范文 > 矿井开采 mining英语短句 例句大全

矿井开采 mining英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-11 14:22:03


矿井开采 mining英语短句 例句大全



1.Due to themining subsidence influences,the surface water system and water conservancy facilities were influenced and failed in different degree.受煤矿开采塌陷的影响,潘集矿区地表水系及水利设施不同程度的受到影响和破坏,为了保障正常的农业生产和矿山安全开采,针对潘集区水系及水利设施的分布及其受矿井开采影响的破坏程度进行了调查分析,采用概率积分法预测矿山开采未来2年内的破坏发展趋势,提出了水系恢复治理要坚持可持续发展和针对性的原则;对塌陷区水域重新疏导和整理,采用经济合理技术,建议因地制宜,宜地则地,宜水则水,宜渔则渔;对受损的水利设施采用原址加固和新建排灌站。


1.Forecast of Mining Subsidence"s Influence on Land Use by Using GIS;矿井开采沉陷影响土地利用系统的GIS分析方法

2.Mining Protective Coal Seam Scheme and Effect Forecast in Sanjiaohe Mine of Taiyuan Iron and Steel Complex太钢三交矿井开采保护层方案和效果预测

3.Thorough Tapping Latent Potentialities,Careful Transformation Extension Mine Pit Mining Service Life深入挖潜 细致改造 延长矿井开采服务年限

4.the mining of ore or coal from an open mine.从敞开的矿井提取矿石或煤的采矿。

5.This paper discusses the renewable method of mine topographic map of underground mining.论述了井下开采矿井矿用地形图的更新方法。

6.The area in a mine from which the mineral deposit is being or has been removed is stope. This is the productive area of a mine.井下正在开采或已采完的矿段叫矿房。这是井下的生产区。

7.The Economics Model on Gypsum Mine Reasonable Exploitation Level and Range;石膏矿矿井合理开采深度及范围的经济模型

8.Practice of Full-mechanized Caving Mining Face with Strong Underground Pressure in Softly Inclined and Extremely Thick Coal Seam缓倾斜特厚煤层强矿压矿井综放开采实践

9.Enlightment from Extracting Residual Coal Pillar in Yangzhuang Colliery杨庄矿在矿井残留煤柱开采中的几点启示

10.Application of Acoustic Emission (AE) Technique in Deep Mining in Xiangxi Gold Mine声发射技术在湘西金矿深井安全开采中的应用

11.Numerical simulation of cavity deforming under the technology of multi-well controlled solution mining for salt deposit盐类矿床群井控制水溶开采溶腔变形数值模拟

12.A Study of the Influence on Stability of Slope by Undergroundmining under Slope of a Open Pit Mine;某露天矿井工开采对边坡稳定性影响的研究

13.The Study on Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Multi-Well Cracking Solution Mining of Salt Deposit;盐矿群井致裂水溶开采数值模拟与实验研究

14.Study on Roof Control Technology of Gob-Side Entry Retaining in Guqiao Deep Mining;顾桥矿深井开采沿空留巷顶板控制技术研究

15.Investigation on the Technologies of High Efficiency Mining and Ground Pressure Monitoring and Control for Deep Metal Deposit Mining;深井金属矿床高效开采及地压监控技术研究

16.Study on Mine Groundpressure Feature and Control Technology of Surrounding Rock of Deep Coal Mining深井开采矿压特征及围岩控制技术研究

17.Pillar Stability Analysis and Visual Verification in Deep Mining深井开采矿柱稳定性分析与可视化验证

18.Application on Non Coal Pillar Mining for Gob-side Entry Retaining Technology in High Gaseous Mine沿空留巷无煤柱开采技术在高瓦斯矿井的应用


gallery mining矿井开采法

3)mine safety mining矿井安全开采

4)pit exploitation meaning矿井开采意义

5)developing and mining system of mine矿井开采系统



