100字范文 > 复杂矿井 complicated mine英语短句 例句大全

复杂矿井 complicated mine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-11 23:15:28


复杂矿井 complicated mine英语短句 例句大全

复杂矿井,complicated mine

1)complicated mine复杂矿井

1.On ventilation resistance measurements incomplicated mines复杂矿井通风阻力测定方法探讨


1.Study of the Complicated Mine Ventilation Network Analysis and Its Adjustment Limits of the Releveant Parameters;复杂矿井通风网络解算及参数可调度研究

2.Study of Stability and Numerical Simulation of Complicated Mine Ventilation System of Metal Mines during Period of Regular Production;非灾变时期金属矿复杂矿井通风系统稳定性及数值模拟研究

3.In the optimization of a mine ventilation network, the boundary overstepping took place in Golden Section Search.在复杂矿井通风网络优化计算中,发现了黄金分割法的越界现象。

4.Hydraulic Coal Mining Proves to Be an Effective Method for application in Mines with Extremely Complicated Geological Conditions地质构造极复杂矿井采用水力采煤是一种有效的途径

5.Transformation of Superficial Complex Section in Main Inclined Shaft of Yuejin Coal Mine跃进煤矿主斜井浅表复杂地段的改造

6.3-D Numerical Simulation for the Mine Discharge of Complex Karst Mediator;复杂岩溶介质矿井涌水量的三维数值模拟研究

7.Optimizing Technical Transformation Plan for Mine Complicated Ventilation System;矿井复杂通风系统技术改造方案的优选

8.To make shaft coal cutting planning is a multi nodal decision making course for it"s intricacy of influencing factor.矿井采煤计划编制影响因素复杂,是一个多环节的综合决策过程。

9.The Complex Analysis of Similar Material Simulation for Large Mining Height and Large Proportion about Deep Mine深部矿井大采高大比例相似模拟实验复杂性探析

10.Research and Application of Complicated Structure Well Completion Technology;复杂结构井完井工艺技术研究与应用

11.The Study on Ecological Restoration of Mining Tailing Pond in Xiaoshuijing Gold Mine in Yunnan Province;云南小水井金矿尾矿库生态恢复研究

12.Technological and Theoretical Research on Slurry Electrolysis of Complex Antimony Lead Concentrate;复杂锑铅矿矿浆电解工艺及理论研究

13.Mineral Processing of Quartz Vein Type Complication Multi-metal Ore石英脉型复杂多金属矿选矿试验研究

14.Progress in China′s beneficiation technology for complex refractory molybdenum ore我国复杂难选钼矿资源选矿技术进展

15.The book-keeper brought into order the complicated accounts of the merchant.会计将该商店复杂的帐务整顿得井井有条。

16.Freeze Sinking Sidewall"s Stress Analysis Considering Damage under Complicated Load;复杂荷载下冻结凿井井壁损伤应力分析

17.Study on the Knowledge Integration and Decision Support Platform for Complicated Deep Well Drilling复杂深井钻井知识集成与决策支持平台研究

18.The Model of Well Test Analysis for Two-region Composite Reservoir and Study on Analysis Program双重介质复杂油藏试井模型及试井解释软件


structure complicated coal mine构造复杂矿井

3)soft rock mine with complex conditions软岩复杂条件矿井

4)Deep complicated orebody深井复杂难采矿体

5)complex well复杂井

1.Application of numerical simulation ofcomplex well based on hybrid PEBI grid;基于混合PEBI网格的复杂井数值模拟应用研究

2.A productivity prediction model for thecomplex well with formation damage;考虑储集层伤害影响的复杂井产能预测模型

6)complex drilling复杂钻井

1.On thecomplex drilling conditions,the cutting sample got in real time is hard to reflect the true formation,it is possible to make mistakes in establishing the formation lithology profile only by the cutting description.复杂钻井条件下随钻采集岩屑难以真实反应地层岩性,因而单纯依靠岩屑描述建立地层岩性剖面难免存在误差。


