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编校 editing and proofreading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-12 15:35:46


编校 editing and proofreading英语短句 例句大全

编校,editing and proofreading

1)editing and proofreading编校


1.A New Relationship and Cooperation Model between Editors and Proofreaders建立新型的编校关系与编校合作模式

2.This document has not been edited.本文件未经正式编校。

3.On the Strengthening of the Quality Consciousness of Editors and Correctors in Order to Improve the Editing Quality of Books;强化编校人员质量意识,努力提高图书编校质量

4.Ming as Editor" summarizes my editing work in different periods, and provides the forewords, etc. of some books I edited.「潘氏编务」述曾经主持或参与的编审校订工作﹐选取所编校书刊的前言、跋放在网上。

5.On the "Consciousness of Chief Editors" of College Newspapers in Information Era;论信息时代高校校报总编的“总编意识”

6.She became editor of the school paper.她当上了校刊编辑。

7.They are going to edit books for use in school.他们准备编辑学校用书。

8.The Study of the Relationship Among RevisionEditing and Adjusting in the Editing Process of College Journal;高校学报编辑流程中的审、编、校关系的探讨

9.Elementary exploration on editorial skill for literature supplement of engineering college s newspaper;工科院校校报文艺副刊编辑技巧初探

10.A Study On Establishment of Document Subject Dick in University;高校校本公文主题词表编制问题研究

11.How to Improve the Proofreading Quality of the Academic Journals of Colleges and Universities;浅谈高校学报编辑如何提高校对水平

12.A Probe into making Statement of Cash Flow;高校现金流量表编制的依据与编制方法初探

13.On the Configuration of Video Editing Card about TV Editing in College Laboratory;浅谈高校电视编辑实验室视频编辑卡配置

14.On Editors and Authors of Journal of Colleges and Universities;简论高校学报的编辑学者化与作者编辑化

15.Spotting Trend of University Library"s Editing Accomplishment--On Editing Outsourcing Transaction and Joint Catalogue高校图书馆采编工作的实地走向——谈采编业务外包和联合编目

16.On the Educational Function of the College Journals;充分发挥高校校报的育人功能——兼论高校校报编辑的育人意识

17.The Significance and Problems of Compiling the Development History of Non-governmental higher Vocational Colleges;民办高职院校校史编写的意义及应注意的问题

18.Discussion on the cultural science media quality of the College Newspaper editing activities;试论高校校报编辑活动的文化学传媒品质



1.Physiology,pathology and drug design related withediting of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase;氨基酰-tRNA合成酶编校相关的生理、病理效应和药物设计

2.Booksediting quality is a popular topical subject in the fields of publication,as well as a theme permaneatly.图书的编校质量是出版工作的生命、核心,在出版工作中占有特殊的地位,它是衡量出版事业是否繁荣的重要标准。

3.To maintain the fidelity of protein biosynthesis these enzymes also hydrolyze mischarged tRNAs through a post-transferediting mechanism.为保证遗传密码表达的精确性,相似氨基酸对应的AARS具有编校功能通过水解去除误氨基酰-tRNA。

3)integration of editing with proofreading编校合一

bining with the practice of "integration of editing with proofreading",which has been adopted by many journals of universities,this article proposes that based on the "triple proofreading",the editing and proofreading work can be improved through reforming the editing and proofreading process,using the method of self-proofreading and cross proofreading,and introducing the responsibility .文中结合诸多高校学报采取“编校合一”校对工作的实际,提出可以通过改进其编校工作流程,采取自校、交叉校和当期责任编辑负责制的方式,在“三校制”的基础上,更好地改进编校工作的质量。

4)the quality of editing and proofreading编校质量

1.To graspthe quality of editing and proofreading,the key lies in grasping editors quality.编校质量对出版市场的影响是互动的。

5)relationship between editing and proofreading编校关系

6)editing and proofreading编校工作

1.Reasoning behavior inediting and proofreading of academic journals;学术期刊编校工作中的推理行为


