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编校关系 relationship between editing and proofreading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-05 22:08:41


编校关系 relationship between editing and proofreading英语短句 例句大全

编校关系,relationship between editing and proofreading

1)relationship between editing and proofreading编校关系


1.A New Relationship and Cooperation Model between Editors and Proofreaders建立新型的编校关系与编校合作模式

2.The Study of the Relationship Among RevisionEditing and Adjusting in the Editing Process of College Journal;高校学报编辑流程中的审、编、校关系的探讨

3.The Relations to be Well Handled in Devising the Enrolment Scheme for Provincial Universities;地方高校编制招生计划要处理好的几个关系

4.pulse coding and correlatio脉冲编码和相互关系

5.contextual addressing of data数据上下文关系编址

6.Considerations about Some Problems Relevant to University History Showroom and Archives Compilation;高校校史陈列馆与档案编研有关问题的思考

7.The Race Relations Commissioner is calling on student magazines to be more responsible following protests against the lampooning of Chairman Mao in a publication.一份校刊辱毛,引起众怒,种族关系委员会呼吁,学生刊物编辑要谨记自己的责任。

8.How To Draw And Establish Documents InTeaching Management System In Schools;谈学校教学质量管理体系文件的编制

9.The Compilation Time of Guang Yan Yi Bian and Its Relation to Xu Yan Yi Bian;《广艳异编》的成书时间及其与《续艳异编》的关系

10.Who should be the designers of the curriculum: on the subject s behavior of curriculum design in the local teaching university;谁来编制课程体系——地方教学型院校课程体系编制主体行为分析

11.Thinking about enhancing the ability to edit journals in social sciences in ordinary colleges and universities;关于增强普通高校社科学报编辑力的思考

12.Review on Enhancing the Ability of Proofreading;关于提高书刊编辑校对能力的几点认识

13.Reflections on the Management Standardization of Assigning Paper in universities;关于高校教师试题编制管理规范化的几点思考

14.Thought about the Revising the Teaching Material of "Literature Theory";关于普通高校《文学理论》教材重新编撰的思索

15.Study on the Work Out Domain of the Schools P. E Curriculums Theoretical Researches;关于我国学校体育课程编制领域的理论研究

16.Journal editor must pay attention to guiding issue;关于高校学报编辑工作中导向问题的思考

17.A Comprehensive Analysis and Assumption of Personnel Rank in University Libraries关于高校图书馆人员编制现状的分析与设想

18.The author have a good work relationship with his editor该作者与编辑之间工作关系很融洽


encoding relation编码关系

1.Theencoding relation test and gain linearity test for that variable gain amplifier are introduced,and the test result is analyzed.介绍利用AD7542单片数模转换器和OP467集成运算放大器芯片设计的与微机接口的可变增益放大电路,对该可变增益放大电路的实验电路进行了编码关系测试和增益线性测试,并分析了测试结果。

3)the relation in editing process编辑关系

4)the relatinship betueen comsple and edit编订关系

5)calibration relationship校准关系

6)relation between school and its enterprise校企关系


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
