100字范文 > 婴幼儿龋 early childhood caries英语短句 例句大全

婴幼儿龋 early childhood caries英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 23:57:17


婴幼儿龋 early childhood caries英语短句 例句大全

婴幼儿龋,early childhood caries

1)early childhood caries婴幼儿龋

1.A primary study of the risk factors in theearly childhood caries;婴幼儿龋病相关因素的初步研究

2.Objective:To evaluate the relationship between parent awareness of caries susceptibility andearly childhood caries(ECC)in 3~4 year old children.方法:97名36~47个月的儿童及其家长为调查对象,根据婴幼儿龋患的情况分为无龋组48人,即缺失补牙数(dmft)=0,婴幼儿龋组49人,即上颌乳前牙dmft≥1。

3.Objective: To compare the concentrations of IgA, lactate dehydrogenase, lysozyme and alkaline phosphatase in unstimulated (UWS) and stimulated (SWS) whole saliva between children with severeearly childhood caries (S-ECC) and children without caries.目的:比较3~4岁婴幼儿龋儿童和无龋儿童非刺激性和刺激性唾液中IgA、乳酸脱氢酶、溶菌酶和碱性磷酸酶含量的差异。


1.Efficacy of Comprehensive Oral Health Care in the Treatment of Early Childhood Caries婴幼儿龋综合治疗55例的疗效观察

2.Analysis of the related factors on early childhood carie of Kaifu district in Changsha长沙市开福区婴幼儿龋的相关因素分析

3.The relationship between the infant nursing bottle caries and the feeding patterns,oral health behavior and parents" oral health information婴幼儿喂养方式、口腔卫生行为、父母口腔卫生知识与奶瓶龋的关系

4.The deltoid muscle is small in infants and young children.婴儿和幼儿的三角肌很

5.Survey on Prevalence Situation of Dental Caries among Children in A Kindergarten of Tianjin天津市某幼儿园幼儿龋齿患病现状的调查

6.Dental Caries and Feeding Patterns in 2-5 Year Old Children in Hubei Province;婴儿期不同喂养方式与儿童龋病关系的探讨

7.Studies of Infant Furniture Design Based on the Baby"s Physiological and Psychological Characteristics;基于婴幼儿身心特征的婴幼儿家具设计研究

8.Effectiveness evaluation of a comprehensive caries prevention and treatment programme in children in kindergarden幼儿园儿童乳牙龋病综合防治项目的效果评价

9.Survey on dental caries status and oral health behavior of infants aged 5 years old5岁幼儿患龋状况及其家庭口腔健康行为调查

10.The contrast research at early childhood caries in the family interfered the effection.家庭早期干预对预防幼儿龋齿发生的对比研究

11.A Discussion on Fetal Maturation, Delivery and Formation of Infant Mentality;胎儿成熟、分娩与婴幼儿心理形成浅论

12.Influencing Factors of Parenting Stress Among Mothers婴幼儿母亲育儿压力的影响因素分析

13.A comparative study of electrocardiographic QRS waves in healthy infants and children健康婴幼儿及儿童QRS波的比较研究

14." General technical requirements of infant formula,follow-up formula and supplementary foods for infant and young children"GB10767-1997婴幼儿配方粉及婴幼儿补充谷粉通用技术条件

15.Nursery cum Creche Centre [nursery-cum-creche service in child care centres]混合育婴幼儿园〔提供托儿所兼育婴园服务的中心;在幼儿中心推行托儿所和育婴园服务〕

16.Analysis of inquiries about deciduous teeth caries of 202 infants for three years上海市长宁区202名婴儿龋病发病3年追踪调查分析

17.Supplementary foods for infants and young children-Carrot pasteGB10776-1989婴幼儿辅助食品胡萝卜泥

18.Supplementary foods for infants and young children-Chicken vegetable pasteGB10779-1989婴幼儿辅助食品鸡肉菜糊


severe early childhood caries重症婴幼儿龋

1.Methods 70 children aged from 3 to 5 -year -old were selected, 30 children were caries-free and 40 weresevere early childhood caries(S-ECC).方法选择70例3~6岁儿童为研究对象,其中无龋组30例,重症婴幼儿龋(S-ECC)组40例。

3)baby bottle tooth decay(BBTD)婴幼儿猛性龋

1.AIM: To study the risk factors of baby bottle tooth decay(BBTD).目的 :探讨引起婴幼儿猛性龋的危险因素。

4)deciduous dental caries幼儿龋病

1.Analysis of the related factors ondeciduous dental caries in pre-school children;幼儿龋病与相关因素调查分析


1.Cohort study on effects of antenatal and postnatal lead exposure oninfants developmental quotient;铅暴露对婴幼儿发育商数影响的队列研究

2.Effects of early education on the temperament and intelligence development ininfants;早期教育对婴幼儿气质和智力影响的研究

3.Controlling therapy with low dose pingyangmycin forinfants with parotid gland hemangiomas;小剂量平阳霉素控制疗法治疗婴幼儿腮腺区血管瘤


1.New technology of productinginfant formula milk powders with bovine protein hydrolysate;酶水解法生产婴幼儿配方奶粉新技术研究进展

2.Developing ourinfant formula, diminishing the gap to overseas;大力发展我国婴幼儿食品,缩小与国外先进水平差距

3.Treatment of dislocation of hip joint ininfants with improved hip spica cast fixation after manipulative reduction;改良人位石膏固定治疗婴幼儿髋关节脱位


