100字范文 > 海峡经济区 the Straits economic zone英语短句 例句大全

海峡经济区 the Straits economic zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-28 05:37:38


海峡经济区 the Straits economic zone英语短句 例句大全

海峡经济区,the Straits economic zone

1)the Straits economic zone海峡经济区

1.The economic zone on the west side of the Straits to go ahead in formingthe Straits economic zone;海峡西岸经济区在构建海峡经济区中应先行一步

2.Building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits and formation ofthe Straits economic zone;建设海峡西岸经济区与海峡经济区构建

3.The Strategic Plan of the Construction of the Straits Economic Zone;建设海峡经济区的战略构想


1.Building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits and formation of the Straits economic zone建设海峡西岸经济区与海峡经济区构建

2.The economic zone on the west side of the Straits to go ahead in forming the Straits economic zone;海峡西岸经济区在构建海峡经济区中应先行一步

3.Research on Competitive Region System Building in the Economic Zone across Taiwan Strait海峡经济区竞争性区域体系构建研究

4.A Comparative Analysis of the Development Mode among the Economic Area of Straits,Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta;海峡经济区与长三角等经济区发展模式比较

5.Industrial Reforming and Taiwan Straits West Bank Economic Zone Economy Development;产业转型与海峡西岸经济区经济发展

6.Cycle Economy Thought and the Construction of Economic Zone at Western Bank of Taiwan Straits;循环经济思想与海峡西岸经济区建设

7.Status Quo and Strategy:Economic Development of Economic Zone of West Coast of Taiwan Straits海峡西岸经济区经济发展现状及对策

8.The Construction of Economic Zone on The West Coast of the Taiwan Strait and Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Cooperation;海峡西岸经济区建设与两岸经贸合作


10.The philosophical perspective of the strategy of constructing the economic zone in the west side of strait建设海峡西岸经济区战略的理性思考

11.Philosophic Thoughts on Construction of Economic Zone in West Straits;关于建设海峡西岸经济区的哲学思考

12.The Construct of the Straits Western Side Economic Zone Logistics Network System;海峡西岸经济区物流网络系统的构建

mercial Bank s Profit Patterns in Strait-West-Coast-Economic-Zone;试探海峡西岸经济区的银行盈利模式

14.An Empirical Study on Regional Industrial Competitiveness of Economic Zone on the West Side of the Straits;海峡西岸经济区产业竞争力实证研究

15.Dynamic mechanism of urbanization in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;海峡西岸经济区城市化动力机制研究

16.SWOT Analysis on Modern Port Logistics Development in the West Coast Economic Zone of the Strait;海峡西岸经济区港口物流发展SWOT分析

17.Reflection on Wenzhou Fusing into the Western Bank of Taiwan Strait Economic Area;温州主动融入海峡西岸经济区之思考

18.Harmony Between Human and Nature Promotes Economic Zone on the West Side of Taiwan Straits;构建人与自然和谐的海峡西岸经济区


the Taiwan Strait Economic Region海峡经济区

1.In order to avoid peripherization,the Fujian government had put forward a project to construct the "Western Bank ofthe Taiwan Strait Economic Region"(WTER for short).应大力发展跨省际交通,扩大经济腹地,发展壮大中心城市,提升产业结构,从海西区建设最终发展到由海峡两岸参与的"海峡经济区"建设,首先从两岸一体化起步,加强两岸经济关系,最终实现两岸政治上的统一。

3)west-strait economic zone海峡西岸经济区

1.A strategic study on the talent construction at higher vocational colleges in West-strait Economic Zone;海峡西岸经济区高等职业教育人才队伍建设战略研究

2.It manifests the core competitiveness of the enterprises and it’s an indispensable and important factor of promoting economic development and social progress, and is of paramount importance for construction of the West-strait economic zone.自主知识产权拥有的数量和质量是一个国家、地区综合实力的反映,是一个企业核心竞争力的体现,是推动经济发展和社会进步不可缺少的重要因素,对海峡西岸经济区的建设至关重要。

4)economic zone on the west side of the straits海峡西岸经济区

1.The Influences of New Pattern of East-Asian Integration on the Development of Economic Zone on the West Side of the Straits;东亚一体化新格局对海峡西岸经济区发展的影响

2.A consideration of building the harmonious economic zone on the west side of the Straits from the perspective of humanity;从人文精神的角度看海峡西岸经济区和谐建设

3.Acceleratimg development of agroproduct processing industry in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;加快海峡西岸经济区农产品加工业发展的思考

5)the economic zone on the west side of the straits海峡西岸经济区

1.Positive Study on Finance Supporting the Development of Economy in the Economic Zone on the West Side of the Straits;海峡西岸经济区金融支持经济发展的实证研究

2.Accelerating construction of the economic zone on the west side of the Straits in all respects;全面推进海峡西岸经济区建设

3.Sustainable development of tourism in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;海峡西岸经济区旅游产业持续发展研究

6)the economic zone on the west side of the Taiwan Straits海峡西岸经济区

1.A discussion on regional brand ofthe economic zone on the west side of the Taiwan Straits;海峡西岸经济区区域品牌问题探讨

2.Leisure economy and construction ofthe economic zone on the west side of the Taiwan Straits;休闲经济与海峡西岸经济区建设


恰纳卡莱海峡(达达尼尔海峡)(见黑海海峡)恰纳卡莱海峡(达达尼尔海峡)(见黑海海峡)Canakkale Bo(?)aziQianakalai Haixia1合纳卡莱海峡(达达尼尔海峡)(Canakkale B6gazi)见黑海海峡。
