100字范文 > 海西建设 economic zone building in western coast of the Taiwan Straits英语短句 例句大全

海西建设 economic zone building in western coast of the Taiwan Straits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-26 02:56:44


海西建设 economic zone building in western coast of the Taiwan Straits英语短句 例句大全

海西建设,economic zone building in western coast of the Taiwan Straits

1)economic zone building in western coast of the Taiwan Straits海西建设

1.During the course ofeconomic zone building in western coast of the Taiwan Straits, there are lots of obstacles in public policy circulation.近些年来,我国台湾海峡经济区建设进程中,公共政策的运行正存在着一些障碍因素,主要表现在:缺乏能够有效促进海西发展的区域政策,一些符合区情的宏观决策没能有效落实,尚未确立起有利于海西建设的评估体系,没能有效纠正政策运行出现的失误偏差,现行政策缺乏足够的灵活性以及创新性,等等。


1.On the Service of Library in Colleges and Universities for the Development of the West Strait福建高校图书馆为海西建设服务初探

2.Rebuilding the Core of the Government of the Economic Special Zone While Constructing the Economic Zone to the West Coast of Taiwan Strait;海西建设中经济特区政府的内核再造

3.On Administrative Legalization in the Course of Building the Economic Zone on the Harmonious West Side of Taiwan Straits;和谐海西建设中行政行为法制化析论

4.Discussing the Development to Fujian Nanshaolin Culture under the Construction of "Haixi"“海西”建设中福建南少林文化的发展

5.Building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits and formation of the Straits economic zone建设海峡西岸经济区与海峡经济区构建

6.The philosophical perspective of the strategy of constructing the economic zone in the west side of strait建设海峡西岸经济区战略的理性思考

7.Philosophic Thoughts on Construction of Economic Zone in West Straits;关于建设海峡西岸经济区的哲学思考

8.The contributions of Shanghai to Shaanxi construction in 1950s;1950年代上海对陕西建设的支援

9.On Building the Social Responsibility of Private Enterprises in the Economic Region on the West Side of the Taiwan Straits;海峡西岸民营企业社会责任建设探析

10.Increase the Financial Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan to Drive forward the Economic Development of West Bank on the Taiwan Strait;加强闽台金融合作 推动海西经济建设

11.Construction of food safety logistics system on the west side of the Straits;海峡西岸食品安全物流体系建设研究

12.The Construction of Economic Zone on The West Coast of the Taiwan Strait and Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Cooperation;海峡西岸经济区建设与两岸经贸合作

13.On the Adult Education in the Construction of the Economic Zone by the West Bank of the Channel;论海峡西岸经济区建设中的成人教育

14.Optimizing the investment environment to build the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;优化投资环境 建设海峡西岸经济区

15.Some issues on the construction of the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;建设海峡西岸经济区若干问题的探讨

16.Cycle Economy Thought and the Construction of Economic Zone at Western Bank of Taiwan Straits;循环经济思想与海峡西岸经济区建设

17.Agricultural Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan and Construction of the Economic Zone in West Seashore of the Taiwan Straits;闽台农业合作与建设海峡西岸经济区

18.Ecological Civilization Construction and the Western Side of the Straints of "Two First"生态文明建设与海峡西岸“两个先行”


West-strait construction海峡西岸建设

3)construction of green west-strait绿色海峡西岸建设

1.Theconstruction of green west-strait is a developing strategy of forestry.绿色海峡西岸建设是与海峡西岸经济区建设相衔接的林业发展战略,林业人才资源是绿色海峡西岸建设的主力军,人才环境是人才资源开发的土壤,营造并不断优化人才环境,人才的智力才能得以提升,活力才能得以增强,创造力才能得以迸发。

4)construction of economic zone on the west coast of the Taiwan Straits海峡西岸经济区建设

5)construction of Tibet西藏建设

6)the construction of Northwest China西北建设

1.It was initiated and proposed that we look at Northwest China from a perception of modernization and that we plan and carry onthe construction of Northwest China.察国人以现代化观念全面审视西北、规划并进行之西北建设,端赖孙中山先生之倡导。


