100字范文 > 礼制 ritual system英语短句 例句大全

礼制 ritual system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-06 17:19:40


礼制 ritual system英语短句 例句大全

礼制,ritual system

1)ritual system礼制

1.Theritual system in the Zhou Dynasty it reflected not only showed the history phenomenon of "waning but not destructing of the eastern Zhou Dynasty" but also urged us to newly understand and position the court of the eastern Zhou Dynasty.东周王城遗址发掘出的"六马之驾"是东周历史的重要载体,尤其是它所体现出的周代礼制从一方面说明了"东周王室衰而不亡"的历史现象,并进一步促使我们对东周王室的历史地位给以重新认识和定位。

2.The folk custom of jade worship is a kind of spiritual folk custom, which has existed in prehistoric society, and it has accelerated the birth ofritual system in ancient china.尚玉习俗是一种民间信仰习俗,在史前社会已经形成,它的产生对中国古代礼制的形成具有重要的推动作用。


1.Influence of yi-learning thoughts on the interpretation and practice of propriety in the Northern-Southern Periods;南北朝易学思想对礼学与礼制的影响

2.Meal Having and Ritual──Some Notes on the Meal Having Factor in the Ritual System of Shang and Zhou;食与礼──浅谈商周礼制中心饮食因素

3.The Civilianization of Official Rituals and Their Moving-down in Tang and Song Dynasties;官方礼制的庶民化倾向与唐宋礼制下移

4.Analyze the Characters of Ceremony in the Middle-Tang Dynasty;从唐德宗的“重慎祠事,动稽典礼”看中唐礼制特征

5.Local Respond of State Ceremonial System:Transformation and Declination of Local Shooting Ceremony in Ming Dynasty;国家礼制的地方回应:明代乡射礼的嬗变与兴废

6.Harmonious Societies and Propriety--Analysis on the Relationship between Etiquetle and Leisure from the Leisure Perspective;和谐社会和“礼制”——从休闲视阈看“礼与休闲”的关系

7.Hsun-kwang put great emphasis on decorums, advocated courtesy, and looked oncourtesy as the function of moderation and observation.荀子重视礼法,提倡礼,认为礼具有节制、分之用也。

8.a dress uniform for formal occasions.正式场合穿的制服礼服。

9.occasional music for a royal wedding皇家婚礼上的应制音乐.

10.Analysing Gift and Punishment from Legal System Culture in the Western Zhou Dynasty西周“礼”、“刑”法制文化辨析

11.The rite and music system of the Zhou Dynasty was thus founded on the heritage of the preceding systems of the Xia and Shang dynasties.因袭夏、商的礼仪乐制,建立了周王朝的礼乐制度。

12.Shang and Zhou Period:Combination of Ritual and Musical Instruments and the Materialized Institution of Rites and Music;商周时期的礼乐器组合与礼乐制度的物态化

13.Confucianism: Li and Institute--Comment on the Gain and Heredity of " Li" of the Xian - qin Confucianists;儒:礼与制度——兼论先秦儒家“礼”的获得与承传

14.A Comparative Study of the Office holding System in the Spring and Autumn Period and That in the Zhou Li :Further Discussion of the Date of Compilation of the Zhou Li;春秋官制与《周礼》比较研究——《周礼》成书年代再探讨

15.On the Historical Facts of the Spring-and-Autumn Period and the System of Rite Music in the Light of Rite-Music Instruments Unearthed in Xinzheng;从新郑出土礼乐器论春秋史事与礼乐制度

16.The System of Financing and Accounting in "ZhouLi" and Its Thought of Internal Control《周礼》财计体制及其内部控制思想

17.He took the responsibility of restraining oneself and carrying out ceremonial rites and regulations,whose core is patriarchal clan system.孔子以克己复礼为己任,他所要复的礼即为周礼,其核心是宗法制,宗法制的核心是继承制。

18.The heckler was ejected from the auditorium for creating a disturbance.起哄捣蛋分子因制造骚乱被赶出礼堂。



1.Analysis of theetiquette concept in Chinese ancient architecture浅析中国古建筑中的礼制观念

2.The study of Chinese ancientetiquette and custom has a history of over 2, 000 years.中国古代礼制研究已有二千多年历史,前人在这方面作了大量工作,为祖国传统文化的延续与发展作出了极大贡献。

3.Three thinking system influencing China ancient city planning were pointed,including classicaletiquette system,heavy environment and utility system and human,heaven and earth harmonious integrity system.指出影响中国古城规划的三大思想体系,即传统礼制的思想体系,重环境、求实用的思想体系以及追求天、地、人和谐统一的思想体系,系统地分析整理了南京古城规划的思想体系,对中国古城历史文化价值的理解与保护具有重要意义。


1.Analyse the Characters of Ceremony in the Book of Guoyu——Discuss the Phenomena of Ceremony Disintegration in the Age of Spring and Autumn;试析《国语》中礼制的特点——兼论春秋时期的“礼崩乐坏”现象

2.Embodiment ofceremony ideology in Chinese traditional architecture decoration;礼制思想在中国传统建筑装饰中的体现

3.For handle this problem,Emperor De Zong spreadceremony.唐德宗执政的特点之一是重视礼制建设。

4)etiquette system礼制

1.The article points out that in the period of Warring States,the two great topics inetiquette system study were concentrated on strengthening patriarchal clan system ethics,choicing the principle of administering a country,and planning a ceremony system for the coming unified empire.文章指出战国时期 ,礼学研究的两大主题集中在强化宗法伦理和为统一帝国选择治国思路及确定典章制度上 ,它的整理和规划 ,为后世礼制对社会的深刻影响奠定了理论上的基础。

5)code of social institutions礼制之"礼"

6)Making Ritual制礼


