100字范文 > 礼义 ritual philosophy英语短句 例句大全

礼义 ritual philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 17:49:39


礼义 ritual philosophy英语短句 例句大全

礼义,ritual philosophy

1)ritual philosophy礼义

1.This article examines the definition ofritual philosophy and rite in the Confucian theory in the Pre-Qin Dynasty period and analyzes their contents and social function.本文探讨了先秦儒家思想中礼义与礼仪的界定,分析了礼义与礼仪的含义与社会作用,并提出在现代社会中,礼义仍然有存在的意义,礼仪则应随时代的发展而变化。


1.Well fed, well bred.衣食足而后礼义兴。

2.Learning Liyi for the Governing by Li-law:of the Learning in Xunzi礼法之治要求下的礼义之学——论荀子的“学”

3.Analyze Jia Gongyan’s Study on Figures of Speech From Zhou Li Yi Shu and Yi Li Yi Shu浅析贾公彦《周礼义疏》、《仪礼义疏》中对修辞手法的阐释

4.China has always been known as a land of propriety band righteousness.中国从来以礼义之邦著称。

5.The belly has no ears.肚子会饿不会听,衣食足而后礼义兴。

6."His wife, nee Feng, was a worthy virtuous woman with a strong sense of propfiety and fight.""嫡妻封氏,情性贤淑,深明礼义"

7.An empty bag will not stand up right.〔谚语〕空袋子,站不直;衣食足然后知礼义。

8.On XUNZI′s Ideas of Morals and Law and Its Modern Significance;论荀子“隆礼至法”的礼法观及其现实意义

9.On Activities and Music of Decorum and Customs in Yiwu义乌礼俗活动与礼俗音乐的考察与研究

10.But beneath this courtesy, I detect their deep breath of moral feeling.然而在这礼节之中,隐含着深远的意义

11.Courtesy costs little and means much.彬彬有礼付出很少,却意义重大。

12."I--I"d die for the Cause, like Ashley would."就像艾希礼那样,我----愿意为主义而死。

13.Table manners have their origins in the pragmatism of the Middle Ages.餐桌礼节起源于中世纪的实用主义。

14.The most meaningful gifts are the ones that come from the heart.(最有意义的礼物,是来自内心的关爱。

15.the pomp of a coronation ceremony.See also Synonyms at show加冕典礼的盛况参见同义词

16.any of various doctrines closely related to Anabaptism.与再洗礼教派紧密相关的任何教义。

17.I baptize thee in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.我以圣父、圣子、圣灵的名义为你洗礼。

18.Given examples out of the Research on the Original Meaning of Two-syllabled Mingwu(名物)Words in Zhou li(《周礼》)《周礼》双音节名物词词源义探求举隅



1.On the Forming of ‘Liyi’in Xunzi s Thought;论“礼义”范畴在荀子思想中的形成——兼论儒学由玄远走向切近

3)The Courteors Country礼义之邦

4)Liyi Castle礼义城

1.SWOT Analysis of Tourism Resource Exploiture and Its Strategies toLiyi Castle in Da Zhou;达州礼义城旅游资源开发的SWOT分析及开发策略

5)only beteewn etiquette止乎礼义

6)emphasis on moral code and justice正礼义


礼义1.礼法道义。礼,谓人所履;义,谓事之宜。 2.同"礼仪"。
