100字范文 > 显化 explicitation英语短句 例句大全

显化 explicitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-09 21:59:38


显化 explicitation英语短句 例句大全



1.The study ofexplicitation is conducive to achieving equivalent and appropriate translation,to maintaining a high standard of lit.文学翻译中的显化处理是常见的做法。

2.The present paper conducts a corpus-based quantitative and qualitative study ofexplicitation in two well-known Chinese versions of William Shakespeare s Hamlet translated Liang Shiqiu and Zhu Shenghao respectively.本文运用语料库方法对莎剧《哈姆雷特》梁实秋译本和朱生豪译本中的显化进行定性和定量研究。

3.This dissertation applies the relativeexplicitation theory to conduct the experimental research on studying theexplicitation tendency in target language in terms of the translators’professional levels.显化作为一种翻译技巧,指将原作的信息在译作中以更为明确的方式表述出来;它与增词法技巧密切相关,但还包括增加额外的解释、直接表达出暗含的意思、添加连接词,等等。


1.Target-Text Explicitation Study Based on the Translators Professional Levels;基于译者专业化水平的译文显化研究

2.The "Revelation" of the Logical and Cultural Factors in the Translation from Uygur into Chinese;维译汉中逻辑与文化因素的“显化”

3.a marked difference [change]显著的差别 [变化]

4.The purpose of developing is the intensification of the latent to such a degree that it becomes visible.显影的目的是强化潜影,使它显现出来。

5.evaluation of catalyst microstructure催化剂显微结构的测定

6.transmission electron microscope laboratory透射电子显微镜化验室

7.Thermometer gives indication of changes in temperature.温度计显示温度的变化。

8.whole body activation autoradiography整体活化放射自显影法

9.The incidence of ARDs in observation group was obviouly lower than those in control group.化疗毒副反应显示,观察组明显低于对照组。

10.a perceptable limp; easily perceptible sounds; perceptible changes in behavior.明显的跛行;能感觉到的声响;行为的明显变化。

11.the dignifying effect of his presence; the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings.他的出现的显赫效果;文化背景的显赫影响。

12.The microstructure of electroless copper deposit is greatly effected by the substrate upon which deposition occurs.化学镀铜层的显微结构受基体的显著影响。

13.Catalysts that lower markedly the activation energy of the reactions are required.需要显著降低反应活化能的催化剂。

14.relating to or exhibiting actinism.与光化有关的或显示光化性的。

15.The national economy is notably more market-oriented and socialized.国民经济市场化、社会化程度明显提高。

16.Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing在最大化和最小化时动态显示窗口

17.The process of applying scientific and technological achievements to industrialized and commercial production was noticeably accelerated.科技成果市场化、产业化明显加快。

18.Actualization of Word Phrase "X ba" and Its Cultural Connotation;“X吧”语词的显性化及其文化心理内涵


oxidation coloration氧化显色





1.An empirical research on tacit Knowledgeexplicitation and technologic innovation performance;隐性知识显性化与技术创新绩效实证研究

2.Blum Kulka’s “Shifts of cohesion and coherence in translation” is a new exploration of the essence of translation,that is,translation is a process ofexplicitation.库尔卡的《翻译中衔接与连贯的切换》是对翻译实质的全新探索,文中提出翻译本质上是一个显性化的过程,本文就这一结论展开讨论,并介绍了布拉姆。


