100字范文 > 显性化 explicitation英语短句 例句大全

显性化 explicitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-26 06:05:04


显性化 explicitation英语短句 例句大全



1.An empirical research on tacit Knowledgeexplicitation and technologic innovation performance;隐性知识显性化与技术创新绩效实证研究

2.Blum Kulka’s “Shifts of cohesion and coherence in translation” is a new exploration of the essence of translation,that is,translation is a process ofexplicitation.库尔卡的《翻译中衔接与连贯的切换》是对翻译实质的全新探索,文中提出翻译本质上是一个显性化的过程,本文就这一结论展开讨论,并介绍了布拉姆。


1.Actualization of Word Phrase "X ba" and Its Cultural Connotation;“X吧”语词的显性化及其文化心理内涵

2.It is unavoidble that invisible unemployment has become open unemployment in state-owned enterprises.国有企业隐性失业显性化已势在必然。

3.The Cost Analysis of Invisible Unemployment Found in State-owned Enterprises;国有企业隐性失业显性化的成本分析

4.Degree Adverb+Noun"and Dominant Change of Latent Language“程度副词+名词”与潜语言的显性化

5.Research on Latent Tourism Resources" Actualization Mechanism by Phenomenology隐性旅游资源显性化机理及其现象学的解读

6.relating to or exhibiting actinism.与光化有关的或显示光化性的。

7.On Tacit and Explicit Cultural Semantics in English-Chinese Translation;英汉“显性”与“隐性”文化语义的翻译

8.A Look at Foreign Language Education from the Perspective of its Explicit and Implicit Culture;从显性和隐性文化的角度看外语教学

9.Of, relating to, or exhibiting actinism.光化学的光化的,与光化有关的或显示光化性的

10.Views on Differences between Recessive Culture and Dominant Culture of Reflected Language;语言映射的隐性文化与显性文化差异之我见

11.show a certain characteristic when tested.化验时显示一种给定的特性。

12.a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances.在外表或性格或环境上的显著变化。

13.Study on Hydro-liquefaction Behaviour of Shendong Coal Macerals;神东煤显微组分及加氢液化性能研究

14.Using Land Humanistic Attributes to Display the Plant Cultural Connotation;因借用地人文属性 彰显植物文化内涵

15.On tacit knowledge in sports events and its revealment;论竞技项目中的隐性知识及其显现化

16.Microstructure and Properties of TiC Reinforced 304 Stainless SteelTiC强化304不锈钢的显微组织和性能

17.Theory and Methods of Visual Characterization for CRT Monitor视觉特性化CRT显示器理论与方法

18.Showing Personality Exposing Temperament--the Fresh Exploring of Personal Reading on Chinese Teaching;凸显个性 张扬性情——语文教学个性化阅读新探



1.By the ways of document study,interview and theoretical analysis,the paper elaborates on the effect of tacit knowledge on PE teaching,the connotation and characteristics of PE Teachers tacit knowledge and the ways of making the tacit knowledgeexplicit.通过文献资料、访谈、理论分析等研究方法,从隐性知识时体育教学的影响作用入手,探讨体育教学中教师隐性知识的内涵、特征,以及教师隐性知识显性化的途径。


1.Ikujiro Nonaka pointed out that according to the SECI model,theexternalization of tacit knowledge is vitally significant.野中郁次郎认为,在知识转化的SECI模型中,隐性知识显性化是至关重要的。

2.This article put forwards two ways ofexternalization of tacit knowledge based on the specific definition and characteristics of tacit knowledge,and analyzes the various influencing factors of each way.在对隐性知识的定义进行明确界定的基础上,根据隐性知识的特性,提出了隐性知识显性化的两种路径,并讨论了各自的影响因素,最后以两个实例分别说明这两种显性化路径。


1.The Explicitness of Tacit Knowledge in Journalism Case Teaching新闻案例教学中缄默知识的显性化

2.Based on the calculation and simulation of theexplicitness of the implicit pension debt, this paper concludes that the time pre and post 2024, during which theexplicitness will be the most dramatic, is the period when the aging process runs at its highest speed and the repaying of debts reaches its fastigium.由于养老保险制度转轨,这两部分隐性债务会部分地显性化。

5)invisible intensification显性强化

6)visible culture显性文化


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
