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师资 teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-01 00:10:33


师资 teachers英语短句 例句大全



1.Simple discussing onteachers training in the higher vocational colleges;浅谈高职院校师资队伍培训

2.Innovation Research and Practice on Yi-Han Bilingual Mathematics Teachers Training;彝汉双语数学师资培养创新研究与实践

3.Development strategy ofteachers troops in physical education department of Ningxia University;宁夏大学体育系师资队伍发展对策


1.Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications师训与师资咨询委员会。

2.teacher trainee接受师资培训的准教师

3.The Comment about the Construction of "Double Teacher"Teaching Staff in Vocational and Technical Colleges;略论职技高师“双师型”师资队伍建设

4.Strengthen Teachers Training,Promote Teachers Construction;加强师资培训,促进我校师资队伍建设

5.On the construction of ethics of young teachers at college;教育师资为本,师资立德为本——论高校青年教师队伍师德建设

6.He qualified himself as a lawyer.他取得了律师资格。

7.He has just qualified as a lawyer.他刚取得律师资格。

8.He will qualify as a solicitor next year .他明年将取得律师资格。

9.How are you going to organize the training of teachers?师资培训,怎样组织?

10.Teacher Educators Consultative Group师资培训人员咨询小组

11.E-Learning and the construction of qualified teachers in higher education;E-Learning与高校师资建设

12."HSK" and Bilingual Teachers Training in Xinjiang“HSK”与新疆“双语”师资培训

13.Teacher forces strong, nine senior teachers,34 secondary teachers.师资力量雄厚,有高级教师9名,中级教师34名。

14.strengthening construction of teachers, troop and training teachers into double - qualifications type.加强师资队伍建设,培养一支“双师型”的教师队伍。

15.Research on the Construction of the "Double-function" Teachers of the Higher Vocational Normal Education;高等职业师范教育“双师型”师资队伍建设的研究

16.The Building of Teachers team and Development of Teachers Profession in Vocational Colleges;高职院校“双师型”师资队伍建设与教师专业发展

17.Grasp the inner spirit of "double education style" teacher enhance the team construction of high accadamic education teacher;把握“双师型”教师内涵 加强高职师资队伍建设

18.On Analyzing the Teachers of Double Functions and Constructing the Teaching Staff in Vocational Education;职业教育“双师型”教师解析及其师资队伍建设


teaching staff师资

1.Human-centerecl management in theteaching staff construction in colleges;高校师资队伍建设中的人本管理

2.Study on the Construction and Management of Teaching Staff in Newly-built Vocational Colleges;新建高职院校师资队伍建设与管理研究


1.Problems and countermeasures of the higher vocational college steachers troop constructing;高职师资队伍建设中的问题及对策

2.Problems in and measures for curriculum reform andteacher training in western rural elementary education;西部农村地区基础教育课程改革师资培训困难与对策

3.Three Types of Awareness Should Be Establishedin the Building of Qualified Teachers for Further Education;继续教育师资建设须确立的三种意识


1.Reflections onFaculty Reconstruction in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校师资建设的思考

2.Problems and countermeasures of faculty-internationalization in colleges and universities;高校师资国际化存在的问题及对策

3.OnFaculty of Educational Discipline in Christian Colleges in Modern;试论近代教会大学教育学科的师资

5)teacher resources师资

1.The problem of Englishteacher resources is one of the determinant factors of our current English teaching in primary schools.师资问题是关系到当前我国小学英语教学成败的关键性因素之一。

2.The thesis analyses theteacher resources of the whole province according to the investigation ofteacher resources of Hubei province secondary technical schools.根据对湖北省技工学校师资的调查情况,对全省技工学校师资状况进行了全面的分析,并对存在的问题提出了相关的建议和对策。

3.The general appealing for more and fasterteacher resources has never stopped.一直以来,义务教育师资问题是近代中国在实施义务教育过程中始终都感到切肤之痛的问题。

6)teachers resources in college高师师资


