100字范文 > 体育师资 PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

体育师资 PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-23 20:01:54


体育师资 PE teachers英语短句 例句大全

体育师资,PE teachers

1)PE teachers体育师资

1.Analysis on the present situation ofPE teachers in Zhejiang technical secondary schools;浙江省中等专业学校体育师资队伍现状的调查分析

2.An investigation is presented by questionnaires to find the current situation of thePE teachers in 192 middle and elementary schools of Hebei coutryside.采用问卷调查法对河北省192所农村中小学体育师资队伍的现状进行了调查,对农村体育教师的基本结构、教学工作状况及自我评价等方面进行了分析,为河北省农村体育师资队伍的建设与发展提供了依据。

3.In this paper, analyses the situation and facing perplexity ofPE teachers in College, through the papers, experts review and documentary, and foud answers and methods so, some method can improve the development ofPE teachers.通过问卷调查法、专家访谈法和文献资料法分析高校体育师资队伍的现状和面临的困惑,寻找解决这些问题的对策和方法,旨在探索加强高校体育师资队伍的发展和建设。


1.Discussion of Sports Teachers Ability Quality Cultivation under New Healthy Sports Education;新健康体育教育下体育师资能力素质培育商榷

2.Great Importance Should be Attached to the Training the PE Teachers in Rural Areas;高校师范教育专业应重视农村体育师资的培养

3.A Discussion on the Training Mode of Teacher Resources in the Area of Special Physical Education;对体育教育专业培养特教体育师资模式的探讨

4.P.E Teachers Construction and Course Reform;论体育师资队伍建设与体育课程体系改革

5.Development Tendency of Physical Education and P.E. Teachers Cultivation;学校体育发展趋势及体育师资培养问题的研究

6.Strengthen the Physical Education of Teacher Ranks in Rural School and to Speed Up the Implementation of Sports New Curriculum Standard;优化农村体育师资 加快体育新课标的实施

7.Research on the teacher and student’s role expectation during training for teachers;体育师资培训过程中教师与学生的角色期待

8.Enlightenmemt Derived from American Teacher s Advancement ;Program on Exploitation of Chinese PE Teacher s Resource;美国教师进修制度给我国体育师资开发的启示

9.Investigation ang analysis of the current situation of P.E. Teachers in Middle School in Zunyi City;遵义市中学体育师资现状调查与分析

10.On the P.E.teachers of elementary and middle school in Henan province;河南省中小学体育师资现状调查分析

11.A Study on Construction of High Quality P.E Faculty in the College and University;关于高素质体育师资队伍建设的探讨

12.Research of the country middle school PE teacher in Shanxi Province;山西省农村中学体育师资队伍的建设

13.A Study on the Adult Education of Education Faculty in the Wuhan Institute of Physical Education;武汉体育学院师资队伍继续教育研究

14.Training Bilingual Teachers--A New Task for Physical Education Institutes;体育院校的新课题——体育双语师资的培养

15.Strengthen Management of Sports Material,Improve Teachers Qualities;加强高校体育资料室管理,提高体育教师素质

16.Research on Teacher Qualification Standards and Teacher Development System in New Zealand;新西兰教师资格标准和教师教育发展体系研究

17.The Present Situation of Chinese Normal Institutes and Departments of P.E. Technical Course Teachers and Countermeasures;我国高师体育院系术科师资现状及对策研究

18.The Development of the Resource of Teachers and the Construction of Local Teachers Educational System;教师资源的开发与教师教育体系的构建


physical education teachers体育师资

1.This Paper analyses the conditions ofphysical education teachers ideology,the structures of their age and professional titles,and the organizational management in Shandong Provinte s institutions of higher lerning and puts forward a plan to establish a red and expert,vigorous contingent ofphysical education teachers with reasonable stucture.通过对全省普通高校体育师资队伍在思想认识、年龄结构、职称结构及组织管理状况的分析,提出了加强师资队伍建设的基本思路和措施,旨在建设一支又红又专、结构合理、充满活力的体育师资队伍。

2.The current situation of thephysical education teachers in institutions of higher learning in Henen province of China was analyzed.通过对河南省高校体育师资队伍现状的调查分析 ,表明河南省高校体育师资队伍呈年轻化的趋势 ,但是存在的问题也比较大 ,如学历不高 ,科研能力不强 ,英语和计算机水平不高等。

3.In support of relational local government department, the investigation on occupationalphysical education teachers from 30 technical secondary schools has been carried out between Dec.我们在省教委体卫艺处和省中专工委合肥分会的支持配合下 ,于 1998年 12月~ 1999年3月期间对合肥地区 30所中专学校的专职体育教师进行了调查 ,为如何加强中专学校体育师资队伍建设问题 ,提供了较为客观的依据。

3)sports teachers体育师资

1.Choices of cultivation and motivation of collegesports teachers;高校体育师资的培养与激励导向的选择

2.By using the method of questionnaire investigation,analyse compare,mathematical statistics method,surveys and analysessports teachers current situation of rural primary school of Shanxi,and presents the resolution for these problems,Aim at offering reference to education department of Shanxi,the rural school and sports teacher,etc.运用问卷调查、分析比较、数理统计等方法,对山西省农村小学体育师资现状进行调查分析,针对所存在的问题提出解决对策,旨在为山西省教育部门、农村学校及体育教师等提供参考。

3.In the 21st century university sports various kinds of ability and quality should possess,the weak link existing insports teachers team of the university at present awaits further improvement,And we,at present insports teachers cultivation of 21st century to the university,And quite important work of some time in the future.21世纪的高校体育教师应具备的各种能力和素质,当前高校体育师资队伍中存在的薄弱环节有待于进一步的提高,21世纪高校体育师资力量的培养是我们当前、及今后一段时间相当重要的工作。


1.On theP.E.teachers of elementary and middle school in Henan province;河南省中小学体育师资现状调查分析

2.On problems inP.E.teachers building of primary and middle schools in rural areas in China;我国农村中小学体育师资队伍建设中存在的主要问题

3.E deep Tendency situation as well as the P.本文对学校体育今后发展态趋势以及体育师资培养问题进行探讨,目的在于把握学校体育发展变化规律,推进学校体育的发展,提高全民素质。

5)P.E teachers体育师资

1.At the early of the new century ,the present conditions of P.新世纪之初襄樊市小学体育师资队伍的现状,直接关系着当地基础教育、素质教育的开展成效,建立一支高素质的小学体育师资队伍十分必要。

2.As for the capability and quality of P.通过社会调查分析 ,认为对当代体育师资素质教育的重点 ,应放在品质、文化、知识、能力和业务水平等方面的培养与提高上。

3.In Heilongjiang province,the number of physical eduation teachers is sufficient in ordinary high scool,but lacking special P.对黑龙江省体育师资培养状况进行研究表明 ,普通高中体育师资正趋于饱和 ,特殊教育师资缺乏 ,师资培养质量、规格低 ,学校体育素质教育缺乏实施的具体措施。

6)the sports teachers cultivate体育师资培育


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
