100字范文 > 非市场价值 non-market value英语短句 例句大全

非市场价值 non-market value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-02 19:17:01


非市场价值 non-market value英语短句 例句大全

非市场价值,non-market value

1)non-market value非市场价值

1.The assessment ofnon-market value of agricultural land resource in Wuhan;武汉市农地非市场价值评估

2.the paper,taking Urumqi city as an example,started from the basic concept ofnon-market value of cultivated land resource and the introductions of Contingent Value Method.本文以乌鲁木齐市为例,用CVM法对其耕地资源的非市场价值进行了探索性研究,结果表明:随着耕地保护意识的增强,乌鲁木齐市居民已经意识到耕地资源非市场价值的存在。

3.In this paper, the market value andnon-market value of different type agricultural land resources in Wuhan City were estimated by the methods of random sampling, income approach, and contingent valuation.运用收益还原法及条件价值评估法(CVM)对武汉市不同类型农地资源的市场价值和非市场价值进行估算。


1.Applications of contingent valuation method in evaluation of non-market values;条件价值评估法在非市场价值评估中的应用

2.Non-market Value of Cultivated Land Resource in Urumqi by the Method of CVM;基于CVM法的乌鲁木齐市耕地非市场价值评价

3.International Symposium on the Non-Market Benefits of Forestry森林的非市场价值国际专题讨论会

4.Study on Non-market Valuation Theories, Methods of Farmland and Application;耕地非市场价值评估理论方法与实践

5.An Application of CVM in the Assessment of Non-Market Value of Agricultural Land;农地非市场价值条件评估法及其应用

6.The application of non-marketing value to equipment management;浅议非市场价值在设备管理中的应用

7.Study on Non-market Value of Cultivated Land by the Method of CVM基于CVM的耕地非市场价值评估研究

8.Measuring Agricultural Land s Non-Market Values of Urban Leisure Agriculture;都市休闲农业中农地的非市场价值估算

9.An Analysis of the Value Tendency of theResources Distribution in Normal Schools;试论师范院校资源配置的非市场价值取向

10.A Research on Non-Market Value of Jingzhou City Fringe Farmland Based on CVM;基于CVM的荆州市城乡结合部农地非市场价值评估研究

11.A Research into Non-Market Value of Agricultural Land in Upland Area--A case study of Jingmen City,Hubei Province;丘陵地区农地非市场价值研究——以湖北省荆门市为例

12.Of, relating to, or being the amount or face value of a sum of money or a stock certificate, for example, and not the purchasing power or market value.面值的,非市场价值的属于、关于或是一笔钱或者股票证券的票面价值量的,而并非购买力市场价值

13.Non-market Value and Its Assessment of Educational Resource Informatization教育资源信息化的非市场价值及其测评方法研究

14.Contingent Valuation Method:An Approach of Non-market Valuation Technique;条件价值评估:一种非市场的价值评估技术

15.Value of sharing retailers promotion information under unstable marketing demands in supply chain;市场需求非平稳时共享销售商促销信息的价值

16.Market Forecast and Value Chain Analysis of Non-degree Online-education Industry;非学历网络教育市场预测与价值链研究

17.Study on enterprises marketing-value strategy based on nonlinear theory;基于非线性理论的企业市场价值取向战略研究

18.a steep+[ 1 ] fall in market value市场价值的急剧下降


nonmarket valuation非市场价值评价

3)Non-market value of cultivated land耕地非市场价值

4)market value市场价值

1.Viewmarket value of foreign languages and foreign languageteaching reform from the angle of economics of language;从语言经济学角度看外语市场价值与外语教改

2.A survey of themarket value of synonymous codes between British English and American English;同义语码市场价值调查分析

5)market value method市场价值法

1.The wetland value of the Liaohe River Delta was assessed all-round by means of ecological theories,and Liaohe River Delta ecosystem services were evaluated by using themarket value method and the shadow project approach.应用生态学理论对辽河三角洲湿地价值进行全面评价,运用市场价值法和影子工程法评价辽河三角洲的生态系统服务功能,研究成果为人们从价值观的角度认识湿地的作用提供科学依据。

2.Using the theory of Environmental Economics, such as the human capital method, themarket value method and the assets value method, the losses were estimated at 12.在对2002年山东省大气污染资料调查和统计的基础上,应用环境经济学的原理与方法(人力资本法、市场价值法、机会成本法、资产价值法等),对大气污染造成的经济损失进行了估算。

3.In this study,Zhifanggou watershed,a small typical watershed in a hilly and gully region of loess plateau,is selected to evaluate its ESV from 1938 to 1999 by equivalence method,market value method and shadow engineering method.本文以黄土高原丘陵区典型小流域纸坊沟为例,利用当量法、市场价值法及影子工程法等方法分别计算了流域1938—1999年的生态服务价值。

6)market value chain市场价值链

1.The transition from enterprise value chain tomarket value chain is an inexorable trend.企业价值链演变为市场价值链是一种必然趋势。

2.Second,traditional value chain should be extended and expanded into themarket value chain under circular economy.循环经济的发展从两个方面影响和改造着传统的企业价值链,一方面应当将环境作为一种成本纳入到价值分析系统中,实现企业价值链向环境价值链的转变;另一方面必须对传统价值链进行延伸、拓展,实现企业价值链向市场价值链的转变。


