100字范文 > 价值 value英语短句 例句大全

价值 value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-07 03:15:34


价值 value英语短句 例句大全



1.Evaluation on ecological service function andvalue of Zhelin reservoir;柘林水库的生态服务功能与价值评估

2.Analysis of Nantong traditional blue printed clothvalue inside and modern design idea;南通民间蓝印花布的价值底蕴和设计理念

3.The assessment of exploring rightvalue with mining background but without exploration;具有开采背景未曾勘查探矿权价值评估


1."""value"" means valuable consideration."“价值”指有值代价。

2.nominal [face] value票面价值,表面价值

3.imputed value估算价值,应计价值

4.agreed (insured) value约定保险价值,约定价值

5.stipulated loss value约定损失价值,保险价值

6.value neutrality and reference to value价值中立和价值参照

7.Dual Value of Audit:Authentification Value and Insurance Value;审计的二重价值:鉴证价值和保险价值

8.On Value Distribution of the Value Chain:Construction of Value Pool;价值链价值分布研究:价值库的构建

9.Customer value,enterprise value & products value management;顾客价值、企业价值与产品价值管理

10.Labor,Labor and Value Creation;劳动、劳动价值论与价值创造、价值分配

11.To ascertain or fix the value or worth of.估…的值,定…的价确定…的数值或价值

12.Analysis of the Value Effect and Valuation of Company′s Merger公司并购的价值效应及价值估值分析

13.A rise in value or price, especially over time.涨价,增值价值或价格的上升,尤指过度

14.An increase of price or value.涨价,增值价格或价值方面的增长

15.Study Enterprise Value Appraisal Index Based on Value Chain;基于价值链的企业价值评价指标研究

16.The Standards of Evaluation on News Value and the Reality of News Value;新闻价值评价标准与新闻价值的实现

17.no-par stock with stated value无面值股票的宣称价值

18.Trading Below Cash股票价值低于现金值



1.On Sports Prescription svalues in keeping-fit;试论运动处方在健身中的价值

2.On Academic Values of the Hui s Culture Relics and Ancient Books from Perspective of Its Own Features——Concurrently on the significance of compiling the book Outline of Culture Relics and Ancient Books of the Chinese Ethnic Minorities·The Hui Volume;从回族古籍的特点看其学术文化价值——兼论编纂《中国少数民族古籍总目提要·回族卷》的意义


1.Study onworth assessment of military industry intellectual property;军工知识产权的价值评估思考

2.The Worth Choice of Chinese Cultural Industry;中国文化产业的价值选择

3.Henan should fully exploit known, underground and lost historical cultural resources and theirsworth by display, education, research, enjoyment, use, etc.河南省应该从显示、教育、研究、欣赏、使用等方面,充分挖掘已知的、地下的、失传的等历史文化资源及其价值。

4)the value价值

1.In different fieldsthe value has its different attributes,natural or anthropic.生态价值的源泉是生态系统的服务功能。

2.Economic law wants to finish its own mission,it must supplement the idea of sustainable development and merging its own value,to choose and pursuethe value of making sustainable development.可持续发展战略的提出,使以维护国家和社会发展整体利益为根本宗旨的经济法的特性在市场经济条件下更得以凸现,经济法要完成自己的使命,就必须把可持续发展的价值理念补充、融合到自身的价值范畴之中,作出可持续发展的价值选择和价值追求。


1.Study on ecosystem servicesvaluation in Honghu Lake wetland;洪湖湿地生态系统服务价值评估研究

2.Environmental Evaluation:Channeling Environment and Natural Resources Value into Real Economy;环境和自然资源的价值评估与价值实现

3.The Material Selection, Ordering and Valuation of Series of Wenzhou Literature;《温州文献丛书》的选材、整理方法和价值


1.Some sellers make "ex-packing" in order to get excessive profits, which causes a serious imbalance between the quality and thecost.但由于部分商家为牟取暴利,利用了消费者畸形的消费心理,加之目前相关法律法规不健全,市场调节和政府监控失灵,因此出现了“过度”包装,商品的功能与价值严重失调,引起全社会的普遍关注。

2.Based on actual data,the individual human resourcecosts for three kinds of staffs in an automobile enterprise in Shanghai were worked out by combining currency account and non-currency account methods as a reference for the distribution system of the enterprise.以实际数据为依据,使用货币性计量方法与非货币性计量方法相结合的计量模式,计算出上海某汽车制造企业三类员工的个体人力资源价值,为企业的分配体制提供参考。


