100字范文 > 安全质量浓度 safe concentration英语短句 例句大全

安全质量浓度 safe concentration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-10 22:08:55


安全质量浓度 safe concentration英语短句 例句大全

安全质量浓度,safe concentration

1)safe concentration安全质量浓度

1.0082 mg/L at 24 h and 48 h withsafe concentration of 0.试验结果表明,随着三疣梭子蟹幼体的发育,其半致死质量浓度以及安全质量浓度呈上升趋势。

2.Thesafe concentrations for M.207 mg/L;Cd2+和Hg2+对四角蛤蜊的安全质量浓度分别为0。

3.The results gained by using a standard method of aquatic bioassay for evaluating the toxicity of chemicals in our experiments also showed that thesafe concentration of o-chlorophenol in culture medium to the strain 1D growth was 9.结果表明,邻氯苯酚对1D生长的安全质量浓度为9。

2)total soda mass concentration全碱质量浓度

1.Calculation of permitted maximumtotal soda mass concentration inaluminate hydrate wash liquor and process change scheme;指出只有当氢氧化铝洗液中全碱浓度小于或等于赤泥洗液中全碱浓度时 ,才有利于赤泥洗涤 ;利用2 0 0 0年上半年实际生产数据 ,计算出氢氧化铝洗液最大允许全碱质量浓度为 61。

3)Safe concentration安全浓度

1.Artificial multiplication of loach,cultivated loach fry and safe concentration test for ammonium bicarbonate;泥鳅人工繁殖、鳅苗培育及碳铵安全浓度试验

2.The LC_(50) in 24h、48h、72h、96h and the safe concentration of Cu~(2+) were 0.通过Cu、Hg、Cd、Zn、Pb等5种重金属离子对黑褐新糠虾的急性毒性试验,分别得出了5种重金属离子对黑褐新糠虾的24、48、72、96 h半致死浓度及安全浓度,依次为:Cu2+0。

3.The safe concentrations of No-2-N and NH3-Nt (NH3-Nm) for Z5, Z7 and Z9 were 0.本文研究了NO2--N与NH3-N对罗氏沼虾幼体的毒性作用,分别给出了NO2--N与NH3-N对罗氏沼虾Z5、Z7与Z9的24h、48h、72h、96h的LC50值,提出NO2--N对Z5、Z7和Z9的安全浓度分别为0。


1.Acute Toxicity of Mercury,Chrome and Nickel to Tanichthys albonubes and Their Safety Assessment汞·铬和镍对唐鱼的急性毒性及安全浓度评价

2.Study on Safety Level and Monitoring Methods of Trichlorfon in Breeding Waters;养殖水体中敌百虫对鲤鲫鱼安全浓度及检测方法研究

3.Primary Study on Mandarin Fish (Siniperca Chuatsi) Larvae s Growth, Feeding, Oxygen Consumption and the Safe Concentration of Several Medications;鳜仔鱼生长摄食、耗氧及药物安全浓度的初步研究

4.Acute Toxicity and Safety Assessment of Fluoride to Larval Siberian Sturgeon Acipenser baeri氟对西伯利亚鲟仔鱼的急性毒性及安全浓度评价

5.Effect of tweleve Tibetan herbal medicine on safety concentrations and growth of chicken embryo fibroblast12种藏药对鸡胚成纤维细胞的安全浓度和生长的影响

6.CMM in China:status-quo of utilization and technical solutions to zero emission中国煤矿企业低浓度瓦斯的安全利用

7.The Brucea jaranica and Areca catechu had the highest safty coefficient,but the concentration of parasites killing were fairly high.鸦胆子、槟榔对鱼最为安全,但杀虫浓度较高。

8.The Research of Filter Model Against Large-Number in the Coal Mine Safety Monitoring System;煤矿安全监控瓦斯浓度的大数滤波器模型研究

9.Primary Study on the Preparation and Safety of High Concentration Garlic Oil Injection;高浓度大蒜油注射液的制备及安全性初步评价

10.Concentration Monitoring in Whole Blood, Clinical Application and Safety Evaluation of Sirolimus in Allo-HSCT Patients;西罗莫司在allo-HSCT患者的全血药浓度监测、临床应用和安全性评价

11.Effect of Remifentanil in Different Whole Blood Concentrations on the Minimum Alveolar Concentration of Enflurane;全麻下不同血药浓度的瑞芬太尼对安氟醚最低肺泡有效浓度(MAC)的影响

12.“Toothpastes containing either of these F sources are both safe and effective against caries.“含有上述浓度氟化物的牙膏能够安全有效的帮助预防龋齿。”

13.Clinical study of the safety in elderly patients with lower respiratory infections and therapeutic drug monitoring of teicoplanin高龄下呼吸道感染患者的替考拉宁血药浓度监测及安全性评价

14.The method has advantages of simple,reagents safe,cheep and so on; it is a new ind irect determination method of NO concentration in serum.该法具有简单、试剂安全、价廉、干扰因素少等优点,是临床间接测定NO浓度的又一实用方法。

15.The newly-developed smog alarm system will trigger the alarm once smoke or fog reaches certain degree.新开发烟雾报警系统.要碰到一定浓度的烟或雾.会自动发出警报,让您的居家更为安全舒心。

16.The safety problems are more severe for low-pressure depositions because the processes often use concentrated gases.对于低压淀积来说安全性问题更为突出,因为这种工艺通常使用高浓度的气体。

17.Study of the Safety Evaluation and Reduction of Coop Ammonia Concentration and Improvement of the Production Performance of Layers on the Chinese Herbal Yucca中药丝兰的安全性评价和降低鸡舍氨气浓度及提高蛋鸡生产性能的研究

18.Corneal Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics of Intrastromal Injection of Amphotericin B in Rabbit Eyes两性霉素B兔眼角膜基质内注射的安全性评价及在兔眼角膜和房水中药物浓度的实验研究


total soda mass concentration全碱质量浓度

1.Calculation of permitted maximumtotal soda mass concentration inaluminate hydrate wash liquor and process change scheme;指出只有当氢氧化铝洗液中全碱浓度小于或等于赤泥洗液中全碱浓度时 ,才有利于赤泥洗涤 ;利用2 0 0 0年上半年实际生产数据 ,计算出氢氧化铝洗液最大允许全碱质量浓度为 61。

3)Safe concentration安全浓度

1.Artificial multiplication of loach,cultivated loach fry and safe concentration test for ammonium bicarbonate;泥鳅人工繁殖、鳅苗培育及碳铵安全浓度试验

2.The LC_(50) in 24h、48h、72h、96h and the safe concentration of Cu~(2+) were 0.通过Cu、Hg、Cd、Zn、Pb等5种重金属离子对黑褐新糠虾的急性毒性试验,分别得出了5种重金属离子对黑褐新糠虾的24、48、72、96 h半致死浓度及安全浓度,依次为:Cu2+0。

3.The safe concentrations of No-2-N and NH3-Nt (NH3-Nm) for Z5, Z7 and Z9 were 0.本文研究了NO2--N与NH3-N对罗氏沼虾幼体的毒性作用,分别给出了NO2--N与NH3-N对罗氏沼虾Z5、Z7与Z9的24h、48h、72h、96h的LC50值,提出NO2--N对Z5、Z7和Z9的安全浓度分别为0。

4)safe level安全浓度

1.The "safe level" of Hg2+, Cd2+ , Zn2+ , Mn2+ to the larvae is 0.根据重金属对日本对虾仔虾的96hLC_(50)值计算的Hg~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Mn~(2+)的安全浓度分别为0。

2.A"safe level "of coppe.根据仔虾的96h LC_(50)值计算的铜、汞、铬的安全浓度分别为0。

5)safety concentration安全浓度

1.Effect of tweleve Tibetan herbal medicine onsafety concentrations and growth of chicken embryo fibroblast12种藏药对鸡胚成纤维细胞的安全浓度和生长的影响

2.The LC_(50),thesafety concentration and the sensitivity of the drugs were compared and suggestions proposed.8mg/L;安全浓度(Sc)分别为硫酸铜0。

3.76 mL/m3 respectively;Thesafety concentrations of Monopterus albus to glutaraldehyde and quaternary am.76mL/m3;2种药物对黄鳝的安全浓度分别为3。

6)Safe concentration(SC)安全浓度(SC)


