100字范文 > 质量浓度分析 mass concentrations analysis英语短句 例句大全

质量浓度分析 mass concentrations analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-03 15:57:36


质量浓度分析 mass concentrations analysis英语短句 例句大全

质量浓度分析,mass concentrations analysis

1)mass concentrations analysis质量浓度分析

1.This methods has been applied inmass concentrations analysis of separation process.采用分光光度法测定混合液中的Ni2+和Co2+质量浓度,考察了Ni2+和Co2+测定及相互的干扰影响,并将分光光度法应用于分离过程的质量浓度分析。

2)mass size distribution质量浓度谱分布

1.To understand one of the important characteristics of Beijing particulate matter pollution, themass size distribution of particulate matters and its water-soluble ions, the particle samples were collected by a MOUDI cascade impactor in Beijing during July 2001, March 2002, July 2002 and January and every sampling period lasted a week.通过分析获得了颗粒物及其离子成分的质量浓度谱分布;发现北京城区颗粒物中细粒子占PM10的40%~60%,已经成为PM10的主要组成部分;但是细粒子和粗粒子的质量浓度与PM10都有很强的相关性(R2>80%),仍然可以通过控制粗粒子的浓度来降低PM10的浓度;在细粒子浓度高于70μg·m-3时,硫酸盐、硝酸盐和铵盐在细粒子中所占比例之和大于70%,是颗粒物浓度升高的主要因素;并且观测到颗粒物的质量粒径谱分布在积聚模态存在2个亚模态以及积聚模态出现在1·0~1·8μm的粒径段的谱分布;对于积聚模态峰值出现在1·0~1·8μm粒径段的原因,进行了初步分析。

3)mass percent concentration质量百分浓度

1.Proceeding from the concepts and definitions of the activities of components in metallurgical melts and their standard states, the discrepancies about applying the mass fraction andmass percent concentration to metallurgy were analyzed and discussed.从冶金熔体中组元的活度及其标准态的概念和定义出发,分析和讨论了在冶金领域应用质量分数和质量百分浓度的差异。

4)mass concentration distributions质量浓度分布



2.An Experimental Study on the Measurement of Pesticide Concentration Distribution in Sealed Interspace;密闭空间药雾质量浓度分布的实验研究

3.Distribution characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in forest wetland soil-water solutions in Sanjiang Plain三江平原典型岛状林湿地土壤水DOC质量浓度分布特征

4.The use of C-V technique in slowing distribution of P-N junction;CV法测缓变PN结杂质浓度分布的研究

5.Research on Measurement Mothod of the Concentration and Size Distribution of Indoor Suspended Particulate Matters室内悬浮颗粒物浓度与粒径分布测量方法研究

6.Simultaneous Optimization of Multi-component Mass Exchange Network Based on the Mass Transfer Composition Difference;基于传质浓度差同步优化多组分质量交换网络

7.Characteristics of Mass Concentration of Dust-aerosols over the Ejin Region;额济纳地区沙尘气溶胶质量浓度特征初步分析

8.Concentration Variation Characteristics and Time-frequency Analysis of PM10 in Zhanjiang湛江市PM10质量浓度变化特征及时频分析

9.Study on the Concentration Distribution and Mass Transfer for CTST;立体传质塔板CTST罩内外浓度分布及传质性能的研究

10.tenth-normal solution十分之一当量浓度溶液

11.Vertical Suspended Sediment Concentration Due to Waves and Wave-current Flows;波浪及波流共同作用下悬移质浓度垂线分布的研究

12.Distribution of Suspended Sediment Concentration in Wave-Current Conditions in the Sea Adjacent to Rushan;乳山海域波流条件下的悬移质浓度分布特征研究

13.reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity.在强度、浓度、质量或者纯度上有所减弱。

14.Analysis of semen criterion and electrolyte of male infertility男性不育患者精液质量指标和精浆电解质浓度的测定与分析

15.Variations in Mass Concentrations and Ozone Formation Potentials of C2-12 Hydrocarbons in Typical Areas of Hangzhou,China杭州典型区域C2-12质量浓度变化及臭氧潜势量分析

16.determination of mass concentration of sulphur dioxide in ambient air (thorin spectrophotometric method)环境空气中二氧化硫质量浓度的测定-钍试剂分光光度测定法

17.Examination of HPAM concentration in produced water with turbidity method浊度法测定油田采出水中HPAM质量浓度

18.Effect of Increasing Surface Ozone Concentration on Yield and Dry Matter Production and Allocation of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)近地层臭氧浓度升高对水稻产量和物质生产与分配的影响


mass size distribution质量浓度谱分布

1.To understand one of the important characteristics of Beijing particulate matter pollution, themass size distribution of particulate matters and its water-soluble ions, the particle samples were collected by a MOUDI cascade impactor in Beijing during July 2001, March 2002, July 2002 and January and every sampling period lasted a week.通过分析获得了颗粒物及其离子成分的质量浓度谱分布;发现北京城区颗粒物中细粒子占PM10的40%~60%,已经成为PM10的主要组成部分;但是细粒子和粗粒子的质量浓度与PM10都有很强的相关性(R2>80%),仍然可以通过控制粗粒子的浓度来降低PM10的浓度;在细粒子浓度高于70μg·m-3时,硫酸盐、硝酸盐和铵盐在细粒子中所占比例之和大于70%,是颗粒物浓度升高的主要因素;并且观测到颗粒物的质量粒径谱分布在积聚模态存在2个亚模态以及积聚模态出现在1·0~1·8μm的粒径段的谱分布;对于积聚模态峰值出现在1·0~1·8μm粒径段的原因,进行了初步分析。

3)mass percent concentration质量百分浓度

1.Proceeding from the concepts and definitions of the activities of components in metallurgical melts and their standard states, the discrepancies about applying the mass fraction andmass percent concentration to metallurgy were analyzed and discussed.从冶金熔体中组元的活度及其标准态的概念和定义出发,分析和讨论了在冶金领域应用质量分数和质量百分浓度的差异。

4)mass concentration distributions质量浓度分布

5)analytical concentration分析浓度

6)Mass concentration质量浓度

1.Aerosol mass concentration algorithm based on the number of equivalent spherical particles;基于等效球形颗粒数的颗粒物质量浓度算法

2.Influence of temperature and relative humidity upon aerosol mass concentrations vertical distributions;温度和相对湿度对气溶胶质量浓度垂直分布的影响

3.Analysis of aerosol number concentration and mass concentration using APS;利用APS分析大气气溶胶数浓度和质量浓度


