100字范文 > 水源水和饮用水 Source water and drinking water英语短句 例句大全

水源水和饮用水 Source water and drinking water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-04 16:41:36


水源水和饮用水 Source water and drinking water英语短句 例句大全

水源水和饮用水,Source water and drinking water

1)Source water and drinking water水源水和饮用水

2)source water饮用水源水

1.Study on the contamination of Polycyelic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Henansource water;河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃污染状况的研究

2.This study researched contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbonsin in Henansource water.本文对河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃的污染状况进行了初步研究,研究结果表明河南省主要城市饮用水源水普遍受到多环芳烃的污染,主要污染因子为萘、蒽、菲、芘、荧蒽、芴以及强致癌性物质苯并(a)芘,而且苯并(a)芘有超标情况出现。


1.The Present Water Quality and Its Prediction of the Feed Water Source in Kuitun City;奎屯市饮用水源水质现状与水质预测

2.The protection of drinking water source to safeguard the quantity and quality of water.饮用水源保护和水量、水质保证。

3.Planning for the Protection of Reservior Drinking Water Sources水库饮用水水源地保护规划编制探讨

4.Analysis on water quality variation for city drinking water source城市饮用水水源水质的变化特性分析

5.Water quality assessment of surface drinking water sources in cities and towns of China全国城镇地表水饮用水水源地水质评价

6.The protection of ground sources for domestic and drinking water shall be strengthened.对生活饮用水地下水源应当加强保护。

7.Supply of drinking water is contaminated by refuse from the factory .饮用水水源遭到工厂废料的污染。


9.Introduction and Investigation on Drinking Water Source in Yangling杨凌示范区饮用水水源地调查和介绍

10.To give drinking water to.提供饮水向…提供饮用水

11.Objective] To understand the pollution of freshwater algae in natural mineral water sources for drinking.[目的]握饮用天然矿泉水水源淡水藻类污染现状。

12.Algae Investigation in Drinking Water and Source Water and the Methodological Research;饮用水及水源水藻类调查及方法学研究

13.Research on Evaluation Indices System of Ground Drinking Water Source Security for Cities;城市饮用水地下水水源地安全评价体系研究

14.Assessment and Investigation of Water Security on Centralized Drinking Water Sources in Towns of Chongqing重庆市城镇饮用水水源地水安全调查与评价

15.Study on division of conservation areas for drinking water and on protective measures for Chitian Reservoir赤田水库饮用水水源保护区划分与保护措施

16.Protection of drinking water sources and water pollution control in rural areas农村饮用水水源地安全保障与水污染防治

17.Measurement of the Oxygen Consumption Coefficient(k1) of Drinking Water Source in Tangpu Reservoir饮用水源汤浦水库水中耗氧系数k1的确定

parison of Division Method for Reservoir Drinking Water Protected Area水库型饮用水水源保护区划分方法比较


source water饮用水源水

1.Study on the contamination of Polycyelic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Henansource water;河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃污染状况的研究

2.This study researched contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbonsin in Henansource water.本文对河南省主要城市饮用水源水中多环芳烃的污染状况进行了初步研究,研究结果表明河南省主要城市饮用水源水普遍受到多环芳烃的污染,主要污染因子为萘、蒽、菲、芘、荧蒽、芴以及强致癌性物质苯并(a)芘,而且苯并(a)芘有超标情况出现。

3)drinking water source饮用水水源

1.The pollution of citydrinking water source in China has become an outstanding problem that restricts the economic,social development and living standards of the people.城市饮用水水源污染已成为制约城市经济、社会发展和人民生活正常需要的一个突出问题。

2.Water quality standard fordrinking water sources plays an important role in water environment evaluation and protection ofdrinking water sources.饮用水水源水质标准是评价和保护水源地水环境质量的重要依据,指出了我国饮用水水源水质相关标准存在的问题,如缺乏法律保障、主管部门不明确、缺少专业标准、水质基准研究不足等;分析了《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)和《地下水质量标准》(GB/T14848—93)在标准体系、指标限值、监测评价、实施保障等方面的不足,并对我国饮用水水源水质标准的制定提出了建议。

3.Based on the one-dimension model for water environmental capacity(WEC) in river,a new model for the WEC estimation in river-reservoir system was developed indrinking water source conservation area(DWSCA).基于河流一维水环境容量计算模型,通过水质控制目标分析,引入了饮用水供水水库的水环境容量决定其保护区内河流水质控制目标的概念,提出以水库的水环境容量为其上游保护区内河流段末的水质控制目标,解决了由于河流与湖库的总磷水质标准不一致、水质标准中没有河流总氮指标以及水环境容量计算中河流与湖库水文设计条件不同步等,导致水源保护区内河流的水质控制目标确定困难的问题,建立了针对饮用水水源保护区内河流水环境容量的计算模型和方法。

4)Drinking water饮用水源水

1.Research on O_3-BAC Combined Process Treating Organic Matters Containing in Drinking Water;O_3-BAC工艺处理饮用水源水中有机物的研究

5)Drinking water sources饮用水水源

1.48% of 1817 underground drinking water sources exceeds the water quality standard for one or more chemicals or toxic compounds.根据调查的全国建制市和县级城镇的集中式地下水饮用水水源地水质监测结果,评价了我国城市地下水饮用水水源地的水质安全状况、污染特征、变化趋势等,为城市饮用水安全保障提供了重要的基础。

6)Drinking water source饮用水源

1.Water pollution analysis of drinking water source in urban district of Yan"an with method of improved Euclidean cluster;应用改进后的欧氏聚类法对延安市区饮用水源的水质污染分析

2.Water quality analysis of main drinking water source of Kunming;昆明市区主要饮用水源水质分析

3.Water quality of public drinking water sources in some key cities of main environmental protection in China.;中国部分环境保护重点城市集中式饮用水源水质评价


